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15 Best Finch Feeders Reviewed and Rated in .Recently Viewed

15 Best Finch Feeders Reviewed and Rated in .Recently Viewed

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Simply add the code to the Add Promo Code field in your shopping cart, located under the proceed to checkout button! Offers cannot be combined, one code per order. Call Duncraft at 1. FAX 1. All Rights Reserved. Prices, specifications, and images are subject to change without notice. Privacy Policy. Free Shipping. We Know Birds Questions about birds? Or maybe something about your order? Ask our friendly experts. Call Weekdays ampm Eastern.

View Cart 0 Items. Thanks for clicking. That felt good. Finch’s Favorite 3-Tube Feeder. As Low As: Price: Add to Cart. Description Video Popular finch feeder with 36 feeding ports! Watch more finches feeding outside your window. Includes three 2 inch diameter clear plastic seed tubes. Easy viewing of the seed levels.

Removable caps and perches for easy cleaning. Finished in red plastic. Holds 3 lbs. Login to Write A Review. My finches LOVE this feeder. It is very cheap plastic, but that worked well for me because I don’t feed the small thistle and holes are small for that. I feed sunflower chips and was able to enlarge the holes by putting a screw driver into them and turning slightly.

This tore away small bits of the plastic and made the hole large enough for sunflower chips. Would love to see this feeder in another version with larger holes. A little hard to clean, you’ll need a long bottle washer brush. It is cheap plastic, but withstood our NE winter last year and will be fine for use again this this year. Very pleased with this feeder.

Rarely purchase from Duncraft as they are too expensive these days. I have used other finch feeders and usually have 2 finches who eat daily. I put this feeder up and within an hour had 6 finches, within three days had 11 finches. They absolutely love it and spend a lot of time there even when they are taking a break from eating.

The only con is that the perchs are not fixed to the tubes. Therefore they can easily slide out of the tubes or as was my case, be pushed out by a curious squirrel. This is less of a problem if you keep it fully filled. And thankfully, the squirrels were only curious about it the first day and have left it alone now.

This is the first finch feeder ive had that the seed did not get wet at the bottom after a rain storm. I did use feeder fresh at the bottom though as well. Lastly, get ready to buy a lot of finch thisle because you will be refilling this feeder a few times a week because it is so popular. Buy this feeder, its all plastic but the finchs love everything about it. You’ll be amazed! I was skeptical that it would attract so many finches, even though others said it did.

It is flimsy and appears cheaply made, but it works better than I thought! It is fall where I live. I put the feeder out just 3 days ago. Today I looked out and counted 13 finches just hanging out! I was amazed! They really do like it. I have a 3 foot feeder as well, but they preferred to socialize on this one instead. I love it!

Holes way to large to much nyjer seed lo. I don’t know what it is about this feeder, but the finches prefer it to all others. I often have have every port filled with other finches waiting just like the picture shows. DO use Feeder Fresh Highly recommend!

Or maybe something about your order? Ask our friendly experts. Call Weekdays ampm Eastern. View Cart 0 Items. Thanks for clicking. That felt good.

Finch’s Favorite 3-Tube Feeder. As Low As: Price: Add to Cart. Description Video Popular finch feeder with 36 feeding ports! Watch more finches feeding outside your window. Includes three 2 inch diameter clear plastic seed tubes.

Easy viewing of the seed levels. Removable caps and perches for easy cleaning. Finished in red plastic. Holds 3 lbs. Login to Write A Review. My finches LOVE this feeder. It is very cheap plastic, but that worked well for me because I don’t feed the small thistle and holes are small for that.

I feed sunflower chips and was able to enlarge the holes by putting a screw driver into them and turning slightly. The best thistle seed bird feeder is something that will make it quite easy to place enough supply of seeds for birds while keeping all those pesky pests away.

One such product is the Brome squirrel-proof thistle bird feeder. One of the things I like about this is that it uses an ingenious mechanism in order to ward off those pesky pests. Thanks to its simple design, you can simply hang the feeder on any tree limb or hook it to several spots. It also features a protective metal cage in order to keep its exterior safe. One of the issues I noticed, however, is that it can be a bit hard to refill at times. Also, this particular product is a nyjer seed feeder which means it only holds nyjer seed.

The LH feeder from Perky-Pet is one of the few bird feeders for finches that manage to incorporate quirky design and functionality into one. Instead, it features a powder-coated, all-metal mesh construction to ensure durability and longevity even when exposed to outdoor elements at all times.

Another thing that I really like about this lighthouse mesh finch feeder is that it can hold up to 1. This makes it perfect for both clinging and perching birds. It can even feed up to 15 birds all at the same time. So far, I found no major issues with the LH lighthouse feeder, except for the fact that its light might attract more critters than birds at times.

Not all finch feeders for sale on the market can effectively feed finches. That said, if your problem is that finches find it hard to eat from a feeder, then the feeder from Stokes is the perfect option for you.

Of the many goldfinch feeders out there, this one has proven itself to be quite versatile as it can also attract chickadees and nuthatches. What I like about this Stokes feeder is that it comes with yellow perches and feeding ports. The perches come with three port holes where birds can eat from. Each of the holes is small enough to prevent seeds from falling while large enough for the birds to feed on.

At first glance, you can see that the perches are durable and well-designed. Also, since the feeder comes in a bright yellow color, it can easily attract finches into your yard. Despite all its amazing features, one issue I noticed with the Stokes tube feeder is that it can only hold up to 6 finches at a time. While this might not be a dealbreaker for some, it can be for people like me who want to feed as many finches as possible.

Perky-Pet is a known name in the market when it comes to manufacturing reliable finch feeders. This FF10 metal finch feeder, in particular, features an all-metal design which makes it impervious to damage, mainly from squirrels. This ensures that it can last for a really long time without having to worry about its durability at all. Though not as popular as the other finch feeders on the market, the FF10 metal finch feeder is fully capable of attracting a lot of goldfinches — something that I noticed after the first few days of use.

You can fill it up with a finch mix, though the capacity is fairly small at only a pound. There were some mixed reactions to this product.

Apart from that, the feeder could certainly use some improvements, mainly in its color and the addition of shade on top.

The last one on the list is this shorty finch feeder from Perky-Pet. As a screen feeder, it can provide you with a lot of entertainment, especially when finches start flocking in your yard. Second, its mesh wire design makes sure that finches can have a large area to cling on.

They can even eat upside down if they prefer! Lastly, I really like how the tray at the bottom is positioned. I really like this feature since most of the finches I observed tend to have their seeds fell out. The tray, however, makes sure that the seeds will remain on the feeder.

It also means a feeder should be able to attract not only one kind of finches but as many as possible. To have all these, Stokes Select Feeder is your best bet. It has a very simple design similar to a soda bottle finch feeder but definitely more functional than that.

Designed with a durable top and bottom bafflers, this bird feeder attracts goldfinches, house and purple finches and pink siskins among others. Smaller birds with small bills can also join in the feast.

With a capacity of 1. And because it is made of wired mesh, the seeds are well protected from big birds and squirrels. Do you have more finches than you can manage? Then you need a longer feeder. Depending on where you are, finches can come in droves so giving them enough space to enjoy their food is crucial. Not only feeding time should be fun for the birds, it should be fun for the bird watcher as well. Giving them all the chance to eat without fighting for space will surely make your bird watching experience a lot more fun as well.

It is an elongated feeder with perches to provide comfort to all birds during the feeding time. The beauty of this thistle feeder is not just its design but because the metal tops and bases are made of zinc, it will last a lifetime.

Considering its relatively higher price as compared to other feeders, this is the most practical one birders can have so far. With the droll Yankees, you can have 15 to 20 goldfinches feasting on your thistle all at once. This Yankees, measuring inch is long enough to be hanged under the trees or for a more beautiful spot, by the window.

Claiming to last a lifetime, the UV-stabilized, clear polycarbonate is sure to last for a long time, and will never discolor, making it worth every dollar. Many companies claim to create beautiful and functional feeders. But very few keep their promise.

Sometimes, even seemingly effective feeders fail for many reasons. In addition to actual functionality of the feeder, finding the best place to hang your feeder is very important. Can the finches spot it at once? I think that long feeders occupy too much space while feeders with complicated design does not look classy in the yard.

At the end of the day, like many birders, you would want your feeder to add more character to the yellow, red and pink finches you so badly want to watch.

Its simple design complements all backyard aesthetic. This especially happens when birds become scarce in winter or in hot summer, when they are nesting. Bird feeding is a great hobby but it can also be demanding.

This is especially true during the spring, when they all come looking for great food. Finches are one of the easiest to attract and for many years, bird watchers have tried many ways to get them to keep on coming back for more.

Traditional bird feeders are out there for keeps. The Kaytee Finch Sock Feeder Twin Pack, 26 oz has proven its worth and it is also an easier way to attract finches into your backyard. The feeder sock, designed like a mesh bag, is a great way to feed the finches over plastic feeders, as it is not too hard for the bill of the finches.

The mesh bag is perfect for golden finch and other small-billed birds. The Kaytee feeder can withstand all weather and the thistle inside does not rot easily even after exposure to the harsh elements. The tube type finch feeder has not lost its touch. The finch feeder is easy to use, easy to assemble, and can hold up to one pound of finch seeds or finch mix. With its mid-range price among the many feeders out there, this simple tube type, aluminum mesh feeder does its work without much hassle.

The finches love it as they can enjoy feasting on the thistle feeds from all side of the tube. While they are clinging to the mesh, you can also enjoy a full view of the birds-in-action.

Since it is made of aluminum, it can last for a long time. With anything yellow, the finches are surprisingly easy to attract — the brighter the yellow is, the better the result too! No wonder manufacturers like bird quest created everything using a bright yellow design, including the perches. Tube bird feeders provide many hours of bird feeding enjoyment. The long, slender tubes help keep seeds dry and offer lots of room for multiple ports, which provide plenty of space for several birds to eat at one time.

Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards. Add to Cart. Types of Bird Houses – Are you looking to provide a more permanent home for your feathered friends? Bird houses are a great way to do that! Find out which styles of bird houses are best for different species of birds. This guide will help you choose the best types of bird seed for your most frequent visitors, so they keep coming back for more.

Resident Birds – Did you know that not all birds migrate for the winter? There are more non-migratory birds than you might think!

A quality finch feeder is an essential item for every bird watcher. Finches are some of the most colorful, social, and entertaining birds indigenous to America.

So, despite their charm, they are widespread and easy to attract to your backyard. Oh, and, just so that you know, a flock of finches is called a ” charm. If you want to see a charm of finches in your yard all day, you’ll need a feeder that serves their favorite nyjer seed, 3 tube finch feeder free download at a rate that meets your time and budget.

Fortunately, I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of 6 quality finch feeders starting with the 1 Droll Yankees Nyjer Tube Feederplus a guide tuge the end to help you make an informed decision Earning the top spot is a finch feeder that serves only finches. Well, and maybe other little birdies that won’t chase off the finch, like chickadees and siskins. More specifically, this feeder can serve only nyjer seed, a finch-favorite, because of its tiny feeding ports. So, only birds with equally tiny beaks can enjoy the thistles in the feeder.

It’s made with the best of materials in mind, so you can expect to use this feeder for many seasons. As a matter of fact, Droll Yankees offers a lifetime 3 tube finch feeder free download against squirrel damage on this http://replace.me/18976.txt. That’s not much of a surprise.

The top and bottom of the feeder are made with die-cast metal, which would see no rust or damage from little birds for years. Plus, it has a polycarbonate tube that won’t discolor even under constant exposure to the sun. However, since it serves only nyjer seeds, it’ll be left alone by critters and other birds that may terrorize the нажмите для деталей. Even if you’ve got quite a number of finches already visiting your yard, its 3 tube finch feeder free download seed capacity should be enough.

It is 23″ tall and has eight ports that should be enough, and if not, you can try their 36″ inch feeder. An issue with most thistle feeders, including this one, is their drainage and cleaning. Water stays at the bottom of the feeder and causes the seeds to mold and also ftee to clean.

Fortunately, Droll Yankees try to solve this issue by making a drainage hole at the base of the feeder. Now, it doesn’t solve the issue outright, but it helps. It even comes with a long cleaning brush, which solves a lot of future headaches because this type of narrow tube feeders can be hard to clean.

Another helpful feature is its sloppy base. It allows the finches to fre the bottom-feeding ports. Not to forget, refilling this feeder is a walk in the park. Just slide off the top lid and fill the tube with seed. If you want the best nyjer seed feeder to attract finches, look no further than the Droll Yankees. It is durable, easy to clean, and suitable 3 tube finch feeder free download attracting and feeding in a yard with a dozen or more finches.

No downlpad. No plastic. With durable construction out of frfe way, you should also know it works well for attracting finches. The mesh 3 tube finch feeder free download of this feeder attracts only birds small enough to cling and pull seeds out. You guessed reaktor 6 free download, like yellow finches and goldfinches, who are doanload of eating downloa down while clinging.

Plus, this means the entire surface of the feeder is a feasting zone, so you can keep more birds happy. Perky Pet uses a 3 tube finch feeder free download patented baffle system to keep seeds evenly distributed at the top and bottom. If you look closely, you’ll see the two cone-like baffles. It allows the birds to have more options to eat around the feeder even when it’s low, rather than crowding and посмотреть еще at a spot.

Also, the tray catches dispelled seed from the feeder, which minimizes waste and opens up more feeding room for the birds. Plus, it has drainage holes that keep tune seeds from getting soaked when it becomes inevitably wet.

Nonetheless, if the top lid and tray were any bigger, this feeder would’ve been perfect. Thankfully, the feeder opens easily, has no crevices for seeds to get stuck. So you can clean it easily downloas the seeds are stale or soaked.

It’s a great bird feeder 3 tube finch feeder free download your yard is a hot zone for birds. Almost every part of its construction dispenses seeds to finches and other small birds. Moreover, this feeder is affordable, and the issue with its small tray is excusable since it may attract larger birds.

Contrary to the views of some birdwatchers, sock feeders are safe for attracting a flock if you find the right one. And dispose of it as soon its due. The Kaytee Sock Feeder is one of the good ones that you can try. Страница a favorite among http://replace.me/19020.txt birds whenever it’s placed with tube or mesh feeders.

Because of its http://replace.me/13861.txt surface area, it’s better off as a backup feeder. In particular, the Kaytee twin pack contains 8″ long sock refillable sock feeders. And they come filled with Kaytee nyjer seeds too.

Because these socks are bird hotspots, you’ll be refilling them quite often. It uses a drawstring to open and close the bag. However, you shouldn’t expect 3 tube finch feeder free download socks to last more than a month or 3 tube finch feeder free download few refills. In fact, for 3 tube finch feeder free download safety of the birds, replace them when they start to tear. Birds can get stuck, and in sad yet bizarre situations, die if no one’s around set them free.

Just hang the thistle socks correctly, and you’ll attract just as many birds as most other feeders for however long they last.

The Kaytee sock feeder is a nice backup option for when you have a bird invasion in your yard. It’s a budget option for a beginner bird watcher that doesn’t mind the sight of a sock hanging downloaf yard.

It has a quaint lighthouse design, and to put a cherry on the top, solar LED lights up in its roof after dark The feeding arrangement of this feeder is unique. It has a mesh construction that attracts clinging but also features a fincn with a foot landing around the feeder for perching birds.

The mesh is only small enough for birds with small beaks like finches. Its patented Evenseed technology allows the feeder to dispense 1. Although продолжить чтение is only 14 inches high, it can accommodate as many as 15 birds at a time. The only thing is, with so many birds eating simultaneously, it may require refilling more often.

With the Perky Pet Solar feeder, you can get a well-built feeder that not only attracts lots of finches but also beautifies your yard. Costing only a few bucks, it’s a good bargain 3 tube finch feeder free download a lighthouse that would leave visitors to your home wowed. It’d almost key 2003 free download microsoft frontpage disrespectful to make a list of dkwnload “best feeder” in any category without including one from Stokes Select.

And with more than a thousand units sold online, their Little-Bits Feeders rightfully earns a spot on the list. It has a mesh screen that attracts all types of finches and other little birds like siskins and nuthatches. The birds can perch on the tray or cling and eat the way they like. Furthermore, refilling and cleaning is a breeze. The wide opening of its lid makes it easy to pour seeds into the feeder with less spill and hassle.

To make cleaning easy, the base can also be removed to flush clumped thistle out when it rains. Still, on rainy days, the base has drainage holes that keep most of the seeds in the feeder when there’s a downpour.

But it’d feedeg been much better if the top lid was a bit larger, so it can stop the rain from getting into the feeder instead. So, be ready to take on that chore. This is one of the most affordable high-quality thistle feeders you can get to attract finches. It’s built to last, easy to clean, but you may 3 tube finch feeder free download to deal with its small size. If you really love watching finches, then you should mix up their diet with black oil sunflower 3 tube finch feeder free download see more of their bright plumage in your yard.

Finches love it. Yes, it’d attract more of other bird species, but the more the merrier, right? Besides, finches only eat the sunflower husk because their beaks aren’t strong enough to crack the sunflower shell. So they’d need other birds, like the equally adorable cardinals, to do the heavy lifting. Just be sure you’re pairing this sunflower feeder with any type of finch feeder above for best results.

Let’s watch a charm of finches flocking a feeder Can you imagine how lovely it’d look in your yard? Getting the best finch feeder isn’t rocket science. You ffeder need to understand these birds, their population in your area, and the standout features of a suitable finch feeder There are several types of finch feeders available from many brands which also includes a mealworm feeder and the ones mentioned above.

Choosing the best type would be based on your personal preference. The tube finch feeder allows you fibch control the number of finches or birds eating at a time.

It is usually a long plastic tube with a certain number of perches with feeding ports. The hole at нажмите чтобы узнать больше port is tiny, but enough to fit the small nyger seeds the favorite seed of the finches.

Consequently, the number of birds feeding would be 3 tube finch feeder free download to the number of perches on your tube feeder. Find one that’s close to cownload you want.

Nov 03,  · Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the NO/NO® Straight-Sided Finch Tube Feeder stands up against squirrels and other. A finch feeder, also known as a tube bird feeder, is designed to attract a flock of finches to your yard. Finches are small birds that exist in a variety of different colors. They feed primarily on thistle seed and are known for their beautiful chirping sounds. A finch feeder is a long, thin, tube-shaped bird feeder. Available in a number of different styles and designs, some finch feeders /5(). Tube bird feeders provide many hours of bird feeding enjoyment. The long, slender tubes help keep seeds dry and offer lots of room for multiple ports, which provide plenty of space for several birds to eat at one time. Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards. Mar 18,  · Here’s a rundown of the main types of finch feeders: 1. Tube Feeder. The tube finch feeder allows you to control the number of finches or birds eating at a time. It is usually a long plastic tube with a certain number of perches with feeding ports. The hole at each port is tiny, but enough to fit the small nyger seeds (the favorite seed of the. The eye-catching yellow baffles on this Finch Tube Feeder help retain seed along the entire length of the feeder and helps to attract both perching and clinging birds. Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the Perky-Pet Yellow Straight-Sided Finch Tube Hanging Bird Feeder stands up against squirrels and.

The only problem I have with it is that the top fits on so tightly I can hardly get it off. The first time it took me forever and the second time the top of the plastic tube cracked because I was having so much trouble trying to turn, pull and twist it off.

I did glue it. The third time was still hard. I ordered two of these and gave one to a friend and hers was fine. We have been using the Rainbow finch feeders for years. Our finches absolutely love these feeders. The feeders areboth colorful and attractive. Although it has become increasingly difficult to find these feeders locally, we were very happy to discover that The Backyard Chirper still has these available.

Very satisfied.. I have been buying this tube feeder for years Holds enough seed to last all day and I get lots of birds. And the colored posts shine in sunlight! Sign up now to receive coupons and information exclusively for subscribers. Perky-pet sure have a lot of perks. While it may be a little costly than most feeders, it last longer even years before you even need a replacement.

I have used homemade finch sock feeders in the past and they seem to work great but I personally like this feeder better for two reasons: sustainability and durability. It is not only environment friendly but it will last a long time. The feeder features a unique mesh design perfect for birds to cling or to perch so you will get to see many birds in action at a given time.

The mesh design also distributes the birdseeds evenly. Seasoned bird enthusiast rated this a 5 out of 5 for its functionality. The birds can eat from all sides while the squirrels are barred by the baffler top made of stainless steel. To avoid messing up bird seeds, a tray made of the same material as the baffler is placed at the bottom. The birds can eat the seeds on the tray after. The best thistle seed bird feeder is something that will make it quite easy to place enough supply of seeds for birds while keeping all those pesky pests away.

One such product is the Brome squirrel-proof thistle bird feeder. One of the things I like about this is that it uses an ingenious mechanism in order to ward off those pesky pests. Thanks to its simple design, you can simply hang the feeder on any tree limb or hook it to several spots. It also features a protective metal cage in order to keep its exterior safe. One of the issues I noticed, however, is that it can be a bit hard to refill at times.

Also, this particular product is a nyjer seed feeder which means it only holds nyjer seed. The LH feeder from Perky-Pet is one of the few bird feeders for finches that manage to incorporate quirky design and functionality into one. Instead, it features a powder-coated, all-metal mesh construction to ensure durability and longevity even when exposed to outdoor elements at all times.

Another thing that I really like about this lighthouse mesh finch feeder is that it can hold up to 1. This makes it perfect for both clinging and perching birds.

It can even feed up to 15 birds all at the same time. So far, I found no major issues with the LH lighthouse feeder, except for the fact that its light might attract more critters than birds at times.

Not all finch feeders for sale on the market can effectively feed finches. That said, if your problem is that finches find it hard to eat from a feeder, then the feeder from Stokes is the perfect option for you. Of the many goldfinch feeders out there, this one has proven itself to be quite versatile as it can also attract chickadees and nuthatches.

What I like about this Stokes feeder is that it comes with yellow perches and feeding ports. The perches come with three port holes where birds can eat from.

Each of the holes is small enough to prevent seeds from falling while large enough for the birds to feed on. At first glance, you can see that the perches are durable and well-designed. Also, since the feeder comes in a bright yellow color, it can easily attract finches into your yard. Despite all its amazing features, one issue I noticed with the Stokes tube feeder is that it can only hold up to 6 finches at a time. While this might not be a dealbreaker for some, it can be for people like me who want to feed as many finches as possible.

Perky-Pet is a known name in the market when it comes to manufacturing reliable finch feeders. This FF10 metal finch feeder, in particular, features an all-metal design which makes it impervious to damage, mainly from squirrels.

This ensures that it can last for a really long time without having to worry about its durability at all. Though not as popular as the other finch feeders on the market, the FF10 metal finch feeder is fully capable of attracting a lot of goldfinches — something that I noticed after the first few days of use. You can fill it up with a finch mix, though the capacity is fairly small at only a pound.

There were some mixed reactions to this product. Apart from that, the feeder could certainly use some improvements, mainly in its color and the addition of shade on top. The last one on the list is this shorty finch feeder from Perky-Pet. As a screen feeder, it can provide you with a lot of entertainment, especially when finches start flocking in your yard. Second, its mesh wire design makes sure that finches can have a large area to cling on.

They can even eat upside down if they prefer! Lastly, I really like how the tray at the bottom is positioned. I really like this feature since most of the finches I observed tend to have their seeds fell out. The tray, however, makes sure that the seeds will remain on the feeder.

It also means a feeder should be able to attract not only one kind of finches but as many as possible. To have all these, Stokes Select Feeder is your best bet.

It has a very simple design similar to a soda bottle finch feeder but definitely more functional than that. Designed with a durable top and bottom bafflers, this bird feeder attracts goldfinches, house and purple finches and pink siskins among others. Smaller birds with small bills can also join in the feast. With a capacity of 1. And because it is made of wired mesh, the seeds are well protected from big birds and squirrels.

Do you have more finches than you can manage? Then you need a longer feeder. Depending on where you are, finches can come in droves so giving them enough space to enjoy their food is crucial. Not only feeding time should be fun for the birds, it should be fun for the bird watcher as well. Giving them all the chance to eat without fighting for space will surely make your bird watching experience a lot more fun as well.

It is an elongated feeder with perches to provide comfort to all birds during the feeding time. Buy this feeder, its all plastic but the finchs love everything about it. You’ll be amazed! I was skeptical that it would attract so many finches, even though others said it did. It is flimsy and appears cheaply made, but it works better than I thought! It is fall where I live. I put the feeder out just 3 days ago.

Today I looked out and counted 13 finches just hanging out! I was amazed! They really do like it. I have a 3 foot feeder as well, but they preferred to socialize on this one instead. I love it! Holes way to large to much nyjer seed lo. I don’t know what it is about this feeder, but the finches prefer it to all others. I often have have every port filled with other finches waiting just like the picture shows.

DO use Feeder Fresh This type of feeder is typically the index of a tube feeder. It has feeding ports beneath the perches, instead of above. This forces the finches to eat upside down, which is one of the ways they eat in the wild. Aside from the spectacle, the upside-down feeder attracts the least birds. Like human nature, they’d instead go for a less stressful way to feast. The following tips should help you make an informed purchase in your quest to find the best finch feeder for your backyard:.

More often than not, I’d see birders buy cheap plastic feeders that break in less than a month. Whether you have a harsher climate for the finches in Michigan or live further south, this is not a great idea. Here’s the first rule: don’t go for plastic feeders. Powder-coated metal feeders stand the test of time from the elements and critters. Although critters won’t be an issue anymore once they discover that you serve nyger seeds, but for some reason, they don’t like it. If you prefer to use a tube feeder, which would be inevitably made of plastic, pick one that’s protected from sun rays.

This is an important factor to consider to prevent stress, wastage, and to avoid runaway finches. If you don’t see many finches around, it makes sense to start with a small finch feeder. This is because the nyjer seed is expensive and spoils fast. So, pick a feeder with a seed capacity that matches your budget and the number of finches in your environment.

Also, you can save the stress of several refill trips by getting a large-sized feeder. This feature is better appreciated during winter when it’s not only challenging but dangerous to refill several times a day. This matters a lot so as not to become frustrated after you buy a feeder.

Check out if the feeder opens at both the top and bottom. It makes cleaning easier, especially if a cleaning tool like a brush is not provided by the manufacture. Else, cleaning a long narrow tube with clumpy seeds can be difficult.

Also, ensure the feeder has a wide opening for filling it with seeds. This may not be an issue if you’ve got a scooper. It’s almost impossible to find a finch feeder that won’t litter your yard. However, you should make sure that the feeder has some sort of mechanism to curb the issue.

Mesh feeders usually have a tray, but it won’t be large enough. So you can just attach it to a larger saucer. Rodents may not eat the fallen husks, but they do litter the floor. So be prepared for this. Generally, finches love the color yellow. Maybe it’s because of their yellow plumage.

I guess I’d never know Regardless, you have a better chance of attracting American finches, goldfinches, and so on with a yellow feeder. This is not to say any other color won’t work. In fact, I’ve used a black finch feeder that attracts just as much when placed side-by-side with a yellow one. Open the cap, toss out the seeds and clean up the feeder immediately. This means flushing it out with water, then clean with a water mixture of ten parts water to one part bleach. This helps to kill the fungus left over by the mold if any.

Even though the finches might still eat the moldy seeds, it can cause them to have an eye infection. Like with other bird feeders , you should place it out of the reach of critters and not too exposed to direct sunlight. First, you should make sure it’s hung at least 4 feet above the ground. Then, keep it 10 feet away from tree trunks or objects that squirrels can use to latch unto the feeder.

Finches are typically vegetarians or seed-eaters. That said, seeds would be the bulk of their diet. Their favorite is most definitely the nyjer seed or thistle. The cardinal-cherished black oil sunflower is also a treat for finches. However, most finches seem to prefer hulled sunflower because their beaks aren’t strong enough to break the seed.


Finch Feeders & Waterers (Free Shipping) | Chewy.3 tube finch feeder free download

The eye-catching yellow baffles on this Finch Tube Feeder help retain seed along the entire length of the feeder and helps to attract both perching and clinging birds. Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the Perky-Pet Yellow Straight-Sided Finch Tube Hanging Bird Feeder stands up against squirrels and. A finch feeder, also known as a tube bird feeder, is designed to attract a flock of finches to your yard. Finches are small birds that exist in a variety of different colors. They feed primarily on thistle seed and are known for their beautiful chirping sounds. A finch feeder is a long, thin, tube-shaped bird feeder. Available in a number of different styles and designs, some finch feeders /5(). Tube bird feeders provide many hours of bird feeding enjoyment. The long, slender tubes help keep seeds dry and offer lots of room for multiple ports, which provide plenty of space for several birds to eat at one time. Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards. Jul 05,  · The inch tube finch feeder has a spiral-designed perches keeping the finches steady while feeding. The design also allows more birds to feed. While it is priced a bit more than most products, the durability, the functionality and the well crafted design of this the Bird Quest are enough reason to have this as an addition to your bird feeding.

This is less of a problem if you keep it fully filled. And thankfully, the squirrels were only curious about it the first day and have left it alone now. This is the first finch feeder ive had that the seed did not get wet at the bottom after a rain storm.

I did use feeder fresh at the bottom though as well. Lastly, get ready to buy a lot of finch thisle because you will be refilling this feeder a few times a week because it is so popular.

Buy this feeder, its all plastic but the finchs love everything about it. You’ll be amazed! I was skeptical that it would attract so many finches, even though others said it did.

It is flimsy and appears cheaply made, but it works better than I thought! It is fall where I live. I put the feeder out just 3 days ago.

Today I looked out and counted 13 finches just hanging out! Prices, specifications, and images are subject to change without notice. Privacy Policy. Free Shipping. We Know Birds Questions about birds? Or maybe something about your order?

If this were a metal feeder , it would be perfect. First, the finch love the feeder. I really like it also. The only problem I have with it is that the top fits on so tightly I can hardly get it off. The first time it took me forever and the second time the top of the plastic tube cracked because I was having so much trouble trying to turn, pull and twist it off.

I did glue it. The third time was still hard. I ordered two of these and gave one to a friend and hers was fine. We have been using the Rainbow finch feeders for years. Our finches absolutely love these feeders. The feeders areboth colorful and attractive. The only thing is, with so many birds eating simultaneously, it may require refilling more often.

With the Perky Pet Solar feeder, you can get a well-built feeder that not only attracts lots of finches but also beautifies your yard. Costing only a few bucks, it’s a good bargain for a lighthouse that would leave visitors to your home wowed. It’d almost seem disrespectful to make a list of the “best feeder” in any category without including one from Stokes Select.

And with more than a thousand units sold online, their Little-Bits Feeders rightfully earns a spot on the list. It has a mesh screen that attracts all types of finches and other little birds like siskins and nuthatches. The birds can perch on the tray or cling and eat the way they like. Furthermore, refilling and cleaning is a breeze.

The wide opening of its lid makes it easy to pour seeds into the feeder with less spill and hassle. To make cleaning easy, the base can also be removed to flush clumped thistle out when it rains. Still, on rainy days, the base has drainage holes that keep most of the seeds in the feeder when there’s a downpour. But it’d have been much better if the top lid was a bit larger, so it can stop the rain from getting into the feeder instead.

So, be ready to take on that chore. This is one of the most affordable high-quality thistle feeders you can get to attract finches. It’s built to last, easy to clean, but you may have to deal with its small size. If you really love watching finches, then you should mix up their diet with black oil sunflower to see more of their bright plumage in your yard. Finches love it.

Yes, it’d attract more of other bird species, but the more the merrier, right? Besides, finches only eat the sunflower husk because their beaks aren’t strong enough to crack the sunflower shell. So they’d need other birds, like the equally adorable cardinals, to do the heavy lifting. Just be sure you’re pairing this sunflower feeder with any type of finch feeder above for best results. Let’s watch a charm of finches flocking a feeder Can you imagine how lovely it’d look in your yard?

Getting the best finch feeder isn’t rocket science. You only need to understand these birds, their population in your area, and the standout features of a suitable finch feeder There are several types of finch feeders available from many brands which also includes a mealworm feeder and the ones mentioned above. Choosing the best type would be based on your personal preference.

The tube finch feeder allows you to control the number of finches or birds eating at a time. It is usually a long plastic tube with a certain number of perches with feeding ports. The hole at each port is tiny, but enough to fit the small nyger seeds the favorite seed of the finches.

Consequently, the number of birds feeding would be restricted to the number of perches on your tube feeder. Find one that’s close to what you want. The issue with this type of feeder is that they can be hard to clean, because clumped seeds may stick inside, especially at the bottom. If you don’t have a cleaner or hose, you can purchase one that opens at the bottom.

It is made from a sock-like mesh material, so it’s equally quite as disposable. In fact, a squirrel might tear it apart even on the first day out in the yard. Well, as long as you don’t hang it properly However, it attracts the most fiches because they can pick seeds from the hole without much hassle.

Also, you can refill the bag a couple of times before the birds tear out the holes. Want to enjoy the beautiful colors of the finches, then their diet is of importance.

A large bag of this nutritious seed will surely create many visits to the feeder. Thistle seeds are expensive so making sure that you have the right one that finches will love can spell success and failure of your bird feeding hobby.

Whether you are hanging the feeder because you feel bad for the finches or you have turned bird feeding into a hobby, the first step to enjoy this activity is to make sure that you can attract as many finches into your yard with the best finch feeder you can possibly find. Finches are beautiful bird. Their bright colors of red, yellow and orange are the result of the carotenoids acquired from their diet.

Male finches also use these colors to attract their mates. To keep the finches beautiful colors, choosing the right seed and finch feeder, the best location to hang your feeder, the best ways to protect your feeder from predators and the best design to last the harsh weather are just few things you may wish to consider once you finally decided to be a birder.

We got one of those at a garage sale and we and the finches love it. After it was up a year, a squirrel somehow got on it and destroyed some of the ports. Where can get one? Contents Best Finch Feeder Reviews 1. Stokes Select Finch Bird Feeder 2. Perky-Pet Thistle Feeder 3. Stokes Select Finch Bird Feeder Kaytee Finch Sock Feeder Stokes Select created beautiful bird feeders.

They are not only practical but economical as well. Constructed with durable, high-density plastic and metal combo, the feeder will not rust and can withstand any type of weather. What We Liked. It carries. What We Didn’t Like. Capacity is too small during the spring when birds come in droves.

While the feeder claims that it is weather proof, the plastic cap might not be suitable for extreme weather changes. The hot temperature may also alter the yellow cap into white after sometime. The yellow color attracts finches. Easy to clean Can be hanged anywhere but near windows for better view is suggested It has perches to keep the birds at peace during feeding time Small holes intended for finches only Big enough to hold 2 lbs of thistle seed or finch mix.

The plastic yellow cap may discolor after sometime The plastic bottom portion needs support. And since it has no wood component, there is no worry for molding or rotting because of its exposure to the elements: wind, air, rain or the sun. The Perky-pet will surely keep the birds happy and fed for a long time. It is easy to clean. Dishwasher friendly. The mesh gives all birds a chance to eat at once. Big enough. Holds 1. The colors are green and black. Finches love yellow More costly.

If you find that squirrels roam your premises, then this would be a great feeder to have. Non-adjustable design Hard to refill at times. Frequent refilling is required Can sometimes attract unwanted critters. All in all, the Stokes thistle feeder is one of the best you can find on the market.

Easy to clean Can hold up to 1. Can only accommodate 6 finches at once Cleaning can sometimes be a hassle since you need to dismantle all parts. Despite its limitations, I would still recommend the FF10 metal finch feeder from Perky-Pet to those who are looking for a durable and solid finch feeder. If the lack of color choices is not an issue for you, then this will surely be the right fit.

Quite durable, thanks to its all-metal construction Can feed multiple birds at once Can last for a really long time. Only limited to a single color option Can certainly use an addition of shade at the top.

Overall, I really like how this feeder is designed.

The eye-catching yellow baffles on this Finch Tube Feeder help retain seed along the entire length of the feeder and helps to attract both perching and clinging birds. Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the Perky-Pet Yellow Straight-Sided Finch Tube Hanging Bird Feeder stands up against squirrels and. A finch feeder, also known as a tube bird feeder, is designed to attract a flock of finches to your yard. Finches are small birds that exist in a variety of different colors. They feed primarily on thistle seed and are known for their beautiful chirping sounds. A finch feeder is a long, thin, tube-shaped bird feeder. Available in a number of different styles and designs, some finch feeders /5(). Nov 03,  · Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the NO/NO® Straight-Sided Finch Tube Feeder stands up against squirrels and other. Mar 18,  · Here’s a rundown of the main types of finch feeders: 1. Tube Feeder. The tube finch feeder allows you to control the number of finches or birds eating at a time. It is usually a long plastic tube with a certain number of perches with feeding ports. The hole at each port is tiny, but enough to fit the small nyger seeds (the favorite seed of the. Tube bird feeders provide many hours of bird feeding enjoyment. The long, slender tubes help keep seeds dry and offer lots of room for multiple ports, which provide plenty of space for several birds to eat at one time. Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards.

Description Video Popular finch feeder with 36 feeding ports! Watch more finches feeding outside your window. Includes three 2 inch diameter clear plastic seed tubes. Easy viewing of the seed levels. Removable caps and perches for easy cleaning. Finished in copper metal. Holds 3 lbs. Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards.

Add to Cart. Types of Bird Houses – Are you looking to provide a more permanent home for your feathered friends? Bird houses are a great way to do that! Find out which styles of bird houses are best for different species of birds. This guide will help you choose the best types of bird seed for your most frequent visitors, so they keep coming back for more.

Resident Birds – Did you know that not all birds migrate for the winter? Thank you! Wonderful feeder. I hang feeders on a 15′ tall anti-bear pole and want easy to open and fill feeders. This one is very easy to fill.

It does not allow anything larger than a Downy Woodpecker in. The open mesh bottom prevents buildup of debris and bird waste. Sadly, English Sparrows can, but they do not overwhelm the other birds.

I have been using it for many weeks now, and it is clearly the best feeder of its type I have ever used in well over 20 years of bird feeding. Good feeder but it is not squirrel proof. Once the squirrels discover it is made from plastic, they start nibbling out chunks of it. Finally they gnawed a circle around the top of the dome where it is attached to the hook and the whole thing came crashing to the ground, shattering it to pieces.

If this were a metal feeder , it would be perfect. First, the finch love the feeder. I really like it also. This may not be an issue if you’ve got a scooper. It’s almost impossible to find a finch feeder that won’t litter your yard. However, you should make sure that the feeder has some sort of mechanism to curb the issue. Mesh feeders usually have a tray, but it won’t be large enough. So you can just attach it to a larger saucer.

Rodents may not eat the fallen husks, but they do litter the floor. So be prepared for this. Generally, finches love the color yellow. Maybe it’s because of their yellow plumage. I guess I’d never know Regardless, you have a better chance of attracting American finches, goldfinches, and so on with a yellow feeder. This is not to say any other color won’t work. In fact, I’ve used a black finch feeder that attracts just as much when placed side-by-side with a yellow one.

Open the cap, toss out the seeds and clean up the feeder immediately. This means flushing it out with water, then clean with a water mixture of ten parts water to one part bleach. This helps to kill the fungus left over by the mold if any. Even though the finches might still eat the moldy seeds, it can cause them to have an eye infection. Like with other bird feeders , you should place it out of the reach of critters and not too exposed to direct sunlight.

First, you should make sure it’s hung at least 4 feet above the ground. Then, keep it 10 feet away from tree trunks or objects that squirrels can use to latch unto the feeder. Finches are typically vegetarians or seed-eaters. That said, seeds would be the bulk of their diet. Their favorite is most definitely the nyjer seed or thistle. The cardinal-cherished black oil sunflower is also a treat for finches. However, most finches seem to prefer hulled sunflower because their beaks aren’t strong enough to break the seed.

Once in a while, they can indulge in mixed seeds, safflower, fruit, and suet. Some experienced bird watchers also recommend planting wild sunflowers, coneflowers, and rudbeckia. These plants can double the number of finches visiting your feeder once they grow! That’s it. You can now have a charm of finches in your yard as soon as you put up the feeder. Don’t forget always to clean the feeder before the seeds become soggy.

And to sterilize the feeder if it becomes moldy as well. Its plastic tube is UV-protected and durable. It has 8 feeding ports and 2-pound seed capacity that keeps the finches busy for a while before requiring a refill. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Skip to content. Last Updated: March 18, A quality finch feeder is an essential item for every bird watcher. And the reason why isn’t so far-fetched: Finches are some of the most colorful, social, and entertaining birds indigenous to America. Droll Yankees Nyjer Tube Feeder 2. Tube Feeder 2. Sock Feeder 3. Mesh Feeder 4. Product Details 1. About The Author. Garrett Hayes Garrett is the head bird watcher and editor in chief here at BirdingHub.

His love of birds is unmatched, though his love of photography comes in at a close second! Leave a Comment Cancel Reply Your email address will not be published.


Filter by:.3 tube finch feeder free download

Mar 18,  · Here’s a rundown of the main types of finch feeders: 1. Tube Feeder. The tube finch feeder allows you to control the number of finches or birds eating at a time. It is usually a long plastic tube with a certain number of perches with feeding ports. The hole at each port is tiny, but enough to fit the small nyger seeds (the favorite seed of the. Nov 03,  · Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the NO/NO® Straight-Sided Finch Tube Feeder stands up against squirrels and other. Tube bird feeders provide many hours of bird feeding enjoyment. The long, slender tubes help keep seeds dry and offer lots of room for multiple ports, which provide plenty of space for several birds to eat at one time. Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards. A finch feeder, also known as a tube bird feeder, is designed to attract a flock of finches to your yard. Finches are small birds that exist in a variety of different colors. They feed primarily on thistle seed and are known for their beautiful chirping sounds. A finch feeder is a long, thin, tube-shaped bird feeder. Available in a number of different styles and designs, some finch feeders /5(). The eye-catching yellow baffles on this Finch Tube Feeder help retain seed along the entire length of the feeder and helps to attract both perching and clinging birds. Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the Perky-Pet Yellow Straight-Sided Finch Tube Hanging Bird Feeder stands up against squirrels and.
The eye-catching yellow baffles on this Finch Tube Feeder help retain seed along the entire length of the feeder and helps to attract both perching and clinging birds. Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the Perky-Pet Yellow Straight-Sided Finch Tube Hanging Bird Feeder stands up against squirrels and. Nov 03,  · Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the NO/NO® Straight-Sided Finch Tube Feeder stands up against squirrels and other. Tube bird feeders provide many hours of bird feeding enjoyment. The long, slender tubes help keep seeds dry and offer lots of room for multiple ports, which provide plenty of space for several birds to eat at one time. Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards. A finch feeder, also known as a tube bird feeder, is designed to attract a flock of finches to your yard. Finches are small birds that exist in a variety of different colors. They feed primarily on thistle seed and are known for their beautiful chirping sounds. A finch feeder is a long, thin, tube-shaped bird feeder. Available in a number of different styles and designs, some finch feeders /5().

Thanks for clicking. That felt good. Three-Tube Copper Nyjer Feeder. As Low As: Price: Add to Cart. Description Video Popular finch feeder with 36 feeding ports! Watch more finches feeding outside your window.

They really draw in the finches, are easy to assemble and look very colorful. Highly recommend. This feeder is great! I wore out the last one that I had purchased a number of years ago. I have a wooded property and many squirrels but this feeder keeps the food just for the birds.

Please don’t stop making them. Thank you! Wonderful feeder. I hang feeders on a 15′ tall anti-bear pole and want easy to open and fill feeders.

This one is very easy to fill. It does not allow anything larger than a Downy Woodpecker in. The open mesh bottom prevents buildup of debris and bird waste. Sadly, English Sparrows can, but they do not overwhelm the other birds. I have been using it for many weeks now, and it is clearly the best feeder of its type I have ever used in well over 20 years of bird feeding. Tube Bird Feeders. Tube bird feeders provide many hours of bird feeding enjoyment. The long, slender tubes help keep seeds dry and offer lots of room for multiple ports, which provide plenty of space for several birds to eat at one time.

Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards. Add to Cart. Types of Bird Houses – Are you looking to provide a more permanent home for your feathered friends? Bird houses are a great way to do that! Apart from that, the feeder could certainly use some improvements, mainly in its color and the addition of shade on top. The last one on the list is this shorty finch feeder from Perky-Pet. As a screen feeder, it can provide you with a lot of entertainment, especially when finches start flocking in your yard.

Second, its mesh wire design makes sure that finches can have a large area to cling on. They can even eat upside down if they prefer! Lastly, I really like how the tray at the bottom is positioned. I really like this feature since most of the finches I observed tend to have their seeds fell out.

The tray, however, makes sure that the seeds will remain on the feeder. It also means a feeder should be able to attract not only one kind of finches but as many as possible. To have all these, Stokes Select Feeder is your best bet.

It has a very simple design similar to a soda bottle finch feeder but definitely more functional than that. Designed with a durable top and bottom bafflers, this bird feeder attracts goldfinches, house and purple finches and pink siskins among others. Smaller birds with small bills can also join in the feast. With a capacity of 1. And because it is made of wired mesh, the seeds are well protected from big birds and squirrels. Do you have more finches than you can manage?

Then you need a longer feeder. Depending on where you are, finches can come in droves so giving them enough space to enjoy their food is crucial. Not only feeding time should be fun for the birds, it should be fun for the bird watcher as well. Giving them all the chance to eat without fighting for space will surely make your bird watching experience a lot more fun as well. It is an elongated feeder with perches to provide comfort to all birds during the feeding time.

The beauty of this thistle feeder is not just its design but because the metal tops and bases are made of zinc, it will last a lifetime. Considering its relatively higher price as compared to other feeders, this is the most practical one birders can have so far.

With the droll Yankees, you can have 15 to 20 goldfinches feasting on your thistle all at once. This Yankees, measuring inch is long enough to be hanged under the trees or for a more beautiful spot, by the window.

Claiming to last a lifetime, the UV-stabilized, clear polycarbonate is sure to last for a long time, and will never discolor, making it worth every dollar. Many companies claim to create beautiful and functional feeders. But very few keep their promise.

Sometimes, even seemingly effective feeders fail for many reasons. In addition to actual functionality of the feeder, finding the best place to hang your feeder is very important. Can the finches spot it at once? I think that long feeders occupy too much space while feeders with complicated design does not look classy in the yard. At the end of the day, like many birders, you would want your feeder to add more character to the yellow, red and pink finches you so badly want to watch.

Its simple design complements all backyard aesthetic. This especially happens when birds become scarce in winter or in hot summer, when they are nesting. Bird feeding is a great hobby but it can also be demanding.

This is especially true during the spring, when they all come looking for great food. Finches are one of the easiest to attract and for many years, bird watchers have tried many ways to get them to keep on coming back for more. Traditional bird feeders are out there for keeps. The Kaytee Finch Sock Feeder Twin Pack, 26 oz has proven its worth and it is also an easier way to attract finches into your backyard. The feeder sock, designed like a mesh bag, is a great way to feed the finches over plastic feeders, as it is not too hard for the bill of the finches.

The mesh bag is perfect for golden finch and other small-billed birds. The Kaytee feeder can withstand all weather and the thistle inside does not rot easily even after exposure to the harsh elements. The tube type finch feeder has not lost its touch. The finch feeder is easy to use, easy to assemble, and can hold up to one pound of finch seeds or finch mix. With its mid-range price among the many feeders out there, this simple tube type, aluminum mesh feeder does its work without much hassle.

The finches love it as they can enjoy feasting on the thistle feeds from all side of the tube. While they are clinging to the mesh, you can also enjoy a full view of the birds-in-action. Since it is made of aluminum, it can last for a long time.

With anything yellow, the finches are surprisingly easy to attract — the brighter the yellow is, the better the result too! No wonder manufacturers like bird quest created everything using a bright yellow design, including the perches. The inch tube finch feeder has a spiral-designed perches keeping the finches steady while feeding. The design also allows more birds to feed.

While it is priced a bit more than most products, the durability, the functionality and the well crafted design of this the Bird Quest are enough reason to have this as an addition to your bird feeding hobby. Unlike traditional sock feeders, the Bird Quest Spiral Thistle is made of aluminum of stainless attached to a clear molded sees tube making it easier to monitor. The nine thistle ports are strategically placed for you to enjoy the finches sliding down from port to port.

The locking lid of the bird quest spiral thistle is also a come on. This deter squirrels, insects or other birds from coming over, messing the feeding feeder and scaring finches away. Want more feathery friends to come visit your thistle feeder? Since it is only 4 ports, finches may have to fight for space at some point.

A finch feeder , also known as a tube bird feeder , is designed to attract a flock of finches to your yard. Finches are small birds that exist in a variety of different colors. They feed primarily on thistle seed and are known for their beautiful chirping sounds.

A finch feeder is a long, thin, tube-shaped bird feeder. Available in a number of different styles and designs, some finch feeders have room for up to 18 birds on their perches and pegs. Finch feeders are available in a number of tasteful colors, from bright lemon-yellow to clear. Order a finch feeder today with our fast and easy shipping, and you’ll soon be enjoying the melody of finches frolicking in your backyard. We have been using the Rainbow finch feeders for years and find that our finches prefer them over all others.

They really draw in the finches, are easy to assemble and look very colorful. Highly recommend. This feeder is great!

I wore out the last one that I had purchased a number of years ago. I have a wooded property and many squirrels but this feeder keeps the food just for the birds. Please don’t stop making them. Thank you! Wonderful feeder. I hang feeders on a 15′ tall anti-bear pole and want easy to open and fill feeders.

This one is very easy to fill. It does not allow anything larger than a Downy Woodpecker in. The open mesh bottom prevents buildup of debris and bird waste. Sadly, English Sparrows can, but they do not overwhelm the other birds. I have been using it for many weeks now, and it is clearly the best feeder of its type I have ever used in well over 20 years of bird feeding.

Good feeder but it is not squirrel proof. Once the squirrels discover it is made from plastic, they start nibbling out chunks of it. Finally they gnawed a circle around the top of the dome where it is attached to the hook and the whole thing came crashing to the ground, shattering it to pieces.

If this were a metal feeder , it would be perfect. First, the finch love the feeder. I really like it also. The only problem I have with it is that the top fits on so tightly I can hardly get it off. The first time it took me forever and the second time the top of the plastic tube cracked because I was having so much trouble trying to turn, pull and twist it off. I did glue it. The third time was still hard. I ordered two of these and gave one to a friend and hers was fine.

We have been using the Rainbow finch feeders for years. Our finches absolutely love these feeders. The feeders areboth colorful and attractive. Although it has become increasingly difficult to find these feeders locally, we were very happy to discover that The Backyard Chirper still has these available.

Very satisfied.. I have been buying this tube feeder for years Holds enough seed to last all day and I get lots of birds. And the colored posts shine in sunlight! Sign up now to receive coupons and information exclusively for subscribers. We won’t spam you or share your e-mail address with anyone. Finch Feeder Selection. Gadjit Yellow Thistle Bird Feeder. Bird’s Choice 1 Qt. Yellow Nyjer Bird Feeder. Bird’s Choice Economy Nut Feeder. By Judy B. By Marianne M.

By Alan L. By Bruce W. By Carol S. By Kristina J. By Jan M. Join Our Mailing List Sign up now to receive coupons and information exclusively for subscribers. First Name. Last Name. Bot catcher.

The eye-catching yellow baffles on this Finch Tube Feeder help retain seed along the entire length of the feeder and helps to attract both perching and clinging birds. Without the use of plastic or wood components, the premium construction of the Perky-Pet Yellow Straight-Sided Finch Tube Hanging Bird Feeder stands up against squirrels and. A finch feeder, also known as a tube bird feeder, is designed to attract a flock of finches to your yard. Finches are small birds that exist in a variety of different colors. They feed primarily on thistle seed and are known for their beautiful chirping sounds. A finch feeder is a long, thin, tube-shaped bird feeder. Available in a number of different styles and designs, some finch feeders /5(). Mar 18,  · Here’s a rundown of the main types of finch feeders: 1. Tube Feeder. The tube finch feeder allows you to control the number of finches or birds eating at a time. It is usually a long plastic tube with a certain number of perches with feeding ports. The hole at each port is tiny, but enough to fit the small nyger seeds (the favorite seed of the.

It does not allow anything larger than a Downy Woodpecker in. The open mesh bottom prevents buildup of debris and bird waste. Sadly, English Sparrows can, but they do not overwhelm the other birds. I have been using it for many weeks now, and it is clearly the best feeder of its type I have ever used in well over 20 years of bird feeding.

Good feeder but it is not squirrel proof. Once the squirrels discover it is made from plastic, they start nibbling out chunks of it. Finally they gnawed a circle around the top of the dome where it is attached to the hook and the whole thing came crashing to the ground, shattering it to pieces. If this were a metal feeder , it would be perfect. First, the finch love the feeder. I really like it also. The only problem I have with it is that the top fits on so tightly I can hardly get it off.

The first time it took me forever and the second time the top of the plastic tube cracked because I was having so much trouble trying to turn, pull and twist it off. I did glue it. The third time was still hard. I ordered two of these and gave one to a friend and hers was fine. We have been using the Rainbow finch feeders for years. Our finches absolutely love these feeders. The feeders areboth colorful and attractive. Although it has become increasingly difficult to find these feeders locally, we were very happy to discover that The Backyard Chirper still has these available.

Very satisfied.. I have been buying this tube feeder for years Holds enough seed to last all day and I get lots of birds. And the colored posts shine in sunlight! Sign up now to receive coupons and information exclusively for subscribers. We won’t spam you or share your e-mail address with anyone. Finch Feeder Selection. Gadjit Yellow Thistle Bird Feeder. Bird’s Choice 1 Qt. Yellow Nyjer Bird Feeder. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website.

Grid List. A tube bird feeder can have many advantages when feeding the birds. They offer backyard birds multiple feeding ports for easy access to the bird seed. Want to know more about the multitudes of new visitors flocking to your yard?

Browse a few of our most popular articles about wild birds! Learn More. Tube Bird Feeders. Tube bird feeders provide many hours of bird feeding enjoyment.

The long, slender tubes help keep seeds dry and offer lots of room for multiple ports, which provide plenty of space for several birds to eat at one time. Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards.

Add to Cart. Types of Bird Houses – Are you looking to provide a more permanent home for your feathered friends? Bird houses are a great way to do that! Find out which styles of bird houses are best for different species of birds.

Simply add the code to the Add Promo Code field in your shopping cart, located under the proceed to checkout button! Offers cannot be combined, one code per order. Call Duncraft at 1. FAX 1. All Rights Reserved. Prices, specifications, and images are subject to change without notice.

Privacy Policy. Free Shipping. We Know Birds Questions about birds? Or maybe something about your order? Ask our friendly experts. Call Weekdays ampm Eastern. View Cart 0 Items. Thanks for clicking.

That felt good. Three-Tube Copper Nyjer Feeder. As Low As: Price: Add to Cart. Description Video Popular finch feeder with 36 feeding ports! Watch more finches feeding outside your window. Includes three 2 inch diameter clear plastic seed tubes. Easy viewing of the seed levels. Removable caps and perches for easy cleaning. Finished in copper metal. Holds 3 lbs. Login to Write A Review. Welcome to the Finch Village Condos! So are the finches! No downside yet – at night I notice mice try to get to it but fall off the perch – also the holes might be too smalll for the mice to eat the nyjer.

Order a finch feeder today with our fast and easy shipping, and you’ll soon be enjoying the melody of finches frolicking in your backyard. We have been using the Rainbow finch feeders for years and find that our finches prefer them over all others. They really draw in the finches, are easy to assemble and look very colorful.

Highly recommend. This feeder is great! I wore out the last one that I had purchased a number of years ago. I have a wooded property and many squirrels but this feeder keeps the food just for the birds. Please don’t stop making them. Thank you! Wonderful feeder. I hang feeders on a 15′ tall anti-bear pole and want easy to open and fill feeders. This one is very easy to fill. It does not allow anything larger than a Downy Woodpecker in.

The open mesh bottom prevents buildup of debris and bird waste. Sadly, English Sparrows can, but they do not overwhelm the other birds. I have been using it for many weeks now, and it is clearly the best feeder of its type I have ever used in well over 20 years of bird feeding.

Good feeder but it is not squirrel proof. Once the squirrels discover it is made from plastic, they start nibbling out chunks of it. Finally they gnawed a circle around the top of the dome where it is attached to the hook and the whole thing came crashing to the ground, shattering it to pieces.

Browse a few of our most popular articles about wild birds! Learn More. Tube Bird Feeders. Tube bird feeders provide many hours of bird feeding enjoyment. The long, slender tubes help keep seeds dry and offer lots of room for multiple ports, which provide plenty of space for several birds to eat at one time. Because of their heavy-duty construction and easy maintenance, tube feeders make a great choice for birders with busy backyards.

Add to Cart. Types of Bird Houses – Are you looking to provide a more permanent home for your feathered friends? Bird houses are a great way to do that! Find out which styles of bird houses are best for different species of birds. It has a quaint lighthouse design, and to put a cherry on the top, solar LED lights up in its roof after dark The feeding arrangement of this feeder is unique.

It has a mesh construction that attracts clinging but also features a ladder with a foot landing around the feeder for perching birds. The mesh is only small enough for birds with small beaks like finches. Its patented Evenseed technology allows the feeder to dispense 1. Although it is only 14 inches high, it can accommodate as many as 15 birds at a time.

The only thing is, with so many birds eating simultaneously, it may require refilling more often. With the Perky Pet Solar feeder, you can get a well-built feeder that not only attracts lots of finches but also beautifies your yard.

Costing only a few bucks, it’s a good bargain for a lighthouse that would leave visitors to your home wowed. It’d almost seem disrespectful to make a list of the “best feeder” in any category without including one from Stokes Select. And with more than a thousand units sold online, their Little-Bits Feeders rightfully earns a spot on the list. It has a mesh screen that attracts all types of finches and other little birds like siskins and nuthatches. The birds can perch on the tray or cling and eat the way they like.

Furthermore, refilling and cleaning is a breeze. The wide opening of its lid makes it easy to pour seeds into the feeder with less spill and hassle. To make cleaning easy, the base can also be removed to flush clumped thistle out when it rains. Still, on rainy days, the base has drainage holes that keep most of the seeds in the feeder when there’s a downpour. But it’d have been much better if the top lid was a bit larger, so it can stop the rain from getting into the feeder instead.

So, be ready to take on that chore. This is one of the most affordable high-quality thistle feeders you can get to attract finches.

It’s built to last, easy to clean, but you may have to deal with its small size. If you really love watching finches, then you should mix up their diet with black oil sunflower to see more of their bright plumage in your yard. Finches love it. Yes, it’d attract more of other bird species, but the more the merrier, right? Besides, finches only eat the sunflower husk because their beaks aren’t strong enough to crack the sunflower shell.

So they’d need other birds, like the equally adorable cardinals, to do the heavy lifting. Just be sure you’re pairing this sunflower feeder with any type of finch feeder above for best results. Let’s watch a charm of finches flocking a feeder Can you imagine how lovely it’d look in your yard?

Getting the best finch feeder isn’t rocket science. You only need to understand these birds, their population in your area, and the standout features of a suitable finch feeder There are several types of finch feeders available from many brands which also includes a mealworm feeder and the ones mentioned above.

Choosing the best type would be based on your personal preference. The tube finch feeder allows you to control the number of finches or birds eating at a time. It is usually a long plastic tube with a certain number of perches with feeding ports. The hole at each port is tiny, but enough to fit the small nyger seeds the favorite seed of the finches.

Consequently, the number of birds feeding would be restricted to the number of perches on your tube feeder. Find one that’s close to what you want. The issue with this type of feeder is that they can be hard to clean, because clumped seeds may stick inside, especially at the bottom.

If you don’t have a cleaner or hose, you can purchase one that opens at the bottom. It is made from a sock-like mesh material, so it’s equally quite as disposable. In fact, a squirrel might tear it apart even on the first day out in the yard. Well, as long as you don’t hang it properly However, it attracts the most fiches because they can pick seeds from the hole without much hassle.

Also, you can refill the bag a couple of times before the birds tear out the holes. Most finch sacks usually have a drawstring at the top for opening and closing the sack. Some brands may prefill the sock feeders with thistle seeds. Lastly, if you’re going to use a sock feeder, make sure to throw it out as soon as it tears.

Finches can get caught up in the sock. For bird watchers that don’t mind entertaining a whole flock of birds, this type of feeder serves most number of finches simultaneously. The entire feeder, other than the roof and tray, is made of a metal mesh screen. This allows finches and other little clinging birds to eat anyhow they like on the feeder.

Depending on the size, you can feed as many as 30 birds at a time. Also, this type of feeder is easy to clean because seeds would hardly stick to the mesh. This type of feeder is typically the index of a tube feeder. It has feeding ports beneath the perches, instead of above.

This forces the finches to eat upside down, which is one of the ways they eat in the wild. Aside from the spectacle, the upside-down feeder attracts the least birds. Like human nature, they’d instead go for a less stressful way to feast. The following tips should help you make an informed purchase in your quest to find the best finch feeder for your backyard:. More often than not, I’d see birders buy cheap plastic feeders that break in less than a month.

Whether you have a harsher climate for the finches in Michigan or live further south, this is not a great idea. Here’s the first rule: don’t go for plastic feeders. Powder-coated metal feeders stand the test of time from the elements and critters. Although critters won’t be an issue anymore once they discover that you serve nyger seeds, but for some reason, they don’t like it.


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